<br />81-~~t~216'~
<br />6t1.R.y. Properties, Inc., a Delaware corporation, herein called
<br />the Grantor, for ,_~~g do Tara gnt~ o h r aond 3~_yat_„ah5e_~„_,^_ COn31dC'ratlOn,
<br />receipt of which i3 hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant and convey
<br />unto the
<br />a municipal corporation, in Hall Gaunty, Nebraska, herein called the
<br />Grantee, a permanent and perpetual easement and right-of-way to con-
<br />struct and maintain underground wiring, conduit, and other underground
<br />appurtenances, pole bases, poles, mast ar:~s, and controlling and
<br />illuminating equipment required to service and maintain the traffic
<br />:igrcals an the northerly side of Thirteenth Street right-af-way,
<br />located in Conestoga ~.a?l Third Subdivision in the Gity of Grand Island,
<br />ebraska, more particularly described as fol?ows:
<br />3eginning at a paint on the 5auth line of Cone3toga
<br />'sail :"bird Subdiv:icsn, saki point ' ying ~6l £eet East
<br />oaf the Sesuthwe5t carnet of said subdi.Tisian; thence
<br />deflec*_ing norther?y perpendicular r. c, the South line
<br />of said subdivision a distance ~~;" ten (?0) feet. thence
<br />deflecting easterly and runni.ns; parallel Co the South
<br />Tine of said :subdivision a diatanc€ of one hundred
<br />ten {ll~}~ feet; thence deflecting, southerly c?n a line
<br />perpendicular E. the S~auth line of said subdivi~=ian a
<br />distance of t:en~rl~} feet to a paint on the south line
<br />of said subdivisi.c5n, thence deflecting westerly and
<br />rur~.n:.ng t. •}~ 4t=ncA :,i «ne hs~ndred ten f,?LC?} feet on
<br />the South ? ins: of said subdi:ri.sion to the poitnt of
<br />beginninE, said tract contaiaaing approximatel~r ? ,?dd
<br />square feet, :mare <,r le4s, as 4hawn an the plat marked
<br />Exhibit "~" dated 3-11-~3?, attached hereto and incorgorat€~d
<br />herein by reference;
<br />together with the following rights:
<br />I. Grantee shall ;nave the right of ingress and egress, including
<br />all rights necessary for the fu?I and coruplete use, occupation, and
<br />enjoyment fff the easement 1~erein granted, including buC not: limited
<br />to the right to excavate, remove. and replace underground wiring,
<br />conduit, and other appurtenances for the efficient operation or a
<br />traffic signal, to remove trees, basher, hedges, undergrowth, and
<br />c~Cher obstructions inter.ferring with the efficient operation oaf a
<br />tsaff'ic signal adjacent to said Baser-gent.
<br />~. The Grantor shal.I not place :~truetures tar buildings of
<br />anu kind. whatsvar rtrithin the easet~ent conveyed by this agreement,
<br />grrovid~~ and c~one3itian~ad, that t}ardsurfscin~; of the easement areF~ i.s
<br />