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<br />~ l ..~u t~ ~ ~. 6 ~~ <br />SUBDIVISION AGRS.BMENT <br />MEADOGTLARK WEBT 2ND SUBDIVISION <br />An Addition to Ghe Cite of Grand Island, Nebraska _ -- <br />The undersigned, Robert M. Allen, hereinafter ca.Lled~the <br />Subdivider, as owner of a tract of land located in the Northeasti . <br />Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NE'~iv'E~) of Section Thirteen (i~}, <br />Township Eleven (il) North, Range Teri (10) West of the Pith g.M,, Hali' - <br />County, Nebraska, comprising all of the Meadowlark West Subdivision, <br />being more particularly described as follows: <br />3eginning at the Northeast corner of said Section <br />Thirteen {13); thence South 1321.14 feet along the <br />East Iine of said Section Thirteen {l3); thence <br />~; 89° 26' 3G`" G3 123b.~5 feet; thence N 0° Q6` OD" <br />W 1319.if1 feet to the North line of said Section Thirteen <br />(I3~; thence S 89a 3I' 4tl" E I238.8D feet to the point <br />of beginning, said tract containing 37.51 acres, mare <br />c>r less ; <br />desires to ~zave subdisfided as a sub:zivisivn the above described <br />tract .3f i.and which is located within tir.~ ccrparare limits of the <br />%itv of :rand lsi.and. tebraska, and ~rereb}~ submits to the City Council <br />z sut.. ~'t° .cr =..~ .aancc. ::ts .°r{>_,;ie1 -. _aw ar, _;ccurate reap and <br />plat of 3ucir prc:pc?sr:s+ .ubdi..ii,~n *~~ be ~rso;~:. as :•iE'ADCt~TI.~ARK WEST <br />2'`.il Stgz,i':'I:IL cier~ignu~_^~, cx,~li~,.~.v to land to be Iaid out and <br />particulars°: descritain~, the _~:;t.~, Eatreets:, and easessents belonging <br />tca such subdivision. wi~.. l~:r~ cii'~3ikn~ti'~. her rru€nbers, streets by <br />names, and tiasecsents b-t di~ien:~i~tns, ar.d proposes to cause the plat of <br />such subdivision when finally approved by the Regional planning <br />Commission and the ~:it.• Caurcil to be acknowledged by such owner, <br />certified as to accuracy of survey by a registered land survveyvr, and <br />to contain a dedication of streets tv fire use and benefit of ttze <br />public forever, and ~~: fire easements fo ti+.e use cif public utilities. <br />in consideration of the acceptance of the plat of MEADOSvZARR t~'ES't <br />2.iU SUBDIt12Slti., the Subdivider hereby consents and agrees with the <br />City of Grand lsland, Nebraska, first. 'rte ;a;il1 install or provide <zt <br />iris expense the follc;~ing i:npravements: <br />1_ Cc»ereial i3evelopr~ent. The proposed subdivision constitutes <br />a pl:uin$d unit development, pursuant tv Section 3€i- S of the t;rancf <br />~~~ <br />