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r-- <br />$1-- U(1~?15~3 MGRTGf~GE <br />THIS INDENTURE, rinds this. Z1t.~1 day of._.._April 19._$x._, by and between <br />Konneth_E._ Luschei and'Arlis M. Luscheia husband and wife, each in his and he_ ot+n <br />_ ri>zht and as spouse of the other, _ ,_ <br />of Hall _ County, Nebraska, ac mortgagor . . 8 -_ ,and Home Eedcral Savings and Loan Association of Grand Island, a twrporafion <br />organized and existing under the laws of the United States of America with its principal office and place of business at Grand Island, Nebraska, as <br />mor[gaga: <br />W ITNESSETH: That said mortgagor_ $ ___, for and in consideration of the sum of_ <br />__**Twelve Thousand Ten and No/100tha------_--------------"- DagarsiS,~~02~.OQ ~, <br />the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do ____.._.__- __ by these presents mortgage and wartant unto said indttga'~ee, ifs successors And assigns, <br />forever, all the fo8owing described real estate, situated in [hr County of _ HA 11 <br />and State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br />Lot Six (6), Block One (1), Dale Roush Second Subdiviaiona Hall Cotmtya <br />Nebraska. <br />Together w-¢h all healing, nu conditioning. lightinK, and plumbing equipment amd f!.xturrs.:ncluriinK =cc.ens, awnings. storm windows and <br />doors. anti wmdaw shades or blinds. used nn or m connection with said pea{arty, whether the wens aro now located nn said property or herearter <br />placed thereon. <br />'1'O HA4 E .ANU Tl1 HOI.U 'PHF, SAME, together wrth all and singular the tenrnrent s. hrrrduamenu and nppurtennnrrs therrunta be- <br />longing or m nnywrsr appertaining, forever, and warrant the title to the same. nut rnorgngor 8 hereby rm•enant with said <br />mortgagee that they are at [hr delivery hereof. the lawful ow nerg of the premises shove conveynl and described, <br />and are sexed u(a gcx,d and Indefeasible wtecr n( mheritnnce thrrain, free and clear of all enc•umhrances, and that_S he - y will <br />warrant and defend the title therew (orever ngmnst the cl¢rms anti demands n( all persons whomsoever <br />YRQYf UEU a1.N'.4Y5, and !hs ins!rument a executer! ¢nd delivered to =rcurr the payment o(ihe Burn of _ _ _.__ _-... _ <br />_ __ i. <br />**Tvelve Thousand Ten and No/100ths------_.--_----------y}auarnia ~2_~O10,Q0 _ <br />with interest thereon, wgether with such charges and advances a+ may be due and payable to said rnortgager. under the terms and conditions <br />of the promrsson note of even date herewith sari secure[i hereby. rxrcuui !~..a:d mortgagar _g. to said mortgagee, payable as expressed <br />N surd note, and to secure the performener of all the urnis and condnions aartamral therein. 4'he terms of said note are hereby incorporated <br />herein by this reference. <br />It is the inwnUOn and agreement of the panics herew that this mortgage shalt also ae[:ure any future advances made to said mortgagor..-¢ <br />by said mortgagee, and any and all indebtedness m addition tr, the unn,unt etwvr ntaird whiv6 said mortgagors, or any of Chem. may owe to <br />said mortgagee, however evidenced. whether by note, book accnu nt or of herw i>e. Phis mortgage shall rrmnin in toll force and effect between <br />the parties hereto and their heirs, perwnai represrntauvrs, weer+son and assiKns. until nII amounts secured hereunder, including future <br />advances, are paid in lei: with interest. <br />The mortgagor -A- hereby assign - w said mortgagee all rents an[t income nrv ing at any end all times from said property and <br />hereby authorize said mortgagee or its ages[. at its optwn, upon default. m take charKe of said property and collect elf rants and incomt• <br />therefrom and apply the same w [he payment of mtrrr_+t. prncipet, msurencr premmms, taxes, assessments, repairs or improvements <br />nnceasary w keep safd pmperty in tananwble txindrUOr., or to other charges or pay-menu~ provided for herein or in 4he [tote hereby secured. Thin; - <br />ren[ assignment shall continue in force until [;ic unpaid balance of smd m>tr :. belly paid 1'he taking of pcs[ssion hereunder' shall in na mesner <br />prevent ar retard said mortgagee rn the cone ~tmn nt sard sums by foreclosure or otherwise. <br />'l'ire failure of the mortgagee w assert any of its nghts hereunder at any time shall no[ t>e cdns[rued es n waiver of its right to assert the <br />same nt any later time, and w uisrsi upcm and ru(orcr strict compbnmr wuh all [he terms and provisions of said rrote an¢ of this mortgage. <br />ft said mortgagor a shall cause w be peed w said mortgagee [he emirs amount due it hnteundet, scat 3lndat the Cerros end provisio»s <br />of said oats hereby secured, including future advances. and any ezwnsiuns or renewals thereof in accadafat» with •tlte term+ end provisions <br />thereof, end if said mortgagarg .shall comply with ail the pmvrsions of said note end o[ this taurtgage, then these presents shall ba void: <br />otherwise w remain in full force and affect. and said mongagcx shall be entitlel w the passtutsian of all of said PropartY. and rosy. at its option. <br />declare the who{e of said notx sod all indebtedness represented thereby to tee immediate{y due and payabb, and-may toreeleae Chia mortgage <br />ox take any other legal action w pmtact its right. Appeal amen[ waived. <br />'PFus mortgage shalt be hindrng upon nod shall enure to the benefit of the hates, executors, administrators, successors awl assign+ of the <br />respacuve~pntties harem. - <br />IN WtTN t:SS K'}I F.REU6 said MortgaKor g ha ve hrreanen set theix.. hand .l_.the day and year-:resat shave <br />wTittrn -~ - - <br />t <br />~~~ <br />