<br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. T. 23.92?
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BY Tf1ESE F'RESfNTS: That IValter FCopystymsky and Irene Doris Kopystynsky, each
<br />in his and her own right and as spouse of each other,
<br />Mortgagor, whether one or trrore, rn oomiderrtion of the mm of
<br />Soil_.TYnusancl...ancL3YO114Q_ -_--_______~-_ ~_ _ __ ~____~r -~.- ----•~--- DO[1.ARS
<br />!c»ned to said mor[pAgor by The F,yuitabte Building and l.uan Association of Grand Island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon _ ~ 100 aharea of erode of
<br />said A.S,SI'X'IATiON, Certificate No. }, 23,927 , do hereby grant, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the following
<br />descritxd real estate, situated in IFaII ('Wanly, Nebraska:
<br />Lots Ninety~ne (91) and Ninety-two (92) in 73elmont Addition to the City of Grand Island,
<br />rIall County, Nebraska
<br />together wnh a}1 the tener:.ents, herednantents and appurtenances rherrun[o helnngsng, including attached floor coverings, all window screens,
<br />window shades, blinds, storm windows, awnings, heaung, au cundttaumng, and plmnbing and water eyuipment and accessories thereW,pumps, stoves,
<br />refrigerators, and other fixtures and eyuiprnrnt haw u; hereaf to attacited to o: aseu in conrec[wn wnh said real estate.
<br />And whereas the card nxrrtgagor has agreed and does hcrchy agree that the mortgagor shall and will pay all taxes and assessments levied or
<br />assesxd upon card premises erred upon this mortgage and ;he bonei xcureJ [hcrchy hefixe the same shall become delinquent; to furnish approved
<br />insuranax upon the hwidings on sa+d premises ntuatedm the sum of S 10 ~~~,~p payable to said ASSOCIATION artd to deliver to said
<br />ASSO('IA"fIOV the policies iitr card insurance: and nut to conunn Wr F=eral{ any waste un o: abWUt said premises;
<br />In case ul Jef ault m the pertarmarrcr ref any ~t rfm ;rents and a,nJiuurs uF ttus nurr,gagc ut the bond secured hereby, the mortgagee shah,
<br />on demmrd, ere enwled to mnnediate Fwssssrun „t the nx rngagrJ prrmrse> nnJ the r ,,n tgagur hereby assrgrts, transfers and sets over to the
<br />mongagee x{I ;hr rents, revenues anJ ^xomr ;c: be drrivrJ tram the nua:.p.°,ged prrmixs~J urmg such Irmr as the mortgage indebiedrtess shall rr, ,ii,
<br />unpaid; and the nmrigagee shall bare the Fxrwer rn eppannt any egent ur aRv'ms !i may desuc Ibr (he purpose of repa6ing said p2mises and itnting
<br />the same and ,xt}lecting the rents, revrmrrs and u¢urnr, and d may pay ,sot ~rt vrd marine all expenses of repairing said premises and necessary
<br />wmraisswns and expenses n:cuueJ m rnurng :end nwnagutg ihr vn+r artd ~.,i coilecuug rentals t}mrefrom: the balance rerrmining, if any, to be
<br />applied toward ttx ilts+:harge ut urd rtrrnragr eadeha•Jnes,, ibex- ngiris of :ire rnurt},iF;re rsay tx raer=_•rsrd at any tithe during the existence of such
<br />default, urespecuve u( any irmpaary waver of the urue
<br />"1'hesr presents, huwrve+, are open for t'undmnn, I hat d the card ntartgegor shat! repay n:tiJ loan on ur before the matwity uF s.:id shares by
<br />payment. pay nvrnthly a, •ard ASStX7ATtON ~=t the win speuhrd m :he fi,m,i ~cmeJ hereby as interest and principal on s-tid Ivan, on or before
<br />the TwenUelh day ul racli nnJ even nwmh. aril ~! mad !,inn :: ! u}:y peed. pay a!I :axe> anJ assessments leveed against said premises and on [his Mortgage
<br />end cite Bond ucureJ thereby, tx;torc deluryuenay, n.rtrnh appunuJ mswanee uFxar tSe buddmgs thereon m the sum of S 7Or000~Op payable
<br />to said ASSCiCIA'f10N. repay n, sail ASStK'4ATION uFxur demanJ ati n,oreey by a peer tbt such taxes, aascisrrrcnts and inswance with int'.rest at
<br />the rr'axrmwn irgai rate thereon arum Jerre of pay niem all ut which Mar tgagur hereby aGreez w pay; permit nu waste on said premises; keep and comply
<br />with ail ttte ageecmeuts:wl cWndnxms of !hr &ntJ fm SlO ~~Q QpQ thu dsy giver. by the mid Mortgagor to said ASSOCIATION, and wmpiy
<br />with all the rryuucnaents of nc~ Consta utxx: and Fiy-Laws o~ said ZSSO(a.A-fIUN. there rhea presents shall become null and void, otherwise they
<br />shall remain rn tLll twice and may !~ Gurrdox•J at the option ui the said ASSGCIA7IUN after failure far t#tree months to make any of slid
<br />payments ur tx three niuni hs m arrears ,n maksng sa+d nwntt:Fy pay mints, or to keep and cmnply with the agreements and conditions of said Bond;
<br />and Mortgagor agrees w have :, ;ecrrear appornteJ limhwrth m such furectosurc proceedings.
<br />ll there rs any change m owrurshtp of the real estate mortgaged herein, by sale or otherwise, then the entire remaining indebtednettx hereby
<br />secured shalt, .t the optxm of 1 he l~ywtabie Buitdtng aad Loan Association oC (;rand tsland, Nebraska, become imnxdutely due and payable without
<br />(wither notice, and ttre anx,wtt remaining due under said bond, and any other bond for any additional advances made thereunder, shah, from the
<br />date of exerasc nt said npian, bear mtnrest at the maxunum legal rate, and this rxxigage may then be foreclosed to satisfy the amotmt due on said
<br />bond, and any other [wind !ur addniunat adwnces, urgether with a!1 sums paid by said The Equitable Building artd Loan Association of Grand island,
<br />Nebraska fur msurana, taxes aril assessnunts, and abs[ractmg exteusior: charges, with interest thereon, from date of payment at the rtYXitnum
<br />legal rate.
<br />As provided m the tkanil secured hereby, wttrlr this mortgage remains in effect the tttortgagee may hereafter advance additanal stems to the
<br />nukrrs W( sod &tnd, then aswgr+s ur su,:c:csxrn nt interest, whrch sums shall be within the secwity of this mortgage the saute as the funds originally
<br />secwcd thereby, the total arrxsurt ref prrnupal debt nut to exceed at any time ttre original amount of this ltwrtgage.
<br />faced this ,(~2~t11 day ref April A. D., [9 $1 ;
<br />___-af~~~_,fSf -_. .__._
<br />ITE'3te D~ri$ Itopystyris - r i~
<br />S7ATf•: Ot NEBRASKA, ~ n. ()n [lies 2$th ~!' of April 19_., 81 ,b~Fion-[Derr
<br />CO(iN"fY QF FIAI.I.
<br />Halter Kapystynaky a(xi Iren~t Doris Kapyst LneartderRerwd'aNouryre~licinaadtur.wkGnm~y,*c~iaa
<br />of each otltEx, Y~Y, ~~ .rt his aixl her'c~ r~,ald 8
<br />wlw - pitwit~a
<br />me to be ttu tdcntrcai perrru g whose «anu S care affixed to the abore intlr t g raid >
<br />aa*astwk d the rax3 mstrunu-rtt Pu be '~
<br />~' their sulunlary act anti deed, _~
<br />WITNI,S,S my Iran) a:w Ntrta; ul Seai r#re dste aturc-- f i '`
<br />r
<br />i•M.IY al ~ ** ~'~ NUtata'A~~V..~V.
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