<br />gl--Or121 ~~ M4RT~AGE
<br />This mortgage made and entered into this _~th __ day of _,_ April ,
<br />19_.&l._-. by and between Earl J. Hardy and Linda R. Hardy, Husband and Wife
<br />Joint Tenants with Rights of Survivorship
<br />(hereinafter referred to as mortgagor) and Commercial National Bank and Trust Company
<br />(hereinafter referred to as
<br />mortgagee), who maintains an office and place of business at aa_a w. Third street in Grand Island,
<br />Hall County, letebraska.
<br />WITNESSETH, that for the consideration hereinafter stated, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the mortgagor
<br />does hereby mortgage, sell, grant, assign, and convey unto the mortgagee, its successors and' asssgns, all of the fol-
<br />lowing described property situated and txing in the County of Hall.
<br />State of Nebraska.
<br />Lot love 1~), Nottingham estates Subdivision, in the City of Grand
<br />island, Nebraska
<br />together with all the tenements and appurtenances thereto belonging, alt the ants, issues and profits thereof, and all
<br />easements, rights, royalties, mineral, oil and gas rights and profits, water, water rights, and water stock, and including
<br />all heating, plumbing, refrigeration, lighting, equipment and ail fixtures of every description belonging to the
<br />mortgagor new or hereafter attached thereto or used in connrctiot, with the premises herein described and in addition
<br />thereto the following described properties which are and shall he deemed [o be fixtures and a part of the realty, and
<br />are a portion of the security for the indebtedness herein stated. tlf none, state "none") None
<br />To have and zo hold the same unto the Mortgagee, as herein provided:
<br />The mortgagor is lawfully seized and possessed of and has the right to sets and convey said property; that the
<br />same is free from all encumbrances except as hereinabore recited; and that Mortgagor covenants to warrant and
<br />defend the title aforesaid therero and every part thereof against the claims of all persons whotrtscever,
<br />This instrument is given ro secure the payment of a promissory note doted _ppr, ~ ~a. 7 9tii
<br />in the principal sum of 5. 47.000. 00 signet by Earl J. Hardy and Linda R. -Hardy
<br />in behalf of themselves
<br />else, as such note or notes may from time to time be modified, renewed or extended in wrifing.
<br />to the went the title to said real estate is transferred, or contracted to be transferted, from the uttdersigned for. any
<br />reason err by any method whatsoever, the entire principal sum and accrued. [rtterest shall at otter boconte due ahd,
<br />payable at the election of the holder hereof. Failure to exercise this option blcayss oflraasfer of title as..abo~e stated
<br />in one instance shall not constitute a waiver of the right to txMCise the saute in the event of any subsequent tan8fsr.
<br />1. The mortgagor covenants end agrees as follows:
<br />a. Te promptly pay the indebtedness evidenced by said promissory note at the-tunes and. in tttE'tfitittrwtr
<br />therein provided. ~}
<br />b. Ta pay all tars, assessmems. water rates, and other governmental or municipal. charges, firuef, er
<br />impasitians, fer which provision has not been made hereinbefore, and will promptly deliver the official !>~iplri; ::. ~~:-'.
<br />thcre!'ar to the said ntortgagcc.
<br />c.'Ta pay +uch rxpenses and tree trs may he incurred in the protection and maintenance oP said praplC4y,
<br />tnctud[ntt tttc fees of env attarrey rmplayed by the mortgagre for the colleclian of any nr alt of the intlebtodtfa~s ""r' '
<br />hereby tir~•ureJ, ur fc*tecl~suer h~~ n;zrttgag.ee'++alr, u~ court prr~;~.itng.. or nt ens- other Iitigatian or. tN'cx'r3din{...
<br />.xf t~'.,t€tr,~ =Jre. ter t~t?Cfs~ - - - - -~.
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