<br />81 -. til[~21~4
<br />This mortgage made and entered into this __2.$th .._ _ day of _...._.__ Aril _________._.~_._._,
<br />l4__ 81__, bt and between Earl J. Hardy and Linda R. Hardy, Husband and Wife,
<br />Joint. Tenants with Rights of Survivorship
<br />(hereinafter referred to as mortgagor) and Commercial National Hank and Trust Company
<br />(hereinafter referred to as
<br />mortgageel. who maintains an office and place of business at ._ Y24 W. Third `__ steer? in Grand Island,
<br />Hail County, Nebraska.
<br />wtrraeSSerH, that far the consideration hereinafter stated, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the mortgagor
<br />does hereby mortgage, sell, grant, assign, and convey unto the mortgagee, its successors and assigns, all of the fol-
<br />Inwing described property situated and being in the County of Hall
<br />State of Nebraska.
<br />:.ot Sixtr-en (16), Dlottingham Estates Subdivision, in -he City
<br />of •~rartd Island, :v2braska
<br />together with a[I the tenements anti :tppurteranieti thereto ~iongrrg, st31 ;he rents, tsvtes and profits thereof, and alt
<br />easetnenta, rights, royalties, mtaaerai, oil and gas rtuhts artd ,trouts. water. ~.vater nghta, and water stock, and including
<br />all hcaung, phantbmg, tetngeration, fighting, c~lt::pn.ent ,zad ;ii 'eei::r.~ o, c~rty drscriptior. belonging to the
<br />mortgagor rtow oa hereafter auacticd [hereto c,r owed ~n .rr:uecit,tr: °n itYa the ptcnsre.. hereto described and in addition
<br />thereto the ioiiawutg de.utbed propenie, wivih ,rte and „~,t.,-~c leetncd :c hr risture. and a par[ cN the realty, and
<br />are a ponion of the >ecuniv for the utdebtrdne., herein .tatr~l ~ It nurtr, ~tatr "none"! None
<br />To have and to hold the wane unto tare Yfortgagce, as hereto t~toz:deu
<br />The mottgagar is lawtuliy ~c^u.ed and posae.~sed of and has the right to sell and convey vaid property: [hat tl:_
<br />carne is free from alt em:wnbrancrs «cept as t;erranahutc rrcned; and that ~lortgagur covenant, ti> warrant and
<br />derend the tide trforeaatd thereto and every Hart tircreot ag,arnx she ,lot=u> of aU person- Nhomsuever.
<br />in the pnn pa~.urnis gir°rn tU r ore the payment •ri s prr7musort rote dated . __~ril ~~ 1981_ _
<br />of 3___15,-dd~..i1tL _ ,tgned by i^:arl J. Hardy anti ?.inda iz. hardy
<br />-- ._
<br />m behalf of _ ._____ ~t}e>_tnseavzs
<br />also, as such note or notes may from time to tame he modified, renewed or extended in writing.
<br />In the event the title to ;aad real estate is tran.,ferred, or :ontracted ro be transi`erred, from the undertgned fur any
<br />reason or by any methtxi whatsoever, the entire prancipal cunt and accrued interest Thal: at once be~onte due and
<br />payable at the eltttion of the holder trereoi. failure to exercise this option because of transfer of title as above ,,rated
<br />in one anstance shall not constuate a waierr of the right to exercise the same to the event of any sub~yuent transfer.
<br />1. The mortgagor evvenants and agrees as lollows:
<br />a, To promptly pat the tndebtednrs> evidenced by sold promassory note at th+: ttmcs and m the manner
<br />therein provided.
<br />h, Tc~a pug ail =axes. assevsmrnts, water rati+. and srthrr gr~3errntental ~ , ~zrunietpai ;ha:gr,. tin... .,,
<br />tmpt~snx>ns, for wittCh prix+,sicru ha~4 not been made hereinbeiorr, and wtli i,rEerip„a ~ieitv<:r s';c ~titlt:tat ±~,;;i~:.
<br />!)arrr^aar tv ?h€ ea:d utnrt~,at2ce.
<br />t:T tlafi - `i ti c'atlCif~-s .i i8tii ~iCds ,i+ RYdi t'e itAllr:td 3G' itie t,t= ctiiln!! +laf ='aa -sCAdr~<. -.i ht ,j0't _t,
<br />;re4iudml: the fr+:~ ~,tl anti atturctea rtnysi,na~ti! t+s a#r4 r~tnrt~rag~~_e ,s ,tc~ =.t,letno[: ~- _r_, , .e3 ; ~hc t=r~k`[ca,.u.=
<br />''~;€a , .-t:co, .. ,ai _.. , .s airs - ~ ,.. ~ ~ _ -~ ~ .., ~ ,:. -. _ ... -
<br />