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#7 _. ~--,---'y'am 4ih4rc.~-.afag.::3~i+_.W~:w:~ - __. .' ~'; :~~c~r~' " <br />7 /~ ~y ••}y ~ <br />Date,_ 3/'1''87- ~1--•• UO~Vc7t7 r ~~f <br />g fit: <br />t7 wLl, t~ i <br />!.~' TH6 CUL':~'TY CUL'R1' OF .____ .. ____._.__ _-________~CUUNTY, NEBRdSKA <br />iy~ ~~ <br />This is to cerl{,ry liraf there is pending in the Cuunfy Courl oJ~~~_ HALL______ _-County, ~ -~~,€~~? <br />.S'ebraska, a proeetding eniitled: ~,~ (p~. <br />r <br />LN THE .+10.TTf1R OF '"HE h:S`;AT~. Cz ~ ORG~~ W. HUI`ITER, deceased ~+ ~1~- <br />No. 3 8 -' ~ ~ __._ Uoc. 3 8 <br />which is a proceeding inuolving_ <br />of tnheritanrr far, puar~ianshi n. or tonser <br />tstnfe is inuolued, to-wit: <br />--- Paye-`~~------ <br />(probale of wilt, adminis(ration yr [stale, dtterminalion of heirs, determination <br />, in which proceeding fhe Jollowing described real <br />~alorshlp ' <br />driest Half (W~~j Lei Three ('? AlI a° ~r~t "r'our i~~? anG Part of Vacated <br />STr~et of i3lock €?' ;[ht / `~ ` , ~ ohn !J. La-~ber* Adr7i .i can, Grand Island, <br />Hall County, !'Jebrasi;a <br /> <br />~~U i <br />~~~,. <br />ip <br />T iichard 'leaver <br />~ <br />~ ~ -- <br />Countg Judye of said county <br />~ 4 <br />Z , <br />SE A <br />' <br />~ ,IQ "'1 <br />" <br />CUUNTY' <br />N..e~ <br />ysy~ <br />Clerk of the Cuunty Court <br />_ Stclton _'!~."..>r+. "1rr mru procttding m tht rounfg courl uu:ok+iny (I i the prubole uJ wi((s ureter the pruutsions of f'hapltr 30, arlide <br />2. ±?I !ht administraliarr of ealatcs undrr tht proeisions of t:hapltr 3i1, arhrlr .7, iii the detrnnireulinn of hei; s under fhe ptouisions of <br />Char,ttr ,?0, arlide !7, (qj fhe ddtrrrrinotion o1 inhtritan t'r taz undrr Iht precisions of Chaplrr ; i, arfidt 2Q (.?) pttardianships <br />under the prnuisians r~/ C'hapler 38, artlclr 1..^. 3, or •!, ur !G) runservntorshi/~s undrr the trot+isiuns of C_.'haplrr .78, arNrle 9, where <br />nat ratalr is anal part of I!!e asarte of the rslate or prar<ed iny, the rnvnfa Judye brjore whurr, the pruceediny is pre Jiny shall issut a <br />arty"irvte whrrh s;Mu(t 6c tt1r9 u~ath the rrttistrr v/ der~s n / Ilre huunfU in u~lrirh the rrol estate is Located u~rthlr: !rn duNs aflrr thr <br />drsrriptian u(!ht rra! txtalc rs,titrd ue the proeerdury.".,._.. . _ .............. _....... _.... <br />