'.r�_��,:�;..�.'y`(t,�y .. ' ",y'r:':)'�t'r � ' '
<br /> 1' �:�� ��,��r"; , ' . . ..
<br /> .;AI' � .. t ��� , _ � � _ . . i...,...��snr_
<br /> ,� '.kiNrRiwF•r��..,.:......,•.. .,.�... ... . ..nwe�2!.aa�•.rV.+�'#'�Yiit!A�i�';fL+.1.., ..-- - ....�. _��,.. .��'..:._r,rv..-:�r ._ ''-
<br /> .
<br /> .v�..._�wr � _._ ._.... .i'_. .. .... ._ .. . ._ ......._..._.. . .. L�.-�.
<br /> . - _ _... ._ . 9�� �0�� » _.,.
<br /> :cr{�'
<br /> ' • � 1f3. Borrower's F119ht to Roln�ta4e. If dort��vor rtteats carttiin condRtons, 9ortower shsll havo the rlpht to hav0 enforcomont of
<br /> � this 5ecurRy In�tnimant dfsc�nt{nuod at any t►me prWr to tl�e e�dktr oh (n) 6 daya (or suoh other porlod ns apPlbubW la�v mey apsolty tor
<br /> � rotnntntorn�nt) boforo onl� o} tho Property purouCtnt to nn� pov�ar of oAW oontnhad In thls Socurity Inctrument; or(b)entry ot a�udpmcnt
<br /> ontorolnp thls Sc�curity Instrurnent.Thoae oondNbne ere that 8orcowsr. (a)pays Lender all sums wh�h thon ►v�uld bo duo undsr thla 3ccurity
<br /> - w .�_.- ' -_ ----'---•. . . _. .._._ w .,n a. n n amantn• o oa 8 lill 67c9Cn800
<br /> ._.. .. -. _ �R6r13f i�'ii Siiv Zhv �ww =idv ��v auuaRnrtron OGGURBO� (llj (:U�tti v�y uoiuUn ui uitf Ot�v C0.RJ:t �f ,.QfQ_ . � ( � . y
<br /> , inaurred h antorafnp thb Security Inetrument, haludinp,but nct Ilmited to, reasonebie attomeye' (eao; and (d) tnke� euch aotlon ea Lendor
<br /> � mAy reasonably requke to as3ure lhnt the Ifen o1 tlils Sacurity Instrum&nt, Londere riphto In the Property and Bonowers oblhatlan to pay
<br /> � . the eume sacund by thb Seaurriy Inetrument sh�ll aonthw unohenped. Upon ratnatatemant by Borrower, thl� 3ocurky lnetrum�nt and lhe
<br /> • ohi!�:ltlon7 seoured hereby ehflll reme{n fully eHeolNe as H no ricCeleretlon had oCCUrted. However, thls right to relnatate ohall n�t Appy M
<br /> ,,, ;;.�� the caie of accalerallon under parapraph 17. <
<br /> " ��"�' -' '" 19. Sale of Note; ChtlI1�0 of Loe�n Servlo�r. Thi NOtO o► B partlal Interest h lhe Note (tOpether wRh thl3 Security
<br /> .`���� Instrumont) may bo eoid one or more tknes wkhout prbr notk:e to Barrower. A sale may resuR h e chsnye h the endty (known ae the
<br /> �.. "Lonn Serv�er")that colleate monthy paymcmte due under the Note and titils Socurfty Inatrumen� There also msy ba one or mon oh�nqe�
<br /> ,: � o} tha I.�an Servber unrelated to a sale of tho Note. If there ts�ahanpe ot tho Lann Serv�er, Bortower wm bo glvon wrkten nqtlCS ol the
<br /> � '� r ohenQo h ooaordance wfth parapraph 14 above and appl�abla Iew. The notke will stato tho name and address of tho new Loan �arvber
<br /> � 1� end th9 oddress ta whbh peyments should be nwda. Tho not�e wIA also contain any other Infom�apnn requlred by eppl�able law.
<br /> � � 20. He..erdous Subslnncea. 9o�oww ohnli not c�use or permk the presenr,e, use, disposal, storepe, or relea�o of �ny �;'
<br /> , , Ha�ardoua Subst�ncos on or In the Property. Bortowar sholi not do, nor albw anyone else to do,anything attectlnp the Property that Is h �.,-
<br /> vlolatlon of any Hnv4onmentel Lew. Tho procedinp two 8entence9 ehall not appN 4o the prasenCe,uae, or aiorage on the Property o}email ��;,•
<br /> �� �'"•�' quantftles of Hezardoue Substances that are penerelry reaopnlzed to k� approprlato to r+ortnal residential usea and to maintenance of the �+_
<br />'F:.;.i .�.�
<br /> 'c ,�.�.. ':;t , ProPe►►Y• _
<br /> �� • "' •� Borrower sheil prompty yhre Lendet wrktan notico 01' any Inveatfp�tbn, oMtYr►, dwnand,lewsuk or other notinn by any pov�.mm�ntal or _
<br /> `t � �' ' reputalory aponoy or prNato Farty hvoMhp tho Propwty a.nd any H9rardaut Substanco or Envlronmantal Lnw of whbh Borrflwe►h4s aotuat _
<br /> _��.. •.
<br /> ' knowled�e. If 8onewer leama, or Is notffled by any pavemmental or roputatory authority, that any removal or other ramadiatbn ot any =__
<br /> ��k, ,,�l 1lszardaua Substance nfhathp the Propa�ty Is necessery, Borrower ehaN prompty take �A nece3sary remodinl actiona in acoord�nce wlth --_
<br />�����.,:'�'_r
<br /> _.. a Fnvknnmpntel Ww.
<br /> �' •' AS ueed In this p8rflpreph 20, 'HazBrdous SLbBtsriCe3' ere those b4b8�t1C6S deflned a8 toxb or hersrdGUS suhstrnces i�y _.
<br /> ����. �r HnvYOnmental Law and th� tolbwhp wbIIt�nces: psaolhe, keroasna, othK f@mrnebM or toxb petroleum products, toxb peatbldo� and
<br /> -�'.;�%`•i'��: herbbkW�, votat�e soNante, matwlaH oontahhp asbestos or formatdohyd�, �nd ndbaotNa rtuter4ts. Aa used h this perapreph 20,
<br /> -� "f'�'�� "Envkonrtwntd Law" moane tederal lawe and lawa of tho Jurlsdbtton where the Propaty Is boated that relate to he�lth, esrory or
<br /> LL���Y`�' • envlronmantal protoctlon.
<br />-::_:�;4T+� ,'.
<br />-.:yf;�,Pj�� NON•UNiFORM CQVENANTS. Borrower end Lender furtha cownant and�prpa as(olbwa:
<br /> s=.�o.;� �y �eawl�r�tlnna Remedtes. Le�nder shall give notice to Bo�rowar prior to acaeleretlon bllowinp
<br /> - �`'� '�`"� Borrower's bre�cli oi any covenent or ngrmement In thb 9ecurity insUument (but not prior to
<br /> --�r:;�;•,:
<br />-- �� `��,' accelar6tlon undet para8rnph 17 unloas applicable tew provides otherwise). The notice shall epec[ry: (a)
<br /> _�"�;�.•'�y,
<br />__��..,��� the default; (b) ths eotlan requlred t� ouro the deteult; (c) e dete� not lea than 30 deya �om the date ths
<br /> - -- noties Is �iven to Bor�ower, by whlah the detault nnuat be cured; and (d)tha�t feilure to cure t he de f au i t o n
<br /> -=—=— or betore the date apeoifled In the noUce m�y reeuft In acceleraUon oi the aums seoureci by thle Seourity
<br /> - --�---- Instrument end asie of the Property. The notice sheli further inbrm �orrower of the rlpht to reinst�te �fter
<br /> _- _ ac�eleretion ansl the rlqht to brinp a aourt acUon to sa�rt the �ron-�xi�tencs of a deHutt or any oth�r
<br /> --_--- �� detense af eo��owrer to acceteretlon end eele. lf ths default li not cured on or bsbre the date �pecltled In
<br /> - the noUce, Lender st Its opUon msy raqutrm immedlate payment In tull oi ell aums secured by thla Secu�iry
<br /> = Inahument wNhout turthar demertd and msy invoke 4h� poxeer of sele and eny ather remedlei permitted
<br /> by eppHcebie iew. Lencier sheil be enUtled to aollect ell expense� incurrad In pur�uln� the remedlea
<br /> �.- provi�ded Ire thia parag�aph 21� Irteludin�� but not Ilmtted to� reaeonabls etteunaya' tae� end c�sU nf t(tle
<br /> evidence.
<br /> If the power of ale Is invoked. Trustee �hell record � nottae of detault In eeoh counry In whlch eny
<br /> - pKt Qf the Property I� located �nd ehall m:q coples of aueh notics In the manner prescrlbed by eppllc�ble
<br /> - Isw 4a Bonower and W the oth�r persons prescribed t�y �ppltc�ble law. After the tl�n� �equired by
<br /> ---- � �ppllceble law� Trustee shall plve public notice of �ale to the per�on� �nd In the menroer praserihed by
<br /> ___ - �ppllc�bts I�w. Trunae� wittwut demand on 8orrowsr� �hell sell the Property a3 publlc auaElon to the
<br /> - hlpheat bldde� et the tlme end plaae and under the tarma �eN�n�te� In the not�ce at aate In one or more
<br /> W�_ parcele �nd In any orcter Trustee determinee. �'rustes m�y ponpone �ele of ell or eny percel of the
<br /> = Properiy by pub0lc announaement st the tirne and pleee of eny prevloe�aly schesluled rato. Lende� or Ite
<br /> -- ° deslgnee mey purchese the Property at�ny a�le.
<br /> � Upan rece]pt of Payment of tho prlca bld� Trustee ehall deliver to the purchsaer Tru�tee'� de�d
<br /> conveylnq the Propeny. The rec(tsle in tha Tru�tee'� doed shell be prima tecle eeriden�e of t��e truth of
<br /> `° the ata3ement+! m�dw thereln. T�uatee ahall epnly the proceeds of tha sate ir� the follawina order: (e) to all
<br /> - - - ae�t� end experosea of exerotsinp the pawer o! sale� end the eale, Inciadlnq the peyment a4 the T�uatee'a
<br /> _,..,� teea actuslly Ineurred� nct to exaeed 3 96 of th. oNnclnai nmount of the note et the time of
<br /> - ------- - the decleration o! det�ult, and reasoneble e�ttorney'a tees ai permltted by lew; (b) to elt wms seoured by
<br /> - --`'`� this Securlty I��trument; end (c) an� axaeas to the pereon or p�rson�leqaity entitled to I� -
<br /> —�`� 22. Re�onveyenee. Upan paym�'it of eA sums aecu»d by this 3ecurity InsWment, I.endor ehaU requeat Trunteo to recnnvey the _
<br /> u�1�,I)�� _
<br /> -,:r';,•,:•.., Rroperty and 9hItA surcender Mis SeCUrkj �netrument and aU nofoa widsnehp dobt soaured by thle Eeourity Inatrument to 7rustee. Tastee
<br /> "`:'r' ahell reconwy thB PropeRy wkhout warranty and wkhout Charpe to tho poreon or poroona fepaly entRted to R.�uoh paeon or peroone shell
<br /> "°�`m`�;i;� pay�ny reoordatbn coits. _
<br /> :-.:: ~'=�`- � 23. SubaUtute Truatae. Lendar, et ks uptbn. may irom tYna to tYrw remove Trustae and eppont a euccessor crueiee io nny
<br /> �,��„ -
<br /> --�� '; `�- Truotoo sppohted henunder by en hstrumsnt racordad tn th� county In whbh thls Securfty InsWment ks reoordod. Wkhput oonvoyanco at
<br /> -��.��=���';�• the property,succssaor Watee ehaH aucceed to aq th�tkM,Row�r�nd dutf�a conferred upon Truatas hereh and by appibebls lew. _
<br /> ';�',.:,;s.•;c .,, -
<br /> :;,-�� .;_ 24. Requeat br NOtICee. eorroww roqu0ars th�t aapNs ot tha nol�ss ot detauk and seN► be sent to Bo�rowere eddresa wh�h _
<br /> ° ��;:.. ,.. Is tho Prop�rty Addr�ss. -
<br /> _:T•�k .�,��..� :.
<br /> �" ' �....r• io. Rider� fu fiilo &e�urity �rs���n�+�a o on�or moro rld�rt ara vxocuted by Botrowor and recordod topether wfth thls _
<br /> �.�:y : . .••c
<br /> ___ „�,;..; 3ecurlty InsWmenl, the conenflntn nnd dpreerr�ents of each suah ridor shap bo hcorporeted hto end ehall nmend end euppiement thu
<br /> '�• �� �"'r� c4venenls nnd apreoments at tflts St�curRy InsWment ns H thd rlder(s)were a part of lhls SeCUrky lnetrument.
<br /> .:'L�.,�,.;I.�'� ' Form a07e Woo �
<br /> ''.t✓.'_,4..���v+-
<br /> __��.�,.,,W'z' ��� Ct00o.LMU(4/Qti) Ply�4 of 6 =
<br /> -R+�Lf'n�--y:
<br /> ,'�i':" ..
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<br /> S�7 :
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