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<br /> � (�.e .. �, ..�(tmi`_fl":�.
<br /> • .t M.♦ ..f"�,l'wT..I . . .. . .. 4��± E� .
<br /> .. 7:iY3Y t..:.��.. .. .. . . ' . '.i..'t�.�'�I`.:.A' {IIl -_ —�_
<br /> t fy���}y,���♦+e1' r' '.�.e . _.�� ' ' ' 1 ]t..���_�,._...
<br /> 'A'!tk���� �.�*`T(�ya ����3t"' _'"'_' _
<br /> ' _ �_ _�...11._:�...�:._.__fl ----------- -- ----
<br /> �!►.w �� -� � �._..
<br /> • Lender may,a! eny t4e�o,oolkct and hqkl Fu��da In an amount noi to excoed t�a max�u�m amount� Nnder tnr e tsderaly reiatod mo:t�rtp� r�Y .
<br /> loan may requke lor Borrow�s ascrow otctounl under lh�f�ard Roal�at�t� SetlWrrwnl 1'rocoduro9 M;t of �97A ae emanded hom tYi�9 to It;�•:`:
<br /> tl�n�, 12 U.9.C. ?.GOt et ocq. (°FL�&I'A"), unk�se eno►h2r ktw ti�nt enpllas to Ihe Funds aote a losser nmounl.If eo, Lcndar mny,at�ny t'm�, �
<br /> qoGOr,t and hotd Fund• In an amounl not to oxcNU th� �oeter nmount londw may est�rriate th9 anoun! 09 fund� Gu$ on lhp b?.9�1 0� ..���
<br /> curr�nt date and reaeombN��tMn�tn of�xpw�dRunn ot Ntua Eiarow It�cne or mhwwis� In Qcrordarce wlth appl�cebb law. ��''-�
<br /> iaY �unos ftIMN UY iuiiu'ii iii �iii"eUiiui� �i11V�� $:i��.:�3:� :h:Jr:d ai=N=��`!w���aqnu; InRtn�rvuntefdy, or W�tky (hOY�dYIp l�ittdR�� N ----
<br /> L�ndw la �uoh tn htt�iutbn)or h#ny F�dM71 Huirw Lotn �tnk. L«�d�r eAall epp9y tho Fund�to pAy the Hacrow Itome. LonQir nuJy npl _-,
<br /> ohua� Bonowe lor holdhp �nd �ppyfnp th�Fundf, �nnu�Ny�n�lythp th� otcrow �coount, or wrHyhp tA� Eecrow It�m�, unbee Lendsr =.—
<br /> pnyo Rortq�rer lntere�t on the Funda flnd l�pucebN ktw p�rcnk�Laadot to mak�tu0h a ohtrpe. Nowpver,LonAer mny roquks Borrctwer tt� ,.,�L_
<br /> p�y�onrtlrrM oherps lor an IndtpMdM�l rMl�out�lax nporth0 iavfc�utW by l,�nd�t h aonn�otbn �vflh tht9 ben,unlaas app�ktebb law �
<br /> provltNs otherwls�. UnN�� �n aprMnHnt h mad� or appl��hb kw nquksa Inter�at to b� p�td, Lender ehall not ba requYncl 10 p�y =_.
<br /> H�nowe any Intueat or�aminps on th�Fund�.Borrowor�nd Undar m�y�DrM In wrRhp,howevK,lhat Intareat ehall be pald on tha Fuada.
<br /> L�ndar�h�H plw to Borcow�r,wktiout oMrQa,�n�nn�al aocounthp of th�Fund�,�howlnp crodR�and drbke to th�Funds md Ih�pvmaoa _
<br /> lor whbh �oh dibk to the Funda Nas mAdo. Th�Funda an pNdp�d u tddkbntl tecurf¢y for aA eum�secured by thla Securlty Inttrumranl. ---
<br /> II tho Funds hotd by Lender �xcwd th��mountf qartnm�d to M hNd by �ppNC�bii kw, l.�ncl�r eh�Ji �caount to Borrnwar lar th� --
<br /> •xcos�Fund4 tn�coard�na�wkh th�r�qufrMrnmt�ol�pplbabM Mw. U lhe�maunt nt t��Funda hetd by Undw at eny tlm�Is not SuNhbnt ���
<br /> to p�y the 6RCrow Itam� wh�n du�, I.�nd�► m�y to notYy Bortoww h wrMhy, Rnd, tn euoh c�sv Borrowe shacl pey to l.�ndK th�amc�v++l
<br /> nscesstry lo nu�fn up th� defbMnoy. Boarower �htM mNc� up tha deflcNnoy In na more than tweNe monthy peyn�ente, ot Undar's.��N
<br /> dtscrWlon.
<br /> Upon p�ym�nt b PuN pf eN tumf wcurAd by thM F,ecurity Inthum�nt, Lortder eh�U prompty retund to Borroww eny Funpa ir�!a3 by:
<br /> LendK. It,undK par�ilraph 21, Lmd�r th�U taquly or aM th�Rroparly,Londw,Prbr to th�aaqubklon or cat�of tho Prop�ty,sh�7 P11;�'t1�
<br /> �ny Fun�,i h�k�by La�d:r at th�tl��af ca6uhkl�n er:sls ee n medlt e�!Inet the dums sscured by thts&ocurky InahumenL
<br /> 3. APpIIQ�U0�1 Q� P�ylY1llfU. Unli�f epplksahlY aw Rmvldo� oth�rwvlto,all poymonta rocoMad by Londer undsr part�a��`aY 1 and _
<br /> 2 �h�N b��pplled: ffrst,to �ny� pr��ymmt oharp�t due undeo th� NoN; �e4ond, to emounts p�yable undw parnbrpph 2;th��1 tn YriK�st
<br /> du�;PouRA,to p�'r�anal dub;u►d I�t,to eny kta chcrpa due undw tho Note. "`
<br /> 4. �h�QI�Ei; LI@�S. 8arrowar sNpll pey oA tax�e,aaaosem�nte,eharp��,tlnes end Mnpoakbne altrbutebM ta th�Ptoperty wh�h m�y
<br /> r.ii�in prw�My uva i��w�ur°�r I��su�r„��t. assd �..'�hol� g:ym�t� et {�!o�.nd f?�t9, H nny. Hortower ahall p�y thess obll0�tbns In th�
<br /> manne provld�si In pa�pnph 2, or M not p�k1 In thrt rtunnK. Borrowe �htA pay thwm on tkrw dkeaty to tha per�on owwf ptym�nt.
<br /> BortowK �h�t� prompty fumhh to Lvndor sN not��s ol amounh to be p�ld undar thh puaproph. I} BoROww m�ka� thN� p�ymsntl
<br /> dreaiy,BorrowK dhaN prompty tumfsh to L�nd�r nalpte rvtd�ncin9 tho p�ymonts.
<br /> Bonower eheN ptompiy dlsohtrp� �ny IMn whfoh h�f prlorlty ovK tha SacurNy Inetrurtwnt unM�e Bortower.(�1�pna�h wrtlnp to th�
<br /> payrnent of tho oblfpatkn swund by th� INn h �mannir�cc�ptabw to 6on�r;(b) cont�st� In pood falth th�Ilw� by, or dsNnd��yahtt
<br /> enlorcan�nt of the INn h, {ipel prOCOW„Qf wnbh h th�t.en�r`�opinan opwii�jO(JIE1S1�1([I1�/q11VIVw��ri II!2l:3!T: II.•(C)��S�'!!^s!1
<br /> ihe hotdsr Cf the Ikn �n apreemont 6athlWOtory to i.ender eubordh�pnp th� li�n to thls 8�curlry Ieshum�G If Londe� dbtWmk�a th�t tny
<br /> part ot the Pmperty ts eub}1ct to a Ipn whfch rrMy attaM prbrky ovsr thle Securky Instrum�rrt, l�nrlor m�y G�e Bonow�a natl^e tdeqtlylnp
<br /> thc Iler1. 6arrnwer ahap o�tby lh�Ifen or talc6 on�or moro o}th�actbns set foRh[bo��wRhh 10 daya of tha pNtnp of not��.
<br /> !�. Hezu'd or Property InKtr�nce. Borrowu �MN k�op th� hiprownwntf ncw exbthp or h�ft�r rnatod on th� prop«ty
<br /> ln�untJ �pthst bts by Hn, hwMs ixluded wkhh the borm'�od�►d�d cowrW�' v►d•any othw hsnrd�, fncludir�y fbod� or Hoodfrp, fa
<br /> vrhhh I.�ndK n4uin�tnwn�nc�. ThN bour��haM W malntat�fn th��mounts and Wr th�p�rbd�th�t Undsr rpu�w. Th�insunincv
<br /> ctrtNr pr�osrtdlnp Hw Intunnee sh�M b�Chatm by 8orrower wbJ�Ct to L�ndw� �pprow� wh�h shaN not W unrwson�by wxhh�id. If
<br /> BorrowK hNs tc n►�Int�h cov�rn0� dwc►!Md �bow. L�►�da rr�!►. al Und�� Optton. cbt�In cowr�to prot�ct Unda's rfphta b th�
<br /> PtopMty H accad�nc�w11h p�d�Qrnph 7.
<br /> AN In�ur�nc�poGcil� end�w�Yw�N ohnN M+�CC�pd�bte to I.�ndM�d�hsN k►afudr��Wtderd mortp�po okua�. L�nder eh�M h�w tIH
<br /> rlght to haW tIN pOYaMt�nd nnwv�lt. if L�ndM nquVN,Aonow�r�haN promply y1w Io UndK aN ncNph of p�ld pramlumf�nd nn�wal
<br /> • notic�t. tn tho wmt of bst, �on�ow�r�haM pM�prompt nottc�to tM Inw�c�Nd Und�r. Under moy mdcA proof ol bis M not
<br /> mt0�Promptly bY BorrowK.
<br /> UnNt9 Und�r �n4 8ortow�r oth�rwkts aptM In wrRY�p� hsunnc��roo�d� �h�N b� �pp�MO tu rRStvmticn w r�pdr ot lhe PropKiY
<br /> dem�QKl, If tM mtontfon qr rep�Y N �oonombtfly hae�le �nd l�ndw� acurRy f� not Mtt�n�d. II th� rastontton or np�fr k not
<br /> economla�ry fKSbN or I.�nd�e'o a�curlty would b�Mss�d.th�baunnco Proc�df��haN b�applMd to tn�eums �cund Oy lhf� S�curky
<br /> fntGumint,wh«Is�r or not thYn du�,wRh any�xcs�ts ptkl to Bo�row�r. If 8arawsr�bendons th�PtopKty, or do�t nol anfw�r wNhh 30
<br /> d�ys a notk�kom I.�nd�r th�t th� Insur�ncy c�rtkr hu oM�nd to tsttw�akM,th�n La►d1r m�y colMct th�h�unncs proc�e. l�nd�r
<br /> mey us�tM proceW�to np�k or reetono 3he Prop�rty a to p�y sums Ncund by t�b 5�curky Instrum�nt, whMhM or not th�n dW. Th�
<br /> 3pd�Y P�rbd wM bpfn wh�n tho noHce N�g�en.
<br /> UnMss L.�ndrr and Barow�r othawlsr epr�Y fn wrRtn��eny �ppNCatton of procAed� to pnc�tpal sh�U not�xta�d or postpono ths dw
<br /> data of tTN menthty p�ymMto rMernd to be g�priWhs 1 9nd 2 a chmQ�tM tmount of th�pnymente. If under pnt8praph 21 th�Pro�»rty
<br /> {s�cqufnd by Und�r,Bartow«'�rlpht to anJ 7nfur�ncs poNcNe and proceeda nsulthg hom dan�to th�Prop�rty�prior to tho acqubhbn
<br /> ehtn pRSS to Lendv to ths�xtsnt ol th�surr►�eacurQd by thl�uacurky InaWmant inxn�dkuty prie►to the eoqutsltion.
<br /> 6. Oecup�ncy, �r�aervetlon, M�Intensr�ae and Proteatlon ot the Propsrty; Borrow+►er'M l.oan Applleetlan;
<br /> p.�8�Eh01tla. BorrowK sAsM occupy,oatebl�h,�nd uae the Prop�ty�e 6arower�princlptl ns►dmca wRnh eDRy daya�rt�r tAS oxecutbn
<br /> of thb S�curBy Inshummt�nd ehtq conttrtu`to occupy the�ropKty as Borrovr�s prMclp��r�sidsnce tor nl Iwst onv yaer aRK th�d�to of
<br /> ocCUpNacri unfae l�nd�r othsrwb���� 6�wrilin9,whbh�aona�nt ehpft mot ba unrotaon�by wkAhekJ,or unleae extenu�ttnq elroumatenas
<br /> eockt whfah 4r�e bayond Borrower�conUOi. Borrowx thaN not d�tfroy, dnmaQ�or Ynpnlr th�Property,�Itow the Propony ta d�lerlorata,or
<br /> commt Mntto on th�Propwty. Bortow� shiA b�in d�huk k�ny Io�INn�ctbn or proCMd„p,whMhK a�iH or erlmh�l,is brpun tA#t In
<br /> Und«'s yood hkb Jud�mt�2 Coutd ntuk h foitakun o1 th� Prop«ty a oth�rwks mtbr�ly W�patr th� Ifat Croatad by this S�curlty
<br /> Mstnim�nt or Undws weurky h�t. Borrow�r m�y eua eueh a drMuk�nd nlnstaN,as provlded tn pn'eanPh 1(t�OsY c�tuaMy th�aetbn
<br /> �,.w�.��.,.,,....� �u4h n„�un.�eh.r. h t.nd.ra mod takh d�tormtnation.urock,do�toAokuro of tha Dorcowers htaoat h th�
<br /> � v�.....�--�.. � v....�_ ..._. _.__.� _.� .
<br /> Prop�rty or oth�r matal�!MpatrmKit of th� ItN�orut�d by lhts Sscurity Instrum�nt a Lpnd�r's socurity tnte�st. Borcower ehafl also be In
<br /> d�huk Y B�rrower, durYip tho lan appua�tion procaas, pnvo matarhMY talse or Inalccurote {ntomulton or etatemer►t1 to Lender(or f�Ned t0
<br /> ptovid� L�nder wkh any m�terkl hfomxlion)fn conneCtbn wkh tha ban evlde�tC9d by the Note,tncludlnp,but nnt Iink�A to, represenlatbns
<br /> oonc�minp BoROwsre occupanoy of the Prope�ty ae e prhafpel roslda�cs. If thfs Securky Instrumant Is on e IG�eehold, Bortower sh�Y
<br /> compM W�h aq lho pravfsbna of th� Y�ase. If 8�rcower acquln� tas tkb to th� Rrop�ty, tha le�sohotd and the fee tRle aheW not marye _
<br /> unNs� UnMr�pnoe to th�rtwrpor fn wrttHp.
<br /> Form 902�Q/OO
<br /> F�OOf.lMO(9J%) ' PaQ�Q ot 6 �
<br /> Ztt
<br />