gl- u02078
<br />HARTFORD SAND AND GRAVEL COMPANY, a['-Nyebraska Corporation, herein called
<br />Grantor, in consideration of ~~ 1._-~ IzJf~~t,... Ate, receipk of which is
<br />hereby acknowledged, hereby grants and conveys unto the
<br />a municipal corporation in Ha11 County, Nebraska, herein called Grantee, a
<br />permanent and perpetual. easement and riKht-of-way to survey, construct, inspect,
<br />maintain, repair, replace, extend, remove, and operate thereon, overhead and
<br />underground public utilities, inciudfng but not limited to electric utility lines,
<br />telephone tines, cable t.=;. lines, and ail other appurtenances connected therewith,
<br />ia, upan, above, along, acrass, underneat;: and through a sixteen (16) foot wide tract
<br />~; land located in par*_ of "s_ot 'Rtirt•. Four (34; ct :•Iatthew`s Subdivision, an addition
<br />to N.te City of grand island, Nebraska, she 4uut::erly line thereof being more
<br />partict~lari•: described •is tallowy:
<br />Be:inniny; pit tote ~„ut(twest earner •?f said Lot Thirty Four (34); thence
<br />?~:asteri': .tl~rti: tht~ ~vut't; lice ._. .aid ..~~ 'shirty Four (34), a distance
<br />__ ts.'o 'Hundred +_i :;htv :,,ne .;nd .:ine-tenths 281.`?) feet. Said tract of
<br />land contaiaink 0.10 acre.=. afore :,r less as Shawn on the Flat dated
<br />3i13i'81, 3ariced icrhi:~lt ,, attached hereto ,and inccrparated herein
<br />bj• rnf.erence,
<br />t+,gether :~?.th r,~te (v; i:.~irrt; ritl!ty:
<br />vn,:est ric:ted irfk re~4s -snd ei;r esv :tu rc~~5s =. .:~nte,r's :arc pert~,• 'tor any purpose
<br />neLessarv in =_anne._tinn xiY, t-nr setr~-c.v, ,_=;astrurtion, irsf-ecCiop, maintenance,
<br />repair, rr~>iac:etacnt, :_:;teresi~,n, rra:vv,t', .,.:,. ,eratic=n .,f .~ucit utilities and
<br />appurtenances.
<br />Gratatea shall irav,c ..:_. Hau _=+c,:lete ~Se, .._,-upatlust and enjoyment of the
<br />ea.~;csuent a:td ri;;tti-:ri-w iv -,erein ~srar,tr.;, .,._;t.:'inf~ file ril;ht to excavate and
<br />re`iii ;iit~Hes .ut:i trc,t,nc5, ., rea;cve, ..lear, ;r.d keep >iear trees, roots, bushes,
<br />?teci~,es, under;;r.,•wth, an:i ~=tiia_r :-bstruc:tiorts lnterferiny, witi~ the surveying,
<br />:ar:struution, i;;spi.tio:,, a~:intenancr, repair, repia~ement, extension, removal,
<br />or oparatiun ct; sut',h ~tiiities. 'ie impruveasenis, structures, or buildings of any
<br />xind »~hac~sc~wv.:r, ~,--.uil. fir. _z la«ed ~ -._pon, abUVe, -tivr,h, .ac;ru:,s, :uider,teath, cr
<br />ihrouKh the easement and ri~'ttt-of-~:ay her-tin tirar.[ed. (;rantee shall not be held
<br />liable €pr the :>1 s„uh imprc±vemeats, structures, ~~,r ouildings if any are
<br />2l.acs,d ~rithin ih~ ea:~emxnt ~d .ittht°<, :.a`,',
<br />j.l1 alzciric utiiit~• 1inc:s, t€ley>iteni lines, cable t. :. lines, and at[ter
<br />zp~s:a.,"enan~-.~;~, .'unnec[n°d tltt~-rc~=.~ittt, i~la:ed fn, upon, 3yove, .Hong, .it'oss, iuxder-
<br />^La ~_~` ? x '~,uah ws;c.~ <_ 3't°mx~nt ;xtsd rigkt-r,f -a ~y :4t:a,-1 t'z•maist *hc pr,:perts ~ Y.
<br />