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MORTGAGE 81-- o O !~ O 5 Ei <br />THIS MORTGAGE. made ttds...z1...0.$ .............Ari of...~?pril....................., tv..g1..........., by...~~..~;a._+:~a..._......_._ <br />-- <br />ot.....Cfr..~:...s~,A~ ..............................County of....r.~1a.~........................._....._.........._..~nd State of Nebnska. haseafter tthtted to <br />ss "Mortgsgon," and BENEFICIAL FINANCE CO. OF NEBRASKA, a cmporatbn o[gaohed and existlag under the pew of the State of <br />Nebndta and having an office and place of badness at._~2l1:~., I7OT~h '~?72bb ~OadxGrand I9laitd=,j'j~,..~,~QQj,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_,., . <br />hereafter referred toss "Mortgagee.,. <br />WITNESSETH That the Mortgagon, in order to sewn the payment of a certain promissory note of even date hetevdth ia- We ~Actwt AmoanC <br />of Loan of $...?~~:!.S:..Y3 tageWe: whh-iatered on unpaid ptindpat bdssrces,:r of ttuproaeds-thereof-belaRhueby- <br />ackrrowbdged, hereby mortgage to the Mortgagee the folbvvhtg descdbed real estate siNated in the Cotmty of ~ ..................._.....--. <br />State of Nebraska, mote ptu1lcutady described as fotlowa: - - <br />Lot 212 in 'nest Lawn addition, in the Cit~r of C~atld Islan@, ~al.l County, <br />;Sebraska <br />SUBJF.c-'I"DD: Co~nerci4.1. Savi~,~ =nd ocr_, ~sisd O1/`94f7~, riled fl1~ ~1/~7q as <br />Locument x79-OC0~,1 is the ari~;ina.3. amowat of ~i~y~°o•79- <br />together with aB the tenemenu, hereditameau and appurtetunxs m the ssme belonghtg, aed all the estate, title dower right of homahd, <br />cLims sad detnmds whatsoever of the mortgagor of, in or to said premises or say part thereof. <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the shore described premises, wiW au the ptiv6eges and appurtenances to the said Mortgagee, in sactxssoss sad <br />assipts, forever: <br />AND the Mortgsgon do COVENANT with :he said Mortsagee. iu succeawn and assigm, that they are lawfnliy sexed in fee of the ptentnea: <br />War said prmrtiaes are fm of aB eocumbranas, except as aforesaid: that they have good right to sell and convey the same u afcresod; and that <br />they sad Wei_ heir shall and w01 forever WARRANT AND DEFEND the same to the said Mortgagee, iu sucasson and aasipes forever, against <br />We lawful claims sad demands of ai! persons. <br />The agreed ntt of charge on the aforesaid promissory note b 24% pet annum: (296 per maath) on that part of the unpaid principal balantt trot <br />is exrxss of 51,000: 1 g% per annum (i`h% per month) on that part of the unpaid principal balance exceeding S 1,000 but sot exceeding SS,000: <br />and 16%per annum {1 i/3% per month) on any remainder of such unpaid balance. <br />Oan7 We payment in full of the proatissory note evidencing the loan, sccordiag to the terms thereof, the Mortgagor hereby CO`r u:e.i.; AafD <br />AGREE: (1) To pay all tsxes and asseasotmu on the pteatiass described bettia to whomsoever levied sad aasassed: (2) To ksep We batldings <br />and imptovanenu dtuated Waeon lasured agdast lire sad other hat:atds in Bach amount a~ vviW such imunaa carrier u akaB-be aaeptabi: - <br />to the Mortgtgee: {3) To maintaiv the pram)aes subsnotiallY in as good cwulition sad repair as they are on the date hereof, sad neithe[ to. <br />commit trot to coffer any ~P or vwte thereof: and. (4)To commit no breach of say covemat herein contained. <br />PROVIDED, NEVER'RiELESS, that if Mortgagor sha0 pay the fnit amount of We loan to tJtc Mortp{ee, atxxuditg to the taints of the note, <br />sad sbaB perform aB of We terms and oonditiom of thL mortgage, the mortgage, together wiW the said p:otnbsory note, dull ewe sad be <br />void. Otherwise it shalt ttmtain in e(fxt. In the event of my default in fix p.yarem of the maatidy iestatmeau on the Sown, Mortgaysa, its stto- <br />cesson or arigt», may maintain m action at kw oz equity io recares the unpaid priac7a! of said :oaa-plus ear acensed sad ttapgd. <br />t <br />H ordy one atoztgagor be a patty :o this instrntnmt, ail plural words huein referring to Moztggon shall be eomtrued is the siagula. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Mortgagor have hereunw set their hinds sad seals oa the date above writtta: <br />r\\"`]r~ delivered by iagon - <br />mWap of: / ~ - <br />! ~ ~ ~) . <br />KY Priesw . ,~~K- <br />aa~t 3. ids <br />~m <br />wfrnw ~w,~,K.~~< <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ) ) , - <br />COUNTY OF ...................................... 1 <br />Oo ThL.. ~~5} oL...~t.: ~ ...........................: . 19.~t........ befott ma..,-••l..lvsl=°~.~*~_..... _ + ~,..,_..,,.,-aA <br />Nafgy Pebiic, duty appaitrted and qualified for sad rta>d~ in slid oouaty, patnuaily appead...~6.~L)a-..~~~ ~;....a».«cs-~z.~r <br />and.........._ ........................................................... . hk wife. to tns kaoaa to be the idssdiaal pesaoas dnct~atl iaaidadlassgps~flM i <br />sw¢i~, sad tltay serssafiy ackaowtsdged the same to bo their rotuetary att and dead. <br />1N WITNESS WHEREOF, I Have hnaato set my itaad sad affitid sssl as..._{ ~ -`"~ Sk'`^~~ ~~' txS~tAr <br />1,~:...._._._..~ ..................5........ _. ... <br />M sand county. the day sad yet Int above wcr~fttea. <br />l X%~~1G: ~~f~ ~-..'S`••"} _ NotaryPrbiicioarMforitCaggq• <br />1Wtsr os Type Xerne ajXoaery PWb)fe <br />Ndt CommNaWtt Expttt+ y.'~u::.; ~ ~~ , t 9 ~. <br />tirrr 4NE~~. qd. Apr. 't)0 <br />