<br />i
<br />REAL ESTATE MORT(iA$E aoaw FLe zoe (Rev: i-~~}
<br />April 16, 19$i
<br />Date
<br />Lynwood F. Meyer and Marian M. Meyer, husband and-wife
<br />Mortgages,
<br />
<br />i
<br />':
<br />~f Hall connty Nebraska
<br />in considera4lan~of~-.-
<br />the advance of the prtneipal sum reciLeC i^ the note hereinafter described, receipt of which 1s~selmawiedged;-hereby-
<br />mortgage and convey to
<br />THE FEDERAL LAND BANK OF OMAHA, a Corporation,
<br />of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, whose address
<br />is Farm Credit Building, Omaha, Nebraska 68100,
<br />•Mortgagee (suDJect to oil, gas, and mineral rights owned by parties Dther than Mortgagors- existing easements of
<br />record; rr_servations In United States and State patents; and the r±ghts of the public Sn all highways), thefollowing-
<br />described real estate Sn Hall Co;mtY, Nebraska
<br />SEC. TMP. R8.
<br />S'~SW~ except a tract more particularly described in
<br />Warranty Deed recorded in Sook 143, Page 443 - - - - - - - 32 12N 4 W 6th P.M.
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<br />ccrtaining ~;r.- - cge*.ner Nit, ail .:f ae r?mac Stle, aGd Sncerest
<br />+now twn?d or Dereaf±,er sc yui ,;- ~f r... .;e - , cs- _ _a -Sng •:lr °'Ld.ng:°+, Srpravemen LS, .'1xLUres,
<br />or appurisnanc As 'h,reo.. a,•, .13s.SCn, :[;~7*' ^ainage r1'Sh ts; the teaemer. r.a
<br />hareditame;:ts, ar.-" - .,.ir_:.-,ar.. . ,.,u *+,, ^++ps, ~u Lr::rlts °resin6 .'raa =afd lards; and ,.f
<br />the Mortgagors' ^SvJi!s En the ,su..:~ .~-. --_y:~_re:. `j_ "1or:cT_~gee ~e~~rlty purposes) all lessee, penal US,
<br />SScenses, ,r Privl leges, app.:r?enr:t ^.anp•~rtw,;yr,t - _ai~ ^~**. gaged ~^?a,lses, non or neresfter Sssued, Fx tended.
<br />cr renewe+.+. *.,o the rtcrtgagers .y 'i^:.-r..; 5rate,. __ ~hc _..,.te _,. '+rhicn ~.... 'bf:ve-described property Ss bxated ar
<br />any depari.me::t, !::seau, -,.. a~en::,y"_~h-r~~..
<br />This mar Lgage l.s 1•-yen .,...acu:°, ~ .,m2~~..cry :,_=.. -'- Nve_ _-_ ..... ...-_. .. -~ Dy °?or tg-agors w Mortgagee, in
<br />she Prtncipal sum ai SIXTY-THREE THOUSAND NINE HUNDREDJAND ,NO/100~c- - - - - - _ _ _ _ LuL! 4R5,
<br />ptsvaDle with lntarast aC r. a:-ni•,g c., she L~r ms ,_f ~;u -.,. the .'!*:ai rdyr.Eent being sue and p~yaDle as >he _*irst day
<br />March, 2001
<br />of ~-. =:tts __,.: ~ ~ .._ -a_ha__ __ -„~.. „ ., ~.. P~a,~n.. a: said pram ssory rote.
<br />This mor tgsge is subJ oct *_ the prol lions of r,lE- ~AfiN. ~~RS`£'s- ACT and sl'_ sets a.~nerdatory thereof er suPpiamaatsl
<br />LhereLa. TDe pra;erds of the loan secured hereby will be +.:sed for the purposes specified to the Mortgagors+ appli-
<br />catioa for said loan and authortzed ',y said act.
<br />Tho ttartgagors, and each of theca, ?,ereby wa.: acct t{iat tnay e fee twners of the :.:ortgaged real Property; that they
<br />wEll defend the title against a -laima:tts wD=~;:,scever, and that Bald property is =rree frog, ell encumbrances: that
<br />they will keep all Lhe Smprcverent.., 'Lstures, and - ur *_enaaces copied and in good repair and permit no acts of
<br />waste: and they w1=_ re2lnqu s.+: _~_ ,i~;h[s of .:e ucstePd in said premises. and covenant and agro2 with the Mortgagee,
<br />ss follows:
<br />;1? i"hat they w/_1 pqv when dun __: taxes, 'Teas. udg.>ve„ ur assessments +shSCh ,uy De lawfuilY assessed against
<br />the proparLy herein mcrtgagz:d.
<br />(2? ;tst *.hey will Snsure end Xsep ,:red ~^+ ;;irgs - ~iher isr,,reve,went:. now o.^. ,^ which .ay ?;crest ter be pissed
<br />on said pram±sas to *.he satSsfacticn ~ .he YrcrLF.agee, su T `-asu.*-ance Policy sl:ail bef-ndorse^. w!th .= a:crtgage :.Isuse
<br />wSLh Lhe loss ther~.:rder ~ De payable ate e Mcrtg~ee. A1; sums recei veC ^tay De us°',+, to pay irr reconstr;,ction
<br />of the dastr oyeu !mR ovi~aents; tf nc - - Sad .,ay. the ,L ici: ~_f the Mortgagee, be =PPIled in Payment .-._
<br />a::y SnQebte.«.ess, ,aster°., cr unmat.. t , _., _.., c,. Dy ihi., -t_ te3$e.
<br />i3) lYt ply all rents, ices, or chsrges ~,on duc• ar become - ue -under the terms each Sense, ,^ermit, license, n
<br />Privtlage oa7 the ptiDllr. da>aain which is apP;uten s.nt cr :nappurtenant to the *, rtgaged premises, which has Deea
<br />issued. ext=nded.o rerewed Dy the <,A:Sted States ar the state to wtlch the above-descrSbed property is located: and
<br />to per .forty and :,bser:•e avery art -vena.:L, .^.oadillen, ad stipulation rECe SSU:y o Xeep each of the same Yn g•;c,:
<br />standing; sad to take every nece,sary step Lc secaro t°rc r a;;e, °eaereal, rr extension sash cf the same: :.na *.c
<br />aaslgri, waive, pledge, ar erdcrse to the McrLEagx°e each -e:'mit, :icense, cr privilege if Mortgagors+ rights
<br />in SnxDlie dcmaln arr. rep;aired Dy ?".t•rLgag2c for SePgirl ty ptL gGSeg~.
<br />a}, ",'Gat i^ LSae svRnt rite Nfsrtgagew a party til ~u igatic - fee ir,;s e sz~turl ty the Sen - ~rt-
<br />g !a^'udlag alSV nit Dy tha l7tsrtgagee t_atar ^loee thSs~:sortgage~er ary s,:it i^ wl;ich Mo -~za„ee .~ay~°a visaed
<br />a 1larty 'defegdant ]n wilier! it !s obii~e.tad to pretert tts rigk is ~:rr lien, ;nrllding con-lemr,.atl ,n end Dankrupt~y
<br />prsleeerlings 'he M^rLgagFe .:,ay inC,.r expenses snd advat:oe pay*=rt for absw. ~~. .ens, at_...ey fee., iexr_pi. ~.. t:e
<br />e'at8,2t,-pragibfted Dy la..w), casts. axpRa~g^, u~d ther ~tsaraes. -
<br />~;! IRSat Stt 'tre 'W:<n - h8 Mt:rtgag4r4 .fall t.4 I%` ~ * i, due a,.y vaxek ~ e =_. -- Spy n'. a 2- se i .. - -~ i- 'J
<br />t?fliatalf;- „a trait:' ~<..._re i,^.*a_forn grvvlded, u* f_f, pfly raDis, ,ce... .asrg_es °~,d~r ~ <s~: t,ti, ,_a~:e,
<br />C`~1 t lirrrn :*I Rrl*+llege rI`t¢ag.e F F'!t! ~~' i Jr 6T1rn n~F. fiC a.. r~r 2t e-
<br />eXa'~-.S;Sea, a.::i !S.le=' y'~lr~"C° Sn ...n;< ,t 1"t`rl wi.,.a l,.igs .--.:., ..C_C,-g.@_ '#.~j .:,7}'C ,..i: -iK:t^..,. .: „-..r :'i_ .L. :'. t;4.. :...~_
<br />:~Yr e r h oL~:igat.oa. k~,,i rrg n,..1L rs1~1 rs":sr n{ , ;, +, h 1•-9^• r :o +s~ ,,.- r : .1 ^.+
<br />and Pb.e im~+±iately, r~r+,d sGail Dear intaren. fry t!!E 4ate ~xf Paym+'rrt~et t3y s~•^F .~,e ~~ ,-__+e~' .,. -.,efa,?*.
<br />Sr€ !'se Rota.
<br />