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~.~~ t~[~`°0`-~~ <br />~~~~:~ <br />- --'--- MOi21 CAf;F LOAN NO. i+- _.~a~.e~z~ <br />~ Al.-. R!€N B~ fts~sr• pi;l~se~°rs: 'trot Ricisard L. Carp~...t-ter and Carole E. Carpenter, each ixt <br />his anti her oam right and as s~ of each other, <br />tP,ortga'a..r, whaL:et ut" or sr~te, in wn~ratimr of !f+e shin of <br />'11~irty_~d and ivof100----_-m--~_~___....~~.._._rr` -----__-""------DOt.(.ARS <br />-ua®ed fo amid etfnrtg~r by `fete Fquitabk Htriklircg srrd l~san Association of (;rand tsynd, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 300 shares of taocJc of <br />sa-d ASs'fifJCiA'I9fAY, t:ertif-rate Na. L ii,y2.i , dr, ht:reby gent, canary and :ru:tgage unto iix A.SSf>CIA7'[ON t}x follvt~ <br />described real eAStc, sitwted m i!a-i t'ounty, ?:zbraska: <br />Iaot Fifteen E153 in Hide I.alces St.tbdivision N[m-ber `ZtvFi (2) being a part of the SE%4AIE:; <br />and Fart of i3~t1F; of SEA, Sec.ticn l3, ~^~,,mship 11 ^tortiz, Range 9 West of 'the Sixth <br />Principal I~Seritiian, Bill County, idebraaka <br />tither with all tits tenements, heretiitamrnu and aggurtenancrs therrunre beknssang. anctuding attached float covenrigs, al- window somas, <br />windaw shades, 6Bends, szarm winda•+rs, awnirryy, heating, art cundurtimmg, and p-umbinu and water cyaigment and aaxxsories ther-_to, purrtps,stoves, <br />refrigeratrxrs, and ocher fixtrurs and er-urprtxnt n<rw err het salter attached to ur used m iur.nrcaarn with saril real estate. <br />And whereas the said nxrrtgagar etas agreed :ur:l dtts hereby agrx~z ~hdt the snon~„aut shad and will pay ail taxes and ?~ -n[s ievied or <br />as~ased upon saw premises and upon this rtr~rlgage and the bond secured thereby Mfure the sa,rre shall -sesurtte deGitgttent; to furnish approted <br />-nstuancx stgwi the btti7d-trgs un said premrsrs si[trttedin the sum of S 30 000, ~~ gayab-e to said ASSO€:1AT10N and to deliver to said <br />ASSOf:tATtlNd !Ix p+.r-u.~ies for sad ansuran.:e ~. and nrst io e=rr rmx or pErn~taft,:: s.'as:t c;n :.r a,'; rt sa;,t y,::n:a3: <br />la of t~lanit itt tt~ pcrlornsanx of ar.Y =_{ sits, teruss sod asnditants of !h:± n?u: tgage nr the hand secured hereby, the rtrortgaget shall. <br />an rierrarrd, tx eautkd to tzstnxdiate posscssrua of !hc ierustcaged premises and the :rµartgagur hereby aasigrrs, transfers and sets over [o fire <br />tt~rta~ee a-- ihr rents, revenues and inaatne so be ,Irreved from the nnutnaged prcmrxs true enY <.uch tune as the mottgnge indebtedness shall rumairt <br />unpaid: grad the rtwrtgagee staait ftav~s the power to ag-x:eat arty agent ur agents n Wray des=le fur the purpux: of rep~airir[g said premises and renting <br />efts syartre and txrilechng rein tents, !evenurs and usttntx, and ti may pay nut oC s•Kid incurne sl( expenses of repairing said premises artd necessary <br />annrtti~aarts a:td rxgenses incurred =r: +enteng as-d uunaguxg the ~:mc :±nd u{ :_ullec-!rn;; reheats therefrom: the baisnce rernaiaiag, if any, [o `-° <br />app€ird toward errs dischargr of card nn-rt~rge rrrdrttcdn;ss. r:.ese rrghts of ttx ;aurty::gae utay hx exerci~l at any tithe during tht existence of strut <br />tDefau}t, irrsspecirvc eat any tttu-autary waver of fix sarrse <br />7tacsc presents, ttuwtnr, see upon ;he €'urntrtn>n. TAnt ri etc sod Martgague :hail repay said loan un ur before the rttaturi[y of said shares by <br />payment; pay €ncmthiy u, .caul :1,.414Y€'lA11€)h of !it sum speerfted nt the €x' and ,seated hereby as interest and principal on said lawn, on or before <br />sire "fwerrtieati day of each arb; c:r:: era:::t{:, ur;i:- ;s:s+. t:arc s f.,ity ~:=t- *+aa- a-f taxes anJ a?~ censors levied ag?i,tst said prer±!ise_ a__nd on [his -r5artgage <br />and €its farad scr.~tusd incecoy, bcfnee dzx~:=GUere., iurn.a:e ~.~,:°..~„ ;: ~re.'~ ;;r;:nt Ef:` fui?dut~ :h=rte.; :n z~ ern of ~ 3'~ f GOO. QQ :_rayab~ <br />to said AS'Sl.7C€ATION; repay na =std A55t7CfATtQN uprnr denarnd a-t nwrnry by er gard for such taxes, asssssttunta and inatuanse with inte[est a! <br />the maximum kga: rate tfre;eu:r from dart u{ payteisrai al! ul wttr;:h Murigsgur hsrcisy agrrrs [u pay: permit tau waste un said prensixes;ksep and txamply <br />with akt the a~texrrtents aitd aand:tratts of the &:r5d Fu! Y;jOtOfj{) 00 t.~,is day given 6y the card btorigagur to said P.SS6(:1AT10N, arrd comp{y <br />with ati itbC rcgtrucmenss of [t5r €.uasinurnan arn! try-Laws at card ASSOCtA770N; tfxn these presents shall became null and void, otherwix they <br />s-u-- rentatn m !all fxcr aK5d Wray ce iore,:tused ai the upirun of the v[d ~SJtX:IAI-EIiN after fai-ure for erase months to make any of said <br />paymen[s ur br thrr~ rsnuutss xr arrears m rrsxksng sa=d r. untte}Y paY:ntnts, ur to keep and cramp-y with {he agrccrsients and cunditians of said fond; <br />seat k$xnt~gur agse~s to !rave a r.,.crva. agpornted forthv;tth is such farrc!e5s:trt prurytdings. <br />if there n arty a in uwtx rshtp rot t ~: teat estate nxartZd herein, by za-e ur ut)cerwiss, then [be entire remaining itrdebtediteas hereby <br />serrated siuil, at rice' r_r{seiarr uY'lhe lyurtnMe ttt:ilding and Liar: Assar:ia[ion of Grand -sland,ticbraska,berxsrrre imraed-ateiy due atulpayabk without <br />€tuthee :.:rirce. atu3 the arttcaunt :ensamrrg dtx: under said pond, end any :st1~r bond fur any additasr5al advances toads thereutsder, shall, from the <br />date of d sa{d oplrxt, brat m[eresi at the rnaximuru icgai rase, usd irate Irnsr[gage naay then -rs foreclasod to satisfy the atitoupi due on said <br />bcwd,a~d any atf~.s i'aund €ot 5t~s:,st.~ ~. t€xarrthxr with all sarras paid by slid 't'ire Ls{aitabk Wtiidi:~ and Loan Aasoe{anon u[ Grand Islastd, <br />ftk issrttarsKx, taxes artd ass:.ssrtaenis, and absiractueg axteas•aaa charires. aii€t usterrst thereon, Crum date of payment at the ntaxitaum <br />rate. <br />Ace {navitkil uo tlrr tiumd ~ctui i^secby , waifs tins ~nurigage reruai.:s :n effect €hc nnrrt{fagee ntay hcrealter adranx:e addi[ianal sutas [o rite <br />r~r° rots :d' Ord &a.3, thru nssegat; cn ssa,~swa its rr.[~rest. wkae;h s3tns xhall tae w,thm the sccunIy .af this rteartgage tku same as the funds arigirtally <br />need thexsby, the rota: arxeur:t r,i grrr:a rpa! debt ef+t e, rxceett at xny once tna urrgrnni annaunt ut etas rrwrtgagc. <br />[ya2td tit~a ~3 rri daY ~'t ~prl.l A. ~ . ! n fj 1 <br />~ r-. <br />Carole i:. {.'d7 <br />SiATf; t)F ?it;.B8Ati3:A, ~ ~. ihr thae 23rc1 day .,f dSpr.i.1 t9 8l , before tree, <br />i.'€3UR'3~t?Nt 6~tALi. <br />ihr undmsgase~i, a Notary f ub-ti ur and [or raid Cuamty, pcrauttaily owes <br />t'~.i~_r_~~dSff..L~.., t~r.'~.~i~x and Carole ~.. Carpzntar, Eh in his and tai c ~f~rirht ~~~ptof <br />J} ViJ aCS~, <br />sAS rfs rte ttx ickotsr.:ri persua 5 m-3ars~ raatres S are af'='tccd to itc a#>KSae~w '. ss uasr;grgia: S arn; talc y ~vetaliy <br />au~trarsvksigsd rise aar3 Irseruxr>actaa t Pu tJk;ir nrlun[auy az:[ and decd. <br />Yw'thr'-tti ..rfr £sa~ nn3 .'-i=ce,-ae si '+ez; t:r. Laic at<st~~» ~~"~_ _ l <br />k4y i r rrr}:y,:;aa.rn eapases ,i4•~ ~ y~ <br />/` a ji#t~`~ ~~.... -- rr~r ~«, -- ° .~,~ a' t'Rbr tart' !'ubfic <br />as~raa>ac ss n <br />t,_ _. <br />