i;t r:�: . , ' �,,,... "f7-�.._..._.� _ . �.t;�:q.}.�.±�-�°-_ _ _._-'
<br /> � ., r . . .rt�`. ..c�ti1.. . . � - . *x .��rv . -_ . -
<br /> '.�.:•,:Y:_*�•1'Y��',�'. ev -� -.4�:-ws.•ti.a�+..
<br /> y .�.a. { " �c.__e-�...,.� -
<br /> .�. 1...__�'°'7.`_-�'_�=::Z..C����.n..�. ''n�--•�w�ra wnnr.i��..Y.__ �+�-- _- _�__ �--"rrms .._��—
<br /> ---__---.-------�s_'�'_�".�...��'t�.;.�'...�,."�u"�' �".'.ii.'_:p�L::`cfiLv�:_r"�- -e�__�-
<br /> , c�'��-, :�.��.;���1 `� .
<br /> , at tAe option at [,e:nder, it mort�a�e ineurenca caverago (in eho srnount and �dqr �(,o perlud thet I,endor rcquiees) �_.
<br /> prnvided by�n insurer�ppmvod'oy i.ondnr egein uecamce evriioiolo end i4 ooteined.i�orrc�wer aheil pay tho prcmium� ��
<br /> requl.rad to m�intain mort�n�o insurance in eftoct,or ta provida e los� reservo, until the requirement ior mortgego _.
<br /> insuranco enda in accardn�ce wtth any wrltten ngreemcnt botwean liorrower�nd l.endcr c�r npplicablo lew. _
<br /> 9.la�pection.Len�er or it�o�+:nt may meke reu�aniblo ontries upon md Inspocttone oi tho Amperty.Lendor eh�ll
<br /> �;vo Horrower notica at the tlmo ut or pri�r ta en in�paction spocityir.g r�se�aneblo cnuse tor the inepection. -
<br /> 10.C�ndema�tion.The Qra;eede oi my oward�r cl�ien�or dsme�ea,dircc¢ur cunsequential,in cc�ni�c.�41on tivith �_
<br /> nny cond�m���t�on or other tikan�af eny pert of the Property, or tor canvoyance in litu ot condemnation,nre heraby __
<br /> asaigncQ md shall ba paid to Lender. --.
<br /> In the evant of a tatal Wdng of tAe Property,the pmceedr�ehell bo eppliod to tha eume socured by thiR Security
<br /> Inotrument,whother or not thon duo,wfth nny oxcr,.�,s paid tn Borrower.in tt�e avont ot a partiel taking of tha Proparty in -
<br /> which the faie merkct valuu oi the Proper8y immedleuly before�the taking is eqttal to or greater than tha amount of tho
<br /> surn,s socur�d by this Securiey Ins�tei�r�ient immcdiately befare tho tafzing.unle�Aorrower nnd I.ender ott�erwiso agroe _
<br /> in wcitin�,the sume�:ured by thie Security Inetrumont ok�ell bo roduad by the smount of tho procads multiplied by
<br /> tlie following lraatian:(a�the total emauxtt of the sums exurcd(mmediatoly beiore the taking,dividod by(b)the tsir
<br /> merket velue oi the Fraperty immPdiatcly brtore thc talcing.Any baltnco ehell bo paid to Borrowor.In tho ovant of e
<br /> pertisl taking oi tAc Property in whi�f�thp tnir markot velue of tho Property immedietely betoro tlie teking ie lcss than
<br /> tho smount of the sum�exure�l immodiately beforo the taking. unlese Sarrower end I.ender athorwieo agreo in writin�
<br /> ar unlesa epplicsblo law otharxisa providca, the p�rucoeds ehaU be eppliac! to tlio sume �ocurai by thie Securlty
<br /> Iflntcument whC4�ee or no4 the sums a."o t�en d�. -
<br /> If the Froparty ie abandonod by Borrowar,or it,after notica by lniider tn 13onowor tl�at tho candemnor ofiens to
<br /> rneke an award or sattlo a claim tor demtgea,Borrower iatls w respond to Lender within 3(1 days after tho date the
<br /> m�►tice is given,L.cnder ie a�thoria•ed to co11ec4 nnd epply the prncads,ae im option,either to restoration or rcpair of tl�e� -
<br /> ?yra�rt;or t�ttte s�tmy ar.��ted by thie Se�ut'ity Iostrument,whether or not then due.
<br /> Unles�Lender and Borrower otherwi:ae agree in writing,nny epplicntio�ilp�oceo2dg t°chnnco tho amount of�such
<br /> postponv tho dua date oi tho monthly ��ments rolerrod w in paragcap 8
<br /> PaY,mente.
<br /> i l. Aonower Not Released; k�or3:iairance By I.eador Not •Vlraiver. Bxtonaioa of the time for Myment ar
<br /> modi�ic�tton of amortiution�f 2�o atams sxured by this Security Inets�Umcnx gr�►tod by I.endor to any eucc�seor in
<br /> interest�if Bormwor sheli fln�t a�xrato to rel�aso the linbility ot the orig�n�l �r��suwer ar Bonoaer's succe�soro in _
<br /> inurcnt.Len�ar shall not be requiaaa to wmmence procoodinga ngainat nny s�.�res�ar in interest or refuso to extr,nd
<br /> timo fot payment or otnerwise moaiis axe+i+riiiu:i�i,:,;tt��our:ss...^�'w'��;��'!"-"-ti,��n�trumont by reeson of anv _
<br /> demnnd mAdo by the original Borrower ear lBorrower's successors in interest.Any forbearamcB by Lender in ozorci�ina
<br /> any right ar romody sha�l not be n waivcr�i dr preclude the eiercise o!nny right ar temedy.
<br /> Il�.Succoasore�nd Aeai�nn Bouad;Jo9nt�ns�Saveral Li��ility;Ccrsip�mera.The covonante and ngroom�nte�
<br /> af thie SecveitY Inatsument ehnll bind nnd benefi4 tfi�a auccesec�re and aseigna aY 9..ender and Horrowor,subjaat tn ti�o
<br /> provisions oi ptiragtaph 17.Iia�rmwer's covene�its uxi agroemente shnll be joint end sevetel.My Barrowor wh�oo'siBna
<br /> thie Socuri�ty Y'a�s'trument but dae not esrcuta the 1Vate: (a)is co'signim8 ttue Security Iastrument only to mortgage,
<br /> gr�at �nd convc�y that AcMrower'e intcrest in the Pra�erty under tho t�rm�of thie Socucity Liatrument; (b) is nart
<br /> �t�otully obligated tt+pay�ne eums securod by tlria Socurity Inatrument;and (c) agroes that Lcndor a.nrl any¢rsber
<br /> �lor.r.�xer m�y agree to extend,mudiiy,forbear or make nny eccomrnodations wa¢�i regud ta tho Wrme o�this Staunity
<br /> Y-nstrumant or tha Nots without that Borrowcr'e consent.
<br /> . i3.Lan Gh�r�e�.It 4ho Iwn soct�red�by thia Security Instrurmeat ie subjret to e law r�fi,Ich setn maaimum lc�e,n�
<br /> chu�Ree,and that law ie 4i�ully interprated an that tho inten,st or �ther loan chbl�es ou�leczad or to be calluctc�d ia
<br /> �n�n�ection�ith tho lo�iz excood tho permittod limitt�.thcn(n)eny euch loan r.t�nr�a ehoSl�re redunod b,y th�rmou�at
<br /> �oe,9suy to ceduoo the char�o to tho �xrmitted li�nat; and (b) eny sume a�AMn:�y collected from•�uc�wor•whlch
<br /> aYCLedod perm�tted limits will bo refuaded to &�rroaer. Lender mey chooe� io mnlce thie refund�b�r,oeduairi�p•iha
<br /> prtnctpet�wr�d,under the Noto�r by makin�e dirGCt,�yment to B�rtawer.Yi s a�tund coducay priuoipel�t2�o rodUcticfn
<br /> will b�troatc�.na x putiel prepayment without tn�prep�yment char�ge under the Nato.
<br /> 14.Noti�.Aay notice�o Borrower provided�t�r in tlue Secu!riey Instrumaat ehall be givan by dolivori���it e�r!r}+
<br /> m�:��ing�s by ticst cl�se mail unlese appltcable law requirea use ot another metIa��.The tiotico shb�ll'�bb rYi.r�ectod Lo tho
<br /> Fto;{�erty Addcese or any othcr addc�se I3onower designites by norico to Lendt;x�,`1��y n4tice ta Londar r�}��f�i�o given by
<br /> tit�tc���ss mul to Lendcr's addreaA atnted l�erein or any other add.rees t.endor doeignates by notlro to ?3;�r,nawer. Any
<br /> ' noti�e provid�xi for tn ttie Socurity�nstra�ment ehall be doomed to �►tve boeii givon to Bat�totvor or l:ondrr i�hsn given
<br /> as pravided n.n'thie peragraph.
<br /> l5.Governta�I.aN;Sever`bility.T'hie Security Instrumcn�shntl bc+govemod by��r�fvc�nl lutv aad�.�e lew of the
<br /> �irasdiction in which the Property ie lceatod.In tho ovent thet any provislon or clnuse oi thia 5ecurity IripYf•�u�rtlont or tho
<br /> NaYe conflicta with sppliceUle law,euch conflict shall�iot aftea3 other�moviRiorus oi thio Socurity 1i�strv�n��ti'.�tr��t�$Note
<br /> Nhich can be given et[xt witho�ut the conflicting pro�isiot►.To thir�end tha provisions nf tbio 5acurit�Ir�rs;�em�.•nt r�ad
<br /> the Note ere @eclored to bo aoverable.
<br /> Fa� �02� 9N0
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