-001990 REAL ESTATE MoRT~aoE i-ortN F1B cos lrtev
<br />Hate April 21, 1981
<br />Roger M. Sullivan (also kaown as Roger Sullivan) and 8erniece B. Sullivan-(also kaowa
<br />as Berniece Sullivan) husband and wife Hortgagors;'
<br />of Hall County Nebraska in canslgeratibn-or
<br />' the advance of the principal sum recited in the note hereinafter descrlbed,receipt of which 15'ecxnowledged~, hari:by
<br />mortgage and convey to
<br />THE FEDERAL LAND BANK OF OMANAy a Carparation,
<br />of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, whose address
<br />is Farm Credit Building, Omaha, Nebraska 88100,
<br />~,
<br />Mortgagee (sub,Jeet to oil, gas, and mineral rights owned by parties other than Mortgagors;-ezlsting easements-af- -
<br />[ recorfl: reservations in t)nited States and Statepatents; sndthe rights of the public }n alt highways,,. the t_ollowing-
<br />descrlbed real estate is HSIDiltoa aad. Ha11 county, Nebraska _
<br />SEC: TMP. Rte.
<br />SB~y artd S'~SW'k (except the southerly 53 feet of Section 5,
<br />containing b.462 acres, more or less, of which 4.054 acres
<br />are presently occupied by Public Road right-of-way) all in 5 9N 8 W 6th P.M.
<br />N'~¢IE'vtandB~P1W'~t---------------- ------ 35 lON 9 W6thP.M.
<br />ecnGain}ng 393.53 _:a-:•„- r,~,re „Fe',t;cr r1 t; ell cf Gh? rikjr., title, and interest
<br />{saw corned or hereafter acGUlreC1 ~ ri ~^luding 411 bs;tsdings, improvements, t}xG:rP;,
<br />ar appurtenances therenn ^ ner~a, ~`s _ nor-_..r, ^i g.'.}en, 'u;,^. drainsge ^: ghts; the teneman ts,
<br />hsradl torments, and appurteu,n^rs th_r.. - _ .,+je-, !;,s, an:~ praCi es arising from said lands; and (if
<br />~e MarGgagors+ ruts ir, the i,ub}1~. dn^:sir. sr> . -;±.^f,: ^y ^~qee nor r curlty purposes) all leases, permits,
<br />licenses, or prlvl loges, appurt enar.r 'r ~i,; _ ~;: ; --en°t zyger ~;r r-;; sae, now ;~r nareafter Sssued, extended,
<br />ar renewed to the htert@11gor> ^y the -3r,„-e Y.:~r -;. e ~ae +-: wht ~i ._ shave-describe.^, property is located or
<br />arTy depar t.ment, bureau, or age:acy !':era-,,f.
<br />This mortgage 15 gs van 0:~,, secure ~ ,. •o.^.si:==:~: ,• :._... of N ... ,_..- -.__ewk th, exec:uted by Hortgagcrs to Obrt~gee, Sn
<br />the .,<v.,_+=, 1 rvr SBVEN HUNDRED TEN THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED AND NO/100 - - - -
<br />„a, spa - - itO0.L1fts.
<br />p~a~le with intet`yeG axord.ng to the .._, ,,._ .~ . ..... ..... . .be . ina_ G:ayment `:sing ,.ore and payabis on the first day
<br />at A18y, 2001 _ ~T1. cnra ~+ey an^-. sn7;, 're .,_1~+. pac thr payment of said proms ssory Hate.
<br />'Phis mortgage 1s subject to the provisions cf THE GA.R": Cft6~l"' ACT and a 1 acts amsc;datort thereof or supplemental
<br />S'hereto. ~a proceeds at the loan secured hereoy will be ~;sed __*rr .he pu.,,oses specif±ed Sn the Mortgagors app11-
<br />eation for said loan and authors-zed by said .;et.
<br />The Mortgagors, and each of them, hereby warrant *.bat they are ,"_ owners of the mortgaged real property; that rhey
<br />will defendd the title against all claimants :vht~:saevsr, ar.^ thatP~,aid ,property is tree ?rom ali'encumbrances: that
<br />they will steep all the improvements, fixtures, and ', pu^'ena;ifes n~~^upied a.-[d 1n goad repair ~ pernit nc act5 0.*
<br />rests; and L20ey will relinqufsh ali rights at hcmasGead ir, said premises, and oavenar,t artd aeree~wlth the Mortgagee,
<br />as failews:
<br />(;} l7!at they will Pity wne:t due s11 tsxes. 1_ers, ±udg*<.,Ents, <r assessme.^.ts wh'.c1t mey be lawfully xsssssad against
<br />*.he praFerty harsitt mc~rtgaga°!..
<br />(,21 T$a€ th~y.wiil `.:ear= acid keep tn.ured buildings ur ether improvements new :;r. ar which may heresfter be placetl
<br />op sa1Q premises to the satisfaction at !;7-!a tiartgagea, such ;P.surance policy shill be endorsed with a,mortgage clause
<br />with She toss thereunder to be parable t~:: !~:^.a MaE-tgageg. Any sums race3vad Tay be need to ray trr rcennsr.ructian
<br />o? the d+:stroyed lmprnvaments; cr, - n'• _ + e,. Tsy at- t ;pr-lac...? the M<~rtgages, be applied 1n payment et
<br />arty Indebtedness, mstured or vt>isa*_.m 1. .. u ., by „nl - :~.. tqa~., .
<br />:3} ~, pay ail tense, fees, ~r cnarga:: new due ;,r to '+ecore 'tea ender the rsrms c-f each lease, Peritlt, license, ar
<br />pr#m#-Ia a'a Sbs pa611c~domsin whinh Is ~ ports#r3at 'r n nanpart_<nanc to the mortgaged Tremisas, which has haen
<br />iiad, Otztetrded, a. rei!d by the (tttitad States or tte . _. ,r: when *he aoovs-Qaserlbe:i pragarty is located; and
<br />to y~tforfa and nbserva Every sect, ecvanant, tcm4ltion, _.:? Stipul:st':an .tcesssn• to steep each cf the same to good
<br />as32td12!g; 3053 to tape every nc~e:essary 9Eap tr? sesnre he ;4~ ^eaewal, ar exten5lan of each at the same; end to
<br />dasige, waive, pledNts, ar emiarse to the Oiortyrages nor *t a'e, -;'t:mit, license, ar prSvll.sgE it Mortgsgors~ rights
<br />:r, p;Otsife dcxsalr= are retu2 red by MortgageE for security p+arpoSes.
<br />1?#) ~t 121 tTka EYeat LhE N4rLgSge?; `& a p&7"L~ to sc"1y IIGSi{atdon affects LLa fife ae4,,12'1 ty ~3r tte lien a? 1t~ tGtlrt-
<br />gayr, 1 l~ictg spy suit by °hs Mart a w to^ecloae ~nls m3rr.Sage or 1crTy east in which the Mortgal5es msy bo naaad
<br />7'a^+ . 'rfeaQaazlt in S+hitlh IL I9 orb-ats.t tc* pratact it_s r105.F0*.,: .^r lien, inclutlr--g tnn.ismnatlon and bankrtOpt-cy
<br />@d~'*-'~" 1:ga, tdfit '"tCe-2.ct},y 1S1G?3r erj.4?GSev xrd advs.'sta~ pagOxsn' far abstT'ac*. teas, ac-,;~rney ,'eES isxaapt tU :.h~
<br />d~vax .~,-,, -. ~.. iq iz,: F. vva as. X;n+u:~s;. ~,., .`,^,.i.: ,_.,...rg4d,
<br />- ;fit ,"- ~..~ Owr~ta*_ the ?f=JB'Lg~OLGrrS te..11 !: &`aY w;;ets 'lux a: taze.~„ i:ia.<:~, ?u.',e,,,.~. .r _.se;::smaut£, qf~ fa'.1 ,
<br />as ~.•.~ ~ x +. :~.ru1:Et3t~rE Gcovti~G~ t fri: t€s 3 rants, fees 4 ~- ~, „
<br />i" y Six-ge ln''er t e e ~s srcy iai a,
<br />f ~ 4 ar +yc.t:ges ra e~;:2re ! l.s^.-.:r exptr~e '.t-,Stns ~e ~tt~ '.:w5 ~aax :.ast~.,
<br />ax :++ ~, s* 1a sal0seUt,ntz witl ,:-g~tl x1 ?Sar?gai5si~ ad vb a ~s ar E"ct .Se .u.7+ Hsu>~.-.e,
<br />-~v + .,,.. ctta as~,uxt;~ :;a. 1 E.Sie•'~fas- i- sa3e ~ , at a ~_~: w - n tar„.-
<br />' I 1C . ta,~+l/34 llA~~-. i'.. %~. a4F1'%1 X1,1 1~.tFI i77vEFCsRSt trGl ?tre '=~:~ 'fit `d~'<yat`a'k, ;s ..C `.. !d~N. "8i!~ 'L€ast'i7Y~}. c'iP,1 `b" :}e a'!E?ii i' 1
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