<br />~ 62%--SECOND REAL ESTATE INORTOA4E-With Tax Chutae Toe t[uttmnn aaoernl &aonlr Hou.., Lincoln, NeUr.
<br />, KNOW ALL MEN BY TFIESE PRESENTS: $ Z "` 0 019'7 9
<br />TH4TI orW$. R81tfOLF Cr. PLA'TE' and JEANaiYCE"'R. PLATE, Husband and Wife
<br />of Hall Ccunty axd State of Nebraska , in consideration oT the sum of
<br />R " ~2fT-THi~E T~i€WSAtiIf AND NO/ 100THS-------- (;23.000.00) -- DOLLf1RS
<br />in hand paid, do hereby SELL and CONY'E }' unto - - .
<br />ItILFRED G. BARlPES and MARJORIE BARNES, Husband and'.li3i''e {-norfgngte,),,
<br />of Ball County. axd .Statr~ of Nebraska , the jofloading described prexeitea
<br />situated in Ha11 Caxntt•, and .Starr rf Nebraska to-¢oit:
<br />Lot One Hundred.Eighty-Five (185) and
<br />Let One Hundrsd Eighty-Six (186), in
<br />Belwont, an Addition is the City of
<br />Grand Irmland, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />T-h2 intention hc-ing to rcmta•} kcrrf~; an ;:hso?ate of?e* in for sintpte in:?udinry all the sights of homestead and dower.
<br />-s T"(7 H~l'E rllti'P, T(i HC7Lti the premise; abax~r <tesrrihed, :c'ct/i ail ike appxrtenanres thereunto belonging unto
<br />the said mortgagee os martga,~,ges and to has, krr or their heirs and assign.;, farrt~er, proz'ided atxvys, and these pres-
<br />cuts are upon else express candeticn that if the said mortgagor or mortgagees, kit, her or their heirs, exece€tort, adttme-
<br />istrators or assigns sliali pay ar caacsc to b<° ;azdro the said mortgagee ar mortgagees and to his, her or their hem's, ez- i
<br />orators, admini,etralars ar assigns, t:.e sum of _----~------------;23,000.00------------ --I,
<br />Tranty-Three Thousand and No/100tha---------------Dollars, pa}atble as follows, to-wit:
<br />f Tstal principal balance of X23,000.00
<br />plus accrued interest due January 2, 1982.
<br />i~
<br />~ riruh iiwifp^est thereon at 15 per rent per annun`., payable as abovannually, according to the tenor and ejjert rzf
<br />?~ flue proatis.sory note unth interest coupons attached of said Alortgugors, bearing oven date with these pres-
<br />`~ stets, and ahaJl pay alt tae-rs and any inter.~st o», ar €uatitring installments of principal, dne on a»y prior mortgage and
<br />'~aesesstue€€ts lcviod xpvn said real estate and all other taxes, Ievies and assessniexts levied upon this mortgage or the
<br />note wltieh this martgagc i,c gic'en to serxra, before the sarr~ becomr's delinquent and keep the buildings on said
<br />prtrrsi'sas insxrtd for tka sum $ , lull, if any, payable to surh first raortgugees or this mortgagee, or both,
<br />- then tktsa presents be void; otkerrue to be and rrntair. in foil forte.
<br />IT` IS FCIRT'HER ~'tGREEC i tJ That if the ;aui mortgagor shalt fail so pay such tales and such i»terest on,
<br />or maturing installmcntt of psYxr:pai, due on any ¢rior mortgage and procure such insurance, then this tortgagee-,stay
<br />pay-suck texts and latch lnlerest on, or maturing inst!sUments of pritiripai; due on such prior mortgage and procure
<br />surh- intxranra, and rite sum sa adva»rad ac~ith interest at nine per tent shald be paid by soid mortgagor, and this Mort-
<br />shall stand as s:curity for the same. te} 7'kat a failure to ¢ay ant of said money, either principal or interest on
<br />thtit or any prior mortgage, liken the same becon€es dos ar a failure to comply udth any of the foregoing ogreemsnts,
<br />ahadl' texts the zt+holr sun€ of money l~rein secured to berarne due and colledubte at o»ce at the option at the mnr:-
<br />gage~,
<br />' fT IS F(3RTf7ER AGREED ?'hat said mortgagee, pending foseriosure of this mortgage and after decree and
<br />petty stay tltsreax or' appeal therefrom and pending sale of premises txortgaged, may pay lush taxes and txatttt'ieeg
<br />~ttot' rxati«ring iustollm,ents of principal, on prior mortgogcs, procure surh insuranrg and surh sut:€a-shall bt
<br />' -added tri flu amoviet d«e tax decree and xpon canpirnuttion of sale by the court ordered taken out of proceeds of sad;
<br />;,~, y)r,.~,if ra:d66med during stay. appeal or sale, sxrh amoxnts shall be rotkrted the same as tko€iglt it ta~ere a part of sash
<br />#sR. rsr. -
<br />5'igRtd thin 17th dart of April t~.,8.1--;
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