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<br />+ .. <br />T» ~alrrc~ttt. Fu~rrat oavr+,ivwl~rrs wl~s wcse~s: 81 ~ 0 019 7 $ <br />'that-:the Irfpatgayor wilt pay the intlebtedttesef ae laereiniarfore prtrviderl. <br />That the Mortgagor Ss the dap!!er at said property in Cee simple and has good- right and Iewful authority. to rent and- <br />convey the same and- that the aetaax- is ts3er and clear oC any lien or erteurnbranee: and that Mortgagor wilt warrant sett defend the - <br />r:«R~ 4« ~`..t. __ - ~--+' tl... £~~.._n-M ,h7 Gtr.. s.S~.aYNSS .ui~e~r;YtrY4.~r. _ _ _ _. <br />To ptty iy whca date arsd payable. sit. geoeral'taxca, special lath. special aesesaments, water charges, sewer sew- <br />ice tirargas. artd~ otttet 4xee attd charges tgtainst said ptopert~. and s11 farces levied on the debt secured hereby, and to (urtiah the <br />Mortgagee, upon ngttest, with ttu original ar dttptieate receipts therefor. The Mortgagor agrees that' there ahaH bt srdtled to <br />each tmxrthly payment required hereunder rn under the evidence of debt secured hereby an amount estimated by the-Mortgagee - <br />tn he suRkiettt tit citable tli.y : to paY, as they hec[rme due, ai!-taxes; aaeessmenls. and similar charges upon:~the~~prem=• -' <br />tees su3ljeet thereto: anydetlcietuy because nC the insutficiency of such additional peYtnertta. ahaB rte forthwith deposited-6y-the ~ - -- <br />Mortgagor with khr Rortgagee ultnn demand by the Mortgagee. Any default under this paragraph shalt ire deemed a defaull in <br />payment d taxer, aatessn«ennr, rrr similar charges required hereutuier- - <br />The 147ot3gagor agrees that there chap also be added to each monthly payment. oC prinripa! and interest required-here- <br />under an amount estimat«Ki by the Mortgagee to !w sufficient to enable the Mortgagtr to pay, as it becomes due, fhe insurance <br />premium car any- lose rater policy drlivrreri trr the tt4nrtgagee. Any deficiency to cause of the insufficiency .af such sdditiottal pay- <br />rnents shalt Tee Cnrthrvith dep+xtiled by ttw Mortgagor with the Mortgagee upon demand try the Mortgagee. Any default under this <br />paragraph shalt rrr rimnt±rf a :lefauit in the pacmrnt of insurance premiums f# the pnhry nr Sxrticies deposited acv such a3 ltutrie- <br />owners or at! risfc_ Sx.lecirs~, arxt the drpawt~ am rneu$ictenR ka pav the enh rc• premium, fhe ~,InrtgaY«ee may- apply the deposit to <br />pay premtutns rm risks requarrvi to he rnwr«vi by this mnrtxaxe <br />paymentsa made by ihr 'tt+.rtgak<rr +.nder the atrr.c~r• 7.aragraphw may. at the nptic:n of £he Atortgager, t*e held-hy at and <br />crrmmtngirri wilts rKher ~.auch funds ..r +ts rrwrt tunef-. f:,r the payment •rk =+srh items clod untal :n applieri, s«irh payments are hereby <br />pdevtgwi as srrvnty let 2h«• unpaid ixr#anc~r .•# tht• =nurt,•ak~• gin-#rhr.-r#ne~r <br />Tn pnxum, dehcrr ..~ sort arx«ants:n ;.. ... !n•aetit rhr 4{r:rtt-aur~° =~l:rr rnk Ihv Lf.• „C tFrre mnrtgaq« urtKinal pulPcire and <br />rrnewaLs the^r«'raf, deirvrr.•.t a, i..a.+r ;.~rt :ea:. !,.•if.:., rrs,-,.~S,,raxr.,r~ ,.r -as=F ,e~t, ; +r.-tr,. m>,vnr:a ssa:nst t+rg sort other inxv cable <br />harards, casualties, and contingrneirs as the Mnrt¢agre mat require, in an amount «gvat to the indebtedness secured by this <br />Mortgage. and rn cvmpamr. ,x:r«•-pink+fr !., r!s+• ':.+•nr;ar.'•-•. ---.~,fk: ;,,~_ -.-ant.- •.-lass-.. ;,. {av+.r ~:( an;i rn f,:rm arrrptat!le to rhr ~tortga- <br />qer. In £hr. even[ am~ Sxrhrv :~ n..r rrrtrw „r t f :+ .. S , w. t vas.,.-r, rhr 1lnrfca¢rr• aas prrs-ure insurance on the <br />impra+.rmettts- paY the preen«vm th.-rrf~.r. - 9 .,,, h -. a" t _-, e,z, ., €, r?=~; , •isr end payatsle wry rnterc'ft at the tale ?rt <br />forth in said note untat paid amt =hall t.«- ~-<+...~-i !-. .. =srza¢r :. ,,... , .- ..r }ssrt c,f ti:r tit r.*igagur ir, furmch such re t, Ovals <br />as are herern r«qurred •:r taaiurr !•: pa .- ors .,rm9 n-r~. ae7..-= +:. ~..-urr>3.~r ~-_+ra~i .a. rf+i~<r,ar :,! i4.- yi r.neager•, crrnvtifutr a rlrfault <br />....... ., .. ... r , <br />under the terms reF thrs rn,rrt~axe "; ,,- .i,.i•,..r, "t -,. . „_ .,,r.. -, -.. • -•~.t .,. !etaait ,,.na!hrit ;ut 3ssrKnmrnt +.f the un. - <br />earned premrum. <br />Any alms r .«rtrd i:y rrr-~ ~t ort~er:r*~ '-.- .•~~•.. „ ._~ .. ,.r.o ai- .,, .. rr;arrst may' t?e retained hs the Siurigagee <br />anti aVl>li ] i+twani fhe pa,vmcnt :+S !hr- ,.}-, ~.. +~.•t,, -. ,r. _- ... t ..,+- ~f+:tf>?axw=- 4ur!t .um~ :•riher :vitolly or in <br />port may he paid aver t<. the Sl.+rtgaq,.r s + t~• .;~=! ~ -,a • ~ r I,r,?gy~ - ... u. '7ew txur#-iin>ti. ra their piac nr for any <br />anther }tarpuse ur object ~aa Ersfact n~ .., -.,. 4S-. ?_at~~. ...., ..-x - fi -. _ _ .. „ -:, ,, ._ ~ ... !{.., {::!:` .v...r..:,., r« erect hervr- <br />hy hafnre such payrnent ever t«,k ;-3are <br />Ter prtrmpkty repair, re+fiar •. r.=iur.!+i ant .~u:t.irnk- - - .. -~. .r,. n.+ .,., ..r .:.vest t.•r •,n .. remi.ra whrch may !re- <br />come drvnsg xl nr deskroyeii, to Su'e1> Aawd ; rrma~t ~n s•=..ri ..:;,duo4t .ar?,f r«~pa:e ant: free rt n+m an. rrrr ~hanir's ben nr other lien or <br />ciatnt of lien met exprt•~#y sutwrdrnatr«? to the :;rr. ?.~r.••d :.. ~, .. .:,!C«r ., ,:. rrr:,t :r t,•. ~,r awtui uv •~t +x anv nuisance to c•xisk on <br />~ pratx-riy nor to ;~rmst waste r.n surd prrm«rx->s .,,,r t., .r,.. :,thee a. r ..,r.-r.d:r rhr• pr+qsL rtv h.•rrhy mnveyed shall xcome. <br />t«xrar :•aiuatile, nrr ku dimini+h .+r Impair its _e- s.. , t e.. ... n -. -. .. .... ~. ... :r:ta -+rri: all r,vt ucrrmrnt. ui law with respect <br />to the tttartgaged ixremisea anal the a-,«• •: her.•.,f <br />That ,h«wiri tier prewrusr, .+r any part tt:., r.r,f i.~ tax>.n -:r ,iamat;«~i by r.•ax+n ,.f anf.• pub#tc improvement w condemnation <br />prveredtng, rrr under itw rgttt ..t rmrrwnt :i.unn:n. • . <.. .:tiers maexn.-r. rhr ~t.;rtgsKre .hall tx- =•ntrtleci to all campensattons. <br />award3, and any ut4rer SH«y mint +.r eel rrr rhr rrtrrt anti shaii~he eauttrd at. us ~ptron. to commence. ap~ar in and prosecute in iL>r <br />omit name any actt«»t !rr pntrrtirnq, r.r tr, nue`sr ana- ce.mpr._•nnsr r,r w•tttrrstrnt u: .~r,nnrclton with such taktnq or damage. A!1 such <br />cation. ararris, damagets, rrght of aetwn and prxesals arc ttrret:y assigrrwi to the +<tortgagee- who may. after-deducting <br />thertdeam aii its expetres, t+slesae any mortrys sa received by tt or apply t}«e same «vt any indeb#edness secured hereby. The Mart. <br />gager aat+tma tr« execute au+eh futther aetugnmr»nta of airy cvsmprnsatr«m, awards, damage, anti rights of action sort prrxa•crir« as the - <br />Moatgagea testy require. .. <br />Thal in c-aer of tatiurt• W prrfarnt an} c+1 ttw .r.ter>r«rta kserrrrr- rhr Mortgagee may du on the Mortgagor's behalf every'.ting `° <br />sa tvwenaritexl; That the Mottgaigee may akw da any act rt may deem ne«c:ssary to protect rhr lien thereof; that the Mortgagor will `~. <br />t darr+artd any teteaxebys paid or ditrDareed by rise Mortgagee fr=r anY of the shove purposes, and such moneys togeflier with ; <br />iaterttat thstror« at the rate pwvidsd in said note clot; txrc;me sa much addit«anal in«tebterlnew hereby secured and may ire in- <br />rtwle+d to any daceer inreclar.iag this mortgage and ire paid aui of i}te retsts nr pruceads rr! sale of said preeritses if not otherwise .._. <br />paid, thK it tdtall ttul be abiigattsy upon the Mortgagor to tnqurre mta the validity of any lien. rncumtxanc-es. or claim in ad~ . y- <br />vataeibg itaepesrys ae share authorised, but nathitsg hereto ecurtatned-shall be construed as requiring the Mortgagee to advance any <br />ttteemnta let aqy rrteClt pterpaaa opt tp do any act herrun~er; a~ that Mortgagee shall oat iruttr anY perswta! liability because rd any- <br />tltiiig tt maY tto or omit w da lterrarpetar. <br />Ia the event aC the default by Mortgagor in the payment of anY inatdtment, as required by the Nate secured hereby. ar <br />in-tlae petCarmat>rce of the atrliga[imt in thK rrtartgage ar to kite crate secured thereby, the bortgagee shalt be entitled to declare the <br />de#tt ne¢'ue'ed }IerehY dtx• a~ 1?ayabte without notice, acrd the Mortgagee shall be entitled et ifs option, without. notice, estlaer by itself <br />ae by a taa:ivi3t to her appointed by the CWtrt ehertx,t. acrd without regard to the adequacy of anY security Cor the intleWtdrreas se- <br />tYtred hvtehtr, to eater upon std take psts3etircioa riC tfie mortga;cd premises, and to collect and receive fhe rents. issues ord. pr~tbt <br />t#attadt,_-atsd spgdp flier secmr. leas coats of apersdi zn and t~trllsctson, upon the indeb€edttesa secured by this enattgagt; said rents, <br />i afad prarEb helag tterreby axeigned w the Me«ttttngee as Curther secttriEy Cor Elie payment n# alt irtdebtedtttnw securert trrseby. <br />The Mortgattae edtalt have the paver to appoint any agent or agents it may desire for fix purpaee a! repairing staid prem- <br />3traa: raaG»; flat eataai sdMett#tt ~ rotate: rtwtteatea and ituorrro, aid it maY paY out of said itunme alt expenses itrrurrext in rent- <br />sad manafing Elie-sanfe acrd ed «xtllcMiag the rentals thorn#rom. Thu ttalatstav setrtaintng, if any, shall ttr appbed toward the <br />of liar &_tapnlgltge idnrtrt, Thin ttseegeunent ie to irrrninate scat become Holt and void upon release n# this mortgage. <br /> <br />