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<br /> � eorrowet mey cure auch e datnik �nd re?noteta, ae provldod In pangnph 1B, by causing the ncttan or praceedMg to be __
<br /> dlemisoed with a rullnp thot,In Lendar'a gaod lalth da2arminntinn,precluden tortclluro o}thq Bonawer'e Intcro�t fn the PropeRy ar --
<br /> othtr rnate�inl Imp�l`nicrl ol tho I!en cre:ted by thls Sccwrty Inatrumcnt or lcndcr'o aecu�iry Interest. F3orro•��er eligll s►sn be In �
<br /> d�!:�+{t If F3o�voeicr, dtirn�iho lann ej�n:'.c;tion proecao, {;�vo rnatcrialy falao oe Ineecurato Intarm;tlon or ot�irnicnto to I.en�cv (or �
<br /> ' fallnsl ta provida I.enclsr avlth mny materi�l Inlormntlor�) In conner.tlon vrlth tha loan evldaiond by the Natn, Includltiig, bul �iot �..
<br /> Iimfl�d to, repres�nt�tlona cnnceminfl �orrowcr'e occupnncy ot thre P�oparry �e e piinclpal rasidqnce. I1 4hla �ecu��lry -
<br /> Ine;rument la an� I�e�n�hold, 8arrowx ahdl compry wrin �II tho pmulalonm ai tha leaaa. li uorrower acquirua ie,o iiiio iu ii;:.r• _
<br /> Property,the le�a�ho�d�nd tha See 41i1e ehwll not mMAe unleea Lander npreee to ihe me►ger In wrkinfl. ��:
<br /> 7. Pro4�ctlon of l.�nd�r'� Rlpht�In th� Pr�q�rty. It eorrowa f�Ne to pertorm tho coven�nta�nd��Semw�+te _-
<br /> conlelned In thla Security Inetrument, or tt�ere Ia a lepal procaoding thnt mny elgnMlcanty attect Lender'e dphte In the FropsrtY .,,
<br /> (euoh �e n proc+edlnp In bankruptcy,probrt�,tor condemiiailon o�� todriUiro ar to c;��torc�lati��3 or rc�ulatlons),thcn Lcnticr m�y� ���
<br /> do end pay tor what�vK le neceasary to protect the v�lue af the Propatty and lendK'a dqhta fn the Praperty. Lende►'a actMne —
<br /> may Inciude paylnp �ny euma aecured by � Iien whloh haa pdotfty over thle 6ecudry Inotrument, �ppouinq In Gouri„ pnying�
<br /> retaon�ble�ttomt/e't�ee and enterMq on Ihe f'�operty to rtu�ko rep�lra. Attii�ugh Lcnder may take nctlon under thlp pnrn�rx�h -_.
<br /> 7,Lender daes not h3ve to do ao.
<br /> Any nmounW dlabursed hy Lender unda panproph 7 ahell becomn eddftlnnal debt of Dorrower secured by th(H Szcurily _
<br /> Instrumant. Unle�e Bortower and lender egren to other terme o} Exymnnt,thnse emounte eh�U boer Int,weat/rom tAu drte ot
<br /> disbutaement at Ihs Nota rete end nhall be{x�ynble,wilh Intr,reat,upon noUr.e from Lende�to 9orcower reyuesY,ng psymant.
<br /> 8. MOrt��Q� 111fur�11C�. If Lender requlred moRgage insunsnce na a condRion ot makinp thv loan eecured hy thls
<br /> Security Inatn�ment, Hortower dheH p�y the premiuma�equlred to maintnin the m�rtyugo M�urance In eltect.II,for en;{.reaeon, the
<br /> mort�pe{naurence covarage requked by Lender lepses or ceasea to be in ei(ect, 9orraarOr shall pay the prem(unt� re�+dred to
<br /> obt�in coverapo cu6at�ntlaly equNalenl to the martpege fnaurence prm+;ousy in eHect,at a cost aubst�nUnly eqr�Mplent to•3hq.
<br /> coat to Barrowa of lhe r,�ortg�pe Insunnce ptevlousy In efte�t, irorrt etv eftemate mortgaga Ineurer ap�mreed hy Londat. It•
<br /> aubst�ntiaqyl equktlent mortptpe Ineurance covorape Is not evaFabie,t3c�owaY ah�H pay to Lendef e[ch month p aum �qusl tu
<br /> onchveNth o1 the yendy mortgepo Inauraneo premium heing pnld by Bosrt+wer when the Inaurence coverage lapsecl a�oansed to
<br /> be 4i ettECt. Lender wiH accept, use and retaln these peymenta ea e iCSS re8erve In liau of mortg�ge MsurrnCe. 6�:�c�reaerve
<br /> ptymente nxy no lonper be requlred,et the option of Londer, H mod9a�a ins�innce cwvxege(In the�mouM md tcr l�:re.�+nriad
<br /> thet Le�der rAqulrea)provlded by en Insure�r epproved by Lenda agi6n 4�gcomea avalkk�e and Is obiain�cl. Bonowe���an p�Y
<br /> lhe prtxnlume required to malntain mortgn�o Ensurence in effect, ar to�r,�vicie a loss r�savu, unUl ths sflqu,rament tor mortgng9
<br /> Insurane�ends in accordence wfth sny writtFn apreem�nt bctween 8arowfn and Londa or appiicabte I�w.
<br /> n. !!�����!^!!.!!!tQe!or Re��rnt m�y mnkn rex;.�nnbie enVles upon end Inspectiane of the FrnQe►ty. Lenc�x a's�fl 9hru
<br /> �8urtower notice�t the tkne o!or pdor to en Inapectlon specllyfip reneor��bie cause hx�h3 In�pecUon.
<br /> 10. COnd�mn�t1011.The proceed� 01 sny�we�rd or clalm tor datnegea,dlrec4�•r cflnaequentiel, in connectlon wkh �ny
<br /> condamnaUon or other taking o}enS�paA ot tho Property, or tor convPy^nnaa fn Yau ot aAnciannetlan, a.�a hanby esalpned �nd
<br /> ehNl bs ptW to lev►der.
<br /> In the ovent o1 n to�a1 t�klnp o! the Property, the proceed� ss�s71 ba ugpiled to the sums soared hy thla S�curity
<br /> In�trument,whethr or not 1",r�due,with�ny excaae peld to Borrawar. xn�i"te evarri o9 n partial takinp o1 the+Properly in wh�h
<br /> ins iair m�ricai v6iue bi ii�d i=ivFr�Y'�i I��r��::.w�-taiy S'm'iS3a i A i'.TlRq !�.;h=s:!tti �:�:..s491'Y.°it4 tt:� !°.!^_�mt�f t�w rtu.w�n saaired
<br /> by thle Seadty InaUument fmmedktaly bNora the t�king, unleae BorraPo�r t�nd Le�z9ar athawiae tproe In wdting, 4h�+ tuma
<br /> aecured by this 6acwrlly Instrument ahaN bo�educed by the unqunt o1 t��}�ra^ee43a multipAsd by the foAowkig irsativh: (�) /ht
<br /> toU�l rmount of tha aume nscurod Immedi�t�y bMore the takinQ,divldod� (»)tho hir n�ket vatue ot the Propaty fnxned�tdy
<br /> bdon th�taktnp.My bai�nc�ah�M D�pold to Borrowor.In the evant of�pattAl taldn9 ot tha Propaty in whFch tha isir m�rk�t
<br /> vdue ol tha Prop�ty NrxnedGRNy bdora the tekinp Is kss Rhnn thm unount oi the sumi secured ImmecWtdy bdorn thb�tekMp.
<br /> � unl�u• Borrowa�utd L�nd� othMwb� ayroe I� wdting s�r unlana sppMcabN lew othawlae provld�w, the procerda ehW be
<br /> appM�d to th�aums�ecur�i by thfe Securfty Inatn�ment wh�tth�r ar n4t the eums�e then due.
<br /> tl tha RoMrty le ab�ndoned by 8orrawa, or N, after noUcn by lnnder to Borrower fh�t the con�rina otlMx to meks an
<br /> . rwud or e�ttle� cWm tor damapee, Borrawer 1�HA to re�►p�md to Lander within 90 daya afte� the d+�te the notice is phren.
<br /> Londar h �uthafzad to coq�ct �nd�ppiy the proceaci�,at ka opBon, dthx to restcnrion or rep�k o1 the Rol�erty a to ths
<br /> aums��cund 4y thla Security tnewment,wh�ther or not thnn ck�m.
<br /> Un'�a� LentNr md Borrcw+a othe�wiee aprme in wrttit►Q,.any �tion ot proce+nda to princlpd �haM not �xhnd a
<br /> po�tpons th�dw dtl�of th�monthly paymanta rdorroci ta fn pnr�(�n►�t�o 1 �nd 2 w ctw�y�th�amcwM u1 auch�ymrntt.
<br /> 11. Bornwwr Nat �iol��d; Fafi�a�enc� By LMndar,Not a W�fwr.Extenston ot the tkn.tor paynNnt a
<br /> modNlr,�tbn ol�nHlution ot tN�suma aecwrad Oy thle S�curiry 1naUum�mt pr�ted by Lender to any succosaor !n{nterost ot
<br /> Barowa sM►N not opernt�to rdMa�tha Il�blkry ot thv qdginal Bertower or Borrowx'e eueoeseors In intaest. I.eeder ahbi not
<br /> be requk�d to corrrrMnce.�+�aw�edkipa aynfnat any :r.n:x�ns�a In IntKast cx reiuss ro extend tkn�for payrtrnt or othwvrio�
<br /> modify unatt�Uon at the ei�ri�s becured 6y tMe Sec�r.i�'r.,�'mxnant by re�eon ot�rry,dMrnnd macN by the ortgN►�I t3arraw�r or
<br /> 8arcowK'� wcarsoro in fnterast. My fotb�eret�ce by�:�ndK fn exeroisiny eny dqht or rorn�fy eMiM not ba a w�Jver of or
<br />� pndud�the wvdae of any dyht or ra�y
<br /> 12. Suac�sson and Mslgns��nund; Jolnt +ind S�h+�or�l Llabilfty; Caslp�sr�.Th� cov�na .nc1
<br /> �yrwrtMnts of tI�N S�cuNry tneVument ah�N b(nd�nd DonMit tha auccs�'tore�nd aasipm o1 L�rnd sorcaxK, sut►�Ct to th�
<br /> provisbna of p+u�ynph 17. Borrewer'e coven�rNr and�prae�ntinnts ah�N b�(okit and swe�. Arry Brxmwsr who eo•siyr.� tMa
<br /> Sewtriy inatrumeM lwt doett m:'t sxe�wte the Note: (a�ir eo�etlfln{np thla Secudly Inatrumenl a►y to ma►ty.�a,grac+�end convy
<br /> th�t Borrawer'e Intereet In i�.e�oper�y,wr�dir tho termn of.thin•�riu�ity Instmmmt; (b� ie not peraoneNy oblprted ta W5►th�
<br /> sums s�cured by thh 3ecudly Inswmer�; and(c) Mgr�sen trtnt.L��ndi�r�nd�ny oth�r Barower mry ayns to exUnd,madly.
<br /> torbNr or mek�eny�ccwr.mod�Nons with reflard to the terme of thia Securiry Instrument or the Nota wlthout that Bortow�r's
<br /> conaant.
<br /> 13. !��lt �h!.��t. ft th: Ican acr�sud b;� tNa S„^r�rity InsUUment Is subJect to e [aw whbh eets nwxLrwm {an
<br />- charqea, and ihN kw b�naLy Inteipreted so thnt thn hMrent or other(an chugee coN�cted or to be colfected M connentiai
<br /> wkh th�Iwn exceed the pertnkted EfrnN�,thon: (ej any suoh loan chnrge ahaN bo roduced by the emount neceaoary to roduom
<br /> tha ch�rQe tu. th�e pemAtted Iirt�iS; end f,t�)any ouma�dy coMe�teci irom Borrowx wni�i� ax��i��niiir�i i+iNin wiw b�
<br />- ' rdunded to ncrrower. Lvnder may chaa�sm Ro make thla re?und by reducing the prindpaJ nwed unckr the Nots or by meld�tfl e
<br /> dfact p�ymur�t to Barrower. It a rcfund iuS:ces princlpal, the reducUon wiY bo trutter! ns a puUol pnpaymm�t wiNaut �ny
<br /> prep�yment Chupe under t°�e Note.
<br /> 14. NAl1CR�.My aotica to 6omowcr prcnrWa�1:r•fn thle SecurKy Instrument shn11 ba piven by ddkering k or bll meflhp U
<br />- by first dtea m�N unkaa�ppNeebla law requkno u�a�anothe�mNhod. The notlee aNell be dic�ected to ihe F�ropery Addnsa
<br />_� a�ny othnr addrass Bortower dealgnntoo by n��Nce to Lender. My noUce to Lender ahaR be pivon by fkst d�ss meW to
<br /> ,��_
<br />�- LenQl�`s a4Gr03� eU[eo f1E�eln or tmy otitnr eddreoe imder designsics by nooce io ovamrar. ivry rro"omr prdin:xv ivi•`� vaw
<br /> Secudty Inatrument ehafl 6e deemed to huvo Iwnn gtvsn� 8orrower or Lendcr whee givan es provided in this pungreph.
<br /> 15. Gow��ntne Fa�w; Sever�►b11]�2y. TrAn Gecudty Innt►ument ehdl bo govaned by federal kw �nd th�a law of lhe
<br /> Judsdicllon (n wh{ch tAo An��ertj is bcntnd. In 1Au �ti•mt thut any provlelon or clausa at thls Security Instn�ment or the Nota
<br /> conlNcte wtth eppBcaAto law, auoh confllct ahull not aftum mthut prou'�'.ona of thia Securiry Inst�ument ur thm Note whloh can Dm
<br />= gken eltttt.M without ihe confActkig pin�v;ston,7c+ thlfl end tbu pim�la`onn at thls Securtry Inatiument end the Note rre dcci�r�ed to
<br /> b!3lY�fiblQ.
<br /> 1R. �arro+�ro�'e Copy.Barro�eer shuV bu giv�rn¢nu confomicd copy o1 the Noto and ot t�l�Sccurity InsEn+�innt
<br />�
<br /> F1310.LM(i p(93) Wgo 3 of 5
<br /> 10000050
<br />