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<br />Farm 808 B <br />87 -» t~Qlgf~fl <br />Lender's written agreement or applicable law. Borrower shall pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the <br />mtutntr provided under paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shalt become additional <br />indebtedness of Borrower secured by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment, such <br />amrnmta shaA t+e navahtt upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment [hereof, and shall [rear interest from the <br />date of disbursement at the rate payabte from time to time nn outstanding principal under the Nott unless payment of <br />interest at such rate would fx contrary to applicable law, in which event such amounts shall bear interest at the highest rats <br />petrnissibte :ruder applicable tasv. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shell requite Lender to incur any exper€se or take <br />any action hereunder. <br />6. itrepectlea. Lender may make or cause to rte made reasonahle entries upon and inspections of the Property, provided <br />that [,ender shalt give Borcowcr notice prior to any such inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor related to Lender's <br />interest in the 1'rapertp. <br />4. Condetnnalion. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct ar consequential, in cbnnxtion with any <br />condemnation nr other taking of the Property, or part therct•.f. or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned <br />and shah be paid m Lender. <br />to the event of a total taking of rite Property, the proceeds shalt be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage, <br />with Tire excess, if anv° paid to &rrrower. in the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borcower arvd Lender <br />otherwise agree in writing, there shall he applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds <br />as is equal to that proportion which the amount of the sums secured by this Mortgage immediately prior to the date of <br />taking burs to the fair market value of the Property immediately prior to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds <br />paid to Borrower. <br />[f the Property i= abartdoned by Borrower, or if. after notice by bender ro Borrower that the condemnor offers to make <br />an award or settle a claim for damage;. Rorrower faits to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date such notice is <br />mailed, Lender is authorized to collect and apply the pn+ceeds. at Lender's option, either to restoration or repair of the <br />Propery or ro the sums secured by ?his Alnrtgage. <br />Unless fender and Aorrower otherwise agree in writing, anv such application of proceeds to principal shall trot extend <br />ar postpone the dtre date of the monthly instahments referred to in paragraphs I and 2 hereof or change the amount of <br />such inssallmcnts. <br />!8. llonotrer Not Rrkned. Estensian <,f test time for payment or mndificatron of amortization of the sums secured <br />by thus Mortgage granted by i_ender to any successor in interest of Borrower chat] nut operate to release, in any manner. <br />the tiabrlity of the arigtrat Borrower and Borrower's successors ,n interest. Lender shalt not be required to commence <br />prncetdngs against tech successor nr refuse to extend rme for payment or otherwise modify amortization of the sums <br />secured hr this Mort¢age t+v,reason of any dtmaud made by the original Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest. <br />1/. Farhearteect M ],ceder Not a Waiver. Any Carhea:ancc by Lender in exercising any rigfit or remedy hereunder, or <br />„tr,et,.,i~ al[nrd><d by anttlicabte law. shall oat tie a waiver of +zr preclude the exercise of one such right or remedy. <br />T}tc prtx-urement crf insurance or the paymem +,f nr other i,ens or charges by Lertder shah nrn he a waiver of i_entiers <br />right ro accelerate the maturity of the indebtedness +ecurrd by the Mongage <br />12. Rt+mediea C. utnniatise. Ai! remedies pre+~idcd +r. thin Martgage ere distinct and cumulative to any other right or <br />rcmesly under this Mortgage or afforded hs tasv :+r eyu,tv..+nJ ntay ht. exrrc~srd runcurrent}y. indeprttdenth~ ar successive}y. <br />13, Sarresaors attd ,ktsigns Rawrd: Joint and Srsentl [.3abiifty: Cap.•ions. llte covenants and agreements heroin <br />cantaiaed shaft hind, and the rights hereunder shall cruet +n, ;fife respecrvr successors and assigns of Lender acrd Borrower. <br />sabitct to the nn»~isitms of ;saagraph ,~ hereof Ate .cvenants anJ :agreements o[ Borrower shall fits joint and several. <br />Tt€t eapttotvs and headings of the paragraphs e~C this liortgagr arc' for ~anvenrenec ,+nie aril arc :t, ,. ti : ~ '•-. <br />inttrprct or deCtnc the pmvrsu ns hercat. <br />l9. Notke• Bscept for any nonce rey u+rrd ender .,pp{iceble law- ro tre green ut another manner. !a) anv notice to <br />Rorrower pttrndtd for in thrs Marigagc st:alt ht K,ven by ma+iing such noucr hs zcruftat marl eddresxd ts> Borrower at <br />the Prapertv .Address or at such other address :es B+rrn,wer mss Jn,gnatc ht rtoticr to 1 coder as provided herein< and <br />!b) ~ o fxnaer shalt hr over: Fs crntficJ mad. return :rcnpt rruucttnt, to i ender°+ :+ddress stated herein ar to <br />sULt'1'alt[te addrrttt as (entire may detikna[e h: rot,~e 1~~ Bit«~xrr as provided her e+n anv nutter= pn`vidtYf for in this <br />Mtxtgage shalt trt domed fit: ?rave i+crn g+ven tc fL>rn+wer ,+t I ender when u+*'rn m the manner designated herein. <br />l$. Utdfone M1forigaRe; Gocerttintt law: SrsrrabWn. fh,..~+rm ++t n+v+rtgage .+~mhtrves uniform covenants frr national <br />use and rtan~uniform covenants with ~irniteJ ~:arou+nn, by ::andr t„rre t++ u~nuuute a unrfarm secunty instrument covering <br />rest pre>perty. This Mortgage shell fix gosen;eJ hti +he ', +f rfie ~aris,hcuon m which the Property is located. (n the <br />°. , :ha, ,ny pre ~ ta,.._ : f ,h;s !+!^ ..°aet .. .~ ~<'.- •. ntitc ...!fi xppi:"b!t !•'-w. ch __ntlect shall not affect <br />aKhtr provtsions of~ihrs 9tortgage +rr the Vsae uh„h ..„ i+s:Fx,sen ctie<t wnh.,rtt~the .onflicting ~provisian, and to this <br />end rive provisions of the Mortgage and the Cott are ,icc(arnd r + he scvetable- <br />!~, Bartrowesa Copy. Borr,rwer .hall iu~ ':un•shcJ ., _, .+tornreJ .+,tr. <+t the 'Vote anJ of thts Mortgage a[ the time <br />of exetutiott cx after r4YOrdal~'n hereof. <br />[7. Traoder of the Property; Assuwptioa. If oE, .=r ant t+art z=! the Property or an interest therein ii sold er transferre•' <br />by Borrower without Lender's prtor written :,,nseru. rsaiudirx .,, t?tr +rcati+?n +.f alien er encumbrance subordinate to <br />this Me+rtgage, Cbl the creautvt t+f a }?ur.f+ax an~,akt -c-..t.tin nttrest t~+r heuxhold applian.:es, !c) a transfer by devise. <br />dtstemt ar by o}+eration of law upr;n the Jeath of a .o„r; t>nart ,~t ,c, the grant +,f auy leasehold interest of three years or less <br />not containing an option n, purchase. I ceder may, at t enJer'~ .+pti.rn. declare all the rums st,:ured by [his Mortgage to tee <br />immediately due anti payable. 1 crtdrr chat: hose wa,veS .,,vn .+prum to at:cckrate +f, prior to the sale or transfer. Lender <br />aril the p<rxxt to wham the Property ~c to t+e wid ++r transferred reach agreement in wrung that the credit of such person <br />ss satisfa;ton to [xuder and that the interest pa}able an the .oink ceased by this ;ttortgage shall he at ouch rats as lender <br />shelf request. If f.tader has wais'tai the .r pt,on tc~ a;ce;era[t pr~+v+ded rn thrs paragraph t7. and it Borrower's successor in <br />:merest has executed a wruten asstunption agretrnent a.:cep[ed in writing try Lender. tinder shall release Rorrower from all <br />obligations ustdcr this Mortgage and the Mott. <br />If lender exeuises such spoon to accelerate. [ e::Jer shall mail Borrower notice of aceeieration m accontanee with <br />paragraph t4 hrreaf. Such nouce sfoalt pravtdr a period of not Less than 30 days from the date the notice is mailed within <br />which Borrower may pay the sums declared dot. If Aorrower f.uts a> pay' su[h wins prior to the expiration of such penal. <br /> may, without further notice ur demand ,+n Borrower. invoke an}' remedies permitted by paragraph IA hertaf. <br />Nzx~t-Ux€FOnst Cov-ctax4rs. Rnrrawer .,nJ (.ender tuntter covenam and egret as follows: <br />!8. AceekrWioa; Remedies. E,accp6 as prodded is paragraph 17 bereof. upon Borrower's breach of say coreasat or <br />.nRrelweat of harrower in tads ilorgtagq ?acltrding for rovruauis In pay wtxa due any sows secured by this ~iortiaige, <br />Geftlar pda• W aceder~ion nhad rttaB notice to Borrower as ;rro.ided in paragraph l4 hereof spetifyinR: Ill the breach: <br />(2) 3ht aribn to trace twrh breach€ f 3) a die, oat leas than 3o days (raw the dMe the notice is mailed to Borrower. <br />4y wldef latch 6nrach mist Ire ewred; trod lit tfW fstRtue to ewe xueh Mracb on w uefore the date spaifted in the trotice <br />stay reatdf is art,titrratioa of the sarru xecured by tf6t 'tlart{;aq;e, foreeMsnre by judicial prua°reditgt and teak of ttx Pmperty. <br />The eratlct atraR (cutler ia[ara€ Cfrrrrawer of the right to reiaetatt after atedertv€ion and the right to asscA in the ftvredosure <br />praeeadirtr the aatheaieteoce of a de[auU ar any ether rkftwse of $arrower €o accFkcation lord farecltnure. ![ the brertch <br />b oat eased o+s m beitrre the date sparffisd in fife notice, Leader at fender's rrptfoa may declare td! of the sews secured by. <br />~t ~ ~ 6e 1toatgdkte3y dac try payahk wiihaul furtbet dewtwd sad may forecttrse by judicial prottedlgl. Lender <br />slvat# ha eq~RSt its erAfcit L ta€eh prtrreadiag all eapernes of fareclosnn, itvcfadhtg, fat cwt €iarited fie, ctr:#s of dacwwrwlary <br />arfdaase, tdnsracts sad title reports. <br />i4 tlarres+•sr's Rigjg €a lttiaatlatr. tis~tvvktitatandtng lender's acrelerauon oC rhr sums ct,tted t?y this Morty;aat. <br />Rwtrtnser stye,] ttxvc €be rich. tka tree. >r3 lyroa~edtatgs hegvu hp 1 et+det to cnfur,< thss '<tortgaEt dtsz++ntinued at :any ume <br />