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f <br />TKE Ait)R7[GAt30R FURTHER (:OVEt+iANTB ANU A6REF,9: <br />That',Hfr Mtxtpgler will-'pay the indshbednda ~ herrinbefore°protriddi. O ~ -V ~ 1a75 <br />Thit the MeregagUr is flu ounce of said property in tee simple and haft good right and lew(ut authority to salt and <br />twnvey the limo-. ipd' refer the came is free std clRar al.any lien ter anewnbtx_ ut~: and then fklortgagor will warcant aml defsrwt the~^ <br />title tr> said nres7i#.xr aeairr_at tow rtetms of at;• n'ar _.eltiivrrtso{fvex. - <br />To pay ittmrxdialely rrhm tiue seat peyebfr all generil taxes; ,special !axes,-special assessments, water charges, sewer serv- <br />tce charges, acrd outer taxn and ehaegee asairtet nand property, anti alF-texas tevird an the debt secured hernhy, and io furnish the <br />Mortgage, t?P?e request, with ttte rzrigtnal-or dtrplictite receipts -therefor. The Mortgagor agrees that Cherie shall- 6e-added~'.to - <br />wsc}t monthly payment rr<iuirr!d hereunder or under the-evidence of debt secured hereby nn amount estimated by the Mortgagee <br />is be tat(RairtR toemable the 1Uftrrtgagse~ to PaY, as they become th{e, ed taxes; asaesemente, and similar charges upon-the psere•-. <br />ttiirts stfbjeac titert7a; any rk}kiettcy Airause ofi the iissi>fficiency-of -such addititittaT payments stiaif be -forthwith- deposited- 6y- the ' - -'- - - <br />-.Mortgagor with-4he IMfoYtgagee upon denterxl by the Mortgagee. Any sirfattlt under this paragraph shall, Fee deemed =s rietault in <br />payinrnt of taxes, aaseaemenitti rte similar charges required hereunder. - - <br />- the Mortgagor agrees that here shelf etxo tee added to each monthly payment of pries pat attd interest regained here- <br />undrr an amount estimated by the Mortgagee to Fm sufficient tr. enable the- Mortgagee ter pay, as it tu•Ci>mes due, ihr insurance <br />- pn+mium cut any insurance policy drliverecl to the Mortgagee. Any deficiency FrErause of the insufficiency of such additional pay- <br />ments-shaft be f>rtliwith drposited'Iry the MnKgagor with the Marfgager upon demand by the Mostgagee. Any default undei this <br />- pa{agrsph =.ttslf be drrmcrt a drfaufi in #F.r payment of insurarct• €rretrivmx_ if the policy nr pnticirs drpasitrd are such a~s Myme~ <br />owners e>r all risk pr>ficie!r. arai the deposits are insuAScient to pay the entire premium. the Aiortgagcr may apply the deposit to <br />pay premiums on ridce regefire~ fn fir insa,red try this mortgage. <br />Payments made by the M<.rtRagtx under the at+av pars Kraphs may, at ihr• ;.piton of Uu• Mortgagee, ire held-hy it. and <br />commingled with ether such funds or it rrwn tun<ls krr ihr payment .,f sorb ;terns, and ante! so applieri, such payments are hereby <br />pledged as secunty for fibs un{raid haiance r.f the mortgage indebtedness <br />To pmcure, deliver to, and matrstaan f;~r ilia latarcfit of the aoneaker dunng the fife of this mortgage ariginat policies and <br />reaewala iherevf, deliventi at teasi ten days 4w-€rm [hr rx{rtratic+n •,t .3 r!>~ ~t!£:h f-K:hs'tE'~...nsunng agair>_x[ fire and r,ther insurable <br />hazards, casualties, and <orttingetseies as the Mortgagee may require. in an amount tgvat to the indebtedness secured by this <br />Mortgage. and in tx7mpartir.: arcrptabta t<r the 'yi<•r#K;iger, wilt: h,.!; payshla' ;-taus:~ :n fa4•or r,f and to form ae:ceptable to t}re \fartga- <br />pee. In ihr .went ant polirl~ i. nE,t r .wr.i <,u nr t,n{.~rr ?.rr..tav. art ,t, •~x;n rart'.n. ihr• 17r,rteaK+:e may procure insurance r>n the <br />imPravrrnrnts, t>aY the premium tFtrrrtu r. and ?u[h ;um ~haC! t. .. .... ed::.t.-i} •io,• i },ayahlr- wilts interest a[ [he rate set <br />forth to said sere until paid and zitatl t>e -.a^ut='~ri by thi+ :r><,rtKagr Fadur= ea zhe ;k rf otrthr• Linrtgagar to to rnish such renewals <br />as air herein rrqutred .rt fm:ure to pay xny .um+.:.dvancE'r3 ire r+^unctrr <iraii. at fair .,ptrcm ref thE- Z4urtgagrr, constikvie a default <br />U[1£frfi '<rig #€rma =)1 refs m.:F[eag€°. a h¢' ,. +. £: :e[ -a.e'h „'-.. =3 ~ni -,+ ., .,. i ,ill. ~ r'•nst l[:1 iE' ].^. a5 ~iglinSr>;i in Ihr LLn- <br />earned premium. <br />Any sums received t+~~ th.:• =i.fngaKrr " r+•a~,rn ref !•,+`` •rt , . • t.+t+~ •,,. , r, =+Kainst may t.c mtainrd tv the ,,\I.rrlgaKee <br />and appltrsi trnvard fhe pa}snent •,£ the •trbt here•b~ r. ue.-d .,r .tt thr~ rpi:+•n •,f ,Fee S1±rrtKaKee. such gums rithvr whullY nr in <br />part ma_r' Ue paid m^er to tkm ME,aKaK*rr ;r• }a• n•srr? {„s r.~}ia,r ~.>ch 1 :.,ire„v ~.r -:r !u„id arw hurldtnge ,n t}±e~•ir ptacr r>r for any <br />other puriw.x or otryecE sa ixsiarb~ry' to rht• 3i .rtq.ise•e ~ ~ tr=•ait affe.-t_~,,; zh t,rn ••n the m.,rtzaKi• fnr ihr tuff amns,rt --rurr•d here- <br />hr texture sur•3, t,a~m..o{ a-.: t.s>4 ;eery." <br />T+r prumptty repair. carfare or r.•trrrLt any .~nidnat;r •-r ,mLr,=w,~vro~nn n,w ,u };en•a,!r.•r ern the pre nn-~r4 whteh may h,e, <br />cemre damayexl or dcstruy.Kt. hr keep sand tsrrm ie.-s ;n q,aul amde<iue: a[,d r.•pair send firer fr.,m a }° mrcha;uc+ 6ea or r,t her lien nr <br />claim vt fifes tu>t rxpre7scly subrrdirwtrrF [cr Ehr lees h rr,d- r,.,i to ',after ,• mat ,€ .enlawtni u_~ .,f or env nursanrr• to rr tst on <br />said property rare to {wrmri waste rm as xi prrsnrs+-s, n+.r tr> :in any ether nEt ~.s-ferrebs t}rr pee{n~rty hereby rortvr yrd shall F>ecame <br />letu vtduatae. nor ter dtmtrustt nr +mpatr its s-alur i>y racy act ..r •,rir+.,un :.r -ECt. t....•+mp}v wrth a!t rr-yutrrmeni...rt law with rra{rect <br />W the mortgagrci premises anxi ihr use- the rent <br />Tha# shoaritl the piemtacs or any part thereat hr taken r,r =iamatt.•ri by rrarir>n :if an~. puhltc imProvrmrnt or cuttdemnation <br />pracEedirgt. err urnier ihr right of emettrn4 dEVrara, .fr ,n any other manner the \i?rrfyagew shall he enuUed to aft cumpensattons, <br />awards, acrd arty c>ths'r payment ar relief ttrrn•fur, ar:cf shaif be entitled, st its optir:n- to r,•mmerMe, appear in and prcriecute in its <br />own nsnte any action ar pr<xre+itntG. E.r ic. maw`.x any EsimPeotts€xt rr -~-tt;rmeni ;rt =.-=rr rrrtion ~ir;*. :ivCh iakttttt i•r damage- 1tt such <br />- cutnpEaaMtott, awards, damages, right of action amt.proceede are hereby assignrt3 to the Mortgagee, wtio mat, after tftducting <br />tberatrem alt stn ertpettsas-. relastsa arty tnatrya as reocdved by it. or apply the seine on any indebtedness secured hereby-Thy Mort- <br />- gaplor a;ttesr to eaeeutr such further asaiRnmer;ts txf aray- ratuprnsaitnn, awards, rixmages, am: rights of action and pr<xrcKla sy the <br />Mt?t'ttttKtta.~ war tssytrire, - <br />That in tbse of faiterrr to perform any ref the covereantn herein. the Mortgagee may do nn ihr Mortgagor's behalf everything <br />so. coYanintert: that the Mastsarger racy aLn da any act if may deem rre<xswtry to pmtrrl tree tire #hrreof; that the Marigagar will <br />-reftay tip dersrantl uey itpneys paid or disMtraed br the Mortgagee fur any <>f the above purpErsrs. and such moneys together with <br />iniaYltet-th?i'Ma at the fate provided in said Hate shaft ttet.^otne so much acfditianaf iruleMevlneas hereby secured-and may Fee in- <br />clttdsd is any dscrar finedoaing flue murtgat!e itttd 6e paid out of #hr rents or Proceeds of sale of said pragtiees if turf. a[herwiae <br />- paid.; flat it shaft trot ba obligatory u{s>n the Mortgagee to tttgutre into the vefidrty of any hen- ertcumhrartces, or claim in ed- <br />Ya>tFi~-ttsaa~ air abae+e at#w+itc+sd, fn+t nothing terrain Pontartad ahaif be ratstru~ as raqussing the Mortgagee to adkattce any <br />tneariya fps any aetdt prar>+eaa awe M do soy act Iereunder: and thrt !t/artgagre shaft rant incur any peratuwl lietdlity because of any. <br />tltigs".fi mty da or twtit to de lterauerfex. <br />7u the esmt ra¢ tree dsfettt! try Mtartgaaur in the payment of any trtatatlment as required IrY the Note secured, hereby. or <br />is the parfvnRSnte d the ubiigatwn in thin trn>tigage or in the note secured !hereby. the Mortgagee shall be enUUed to declare the <br />deMt aat9rated htrrabiy due sad {tayadsla with*wt tx>lice, and the MortgtrgRe shall be entitled at its option, wiihnut notice, either by itself <br />ue ~l a raCteitrsr to tfr apptriM!sd try eFm ttrttrt tlx•reut. end without regard to t:lte adequacy of any security fur ihe -iitdehtedneas se- <br />ervtrtt )tep+#ry. to +ruirr ttpvet a;rd take i~sa!+n Fri ttse xnortCa6rd Preteiaea. and to-ootkM and trtetve the refits: iasa+ra attd-PSUfita <br />fltlsast: 't{p~y rtes ae~t..tap casts of ogrratimr e{td~eoilecttinn, upon- t(te irrdettfedatrsrt aeetrred- by this tstarlgege;-said-" rentt, <br />' iaetaas aa2 prutlkeliti~ harsby aitsilattd to the Martgagwe as.-itrttber stturity far the payment d aft indebteedite~ ,eeeurrsl hereby.- - <br />'14tn ! ttftslt tp+re rtes ptttsres to appoint troy agent r+r agents it troy desire far ihr purpose of repairing said pram-_ <br />iaw~ raattag flee, ttrmai ~ rhea- crests, revrnt+es.and itrcctme, and it zsay pay cwt of scald itteome all-expeturs itteurred in rcnfrt'- <br />ttg. a~ ~ ~ ease ar[d sd.mJi&~itttt the renters tl[wrefrQaa, The balartee remainiM, if any. shall Fre applied toward ttteY° <br />- ~_ sL. the ~ l~ Tfi~ aasigeunrnt is to termittatr enrf became nuts atxl void upon release Ed this tttortgef~=' <br />~+v <br />l <br />