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~l.I,~A~~ 81- U G 194 3 <br />Mot:~rcACr; lAAN No. z 23 a s21 <br />tt~h~~Aia.~ts:a8t'rtit~t~sFarls~'tttat ~ C. Lishe and Maxine M. Liske, each in his artd her <br />owrl right and as spouse of each oar, ~, w~uxr ~ ~ , ~ ~+~~ ~~ <br />Seuers#}r=*~~ R4w,aand anA tanJlnn <br />laaead to sad Itatx€ga@ar by Tilt Flquihbk Buifdatg seat [~mr Asaoaatirni of frttrd Iskod, tkbrvta, Mtxt~c. npaa 73Q iumm d atadtttt <br />mia ASSOCIA'CIOd~(, CtrtiPasu No. t. 23, 921 • ~ ~rchY gtrmt, txtavelr seal trtortg~e tram rite tam A3~CIA11f~+f ~e folashlB <br />deaat~ed teal effittu, steered in LfaB Corrnty, iVebraska: <br />ItOT TESL (10) ZIP? HTAQC FIVE (5) II"I <br />A>~ZTIC€,1 TO {r1L~T I1~:r~3, ?1Al ADDITZtI1? TO THE CITY dF <br />Cy2ADID I.SI~dVD, F;AT.T. Gl7ikdTY, f1EBR1><S~iCA. <br />togtthtr wish all the ttrtemenu, tttrcditarntnta and appurtenances thtrrunht bebngitrg, intlttiting attached floor twtriag, sU wiadpw aae®sa, <br />windaw xhades, btrnds, storm ,.~. x~„~, ;ti=~.R, c::.^:r•n1x• ~. ~r,.t p++.,mtMny and mater egttipvxnt seed aoceaories t~teto, puatpa,stavea, <br />rcfeegera[ors, and tether futwes and egmpmrnt now or hereafter attached in or uxerl in wnrrection with sairi real estau. <br />AAd whereas rite vN ~uM;~,. F.. agreed xn+i does hereby a°ree that the «xrn¢agor shall and wilt pay a)I taxes and asaea>QOents kvied or <br />asaeme6 trptsn said peemiaes and uprin tha mortgage and the ix>nd stewed thereby before ttx sartx shall become detittquent: to furnish approved <br />itrntrana ton the htutd~s tm sad ptertrtYS ntwted in the sum of S 'i 3 , OOQ . 00 nayabk to said ASSOCIATION and io deliver to said <br />ASSOCIATION the pulrcies fix sad insurance: and rtwt to commit of permit any waste ur, ur about sad prerrrises: <br />in r~rx of default in the perfoamana of apy al thr. ~rms:itd oortditrtxcs of etas rraxigage of tht bord secured htrebp, the mortgagix sttaB, <br />on derrund, be entitled to immediate pasxsvttn of the n,eregaged premises sad the rr,ortgagar Fureby assists, trarxders std sets aver to the <br />rnorr6tr~ee all the emu, revent~s and inu>r,R to be dee,ved the natrtgaged taeintses during such time as the irk)rtgige irtdehtedRea Siali remain <br />+~paid: seed else sattga~ tta9 have the paver w appoint soy agtttr w agtttis it tray drsrrc for the purptrae of repaaisg sad prtattad seed reatiag <br />ih! samic and wdlecterrg tfX recta. revenues and Ntxrrnt, sad it may pay out of said rnasmc aq rxpetnes of rapaiting said prerraisea trod rtectmty <br />cammdmons and expanses irtcnrred m rtntmg std rtnnagvtg the same seat of catkctipg rentxk tirertirvm; the ba)>mce rctnaiaitig, if arty, to be <br />applied ttrvard ttre dtscirargc of slid rrasrtgage irdcSttdrress; tlreac righu ut ehc mortgagee nay bt cxerciseti at any tint daring the exitdetea of aisle <br />def~~f _ K*__T r~tiae of any sTMxrary welter of the same. <br />Thtz ptersrtts, txiwceex, are up.xr the Cotutttia+i, That if the satd Mwtgsoor star{ repay card kran cm w Ixfurc the mstrnity of said shoes bl <br />paytrsni; pay mwsthly w raid AaSfK'tAT'tON al the xurri specifieet an tht B+nsd secured hereby as interest arsd principal on said Loan, on or h.erc <br />tits Twrntieth day rrf tact[ arsd every rratnth, tined seed kun ix fatly pad; pay xlJ taxes arsd auessntents kvied against said premees and oa this Mortgtge <br />and ttre Bond secured therctg, before ddtnyrterrcy; fumrsh appravnf rrisurarice uptxi the bwklmgs thereon m the stem of $ 73, OOO.OO payabk <br />to said ASSOCIATION. repay to said AS.SUCIATt(Mi upon dermpd a{I mr:ney by tt paid for such taxes, ascesarnept: and insurance with interest at <br />the meartaiun kgai rate titererm [nun dace of payur~a..IS rt t~F.r.-.a s~~Yt~„~..~. !x:^_9y ,~..Y. to pay; oernut rtu wasu on said premises; keep and cotrrply <br />wish elf the agrttmenta and txrrrdstams of rile Bared tar Y 73 r QO,%a, Op thrx dxy given by the said Martgagar to said ASSOCIATION. wd tompty <br />with aB the requirCmtnrs of flee ConsUtuixxt xmi By~{.awa o sad tATtON: then tttsac presents shat[ berxsnte null sad vts~, atherwise tisy <br />sleep terwnt m full tixcr and may br, furtcktted at the option of the sent ASSOt,tATION after fantut far three months to make any of said <br />payments tx be thret months rn arttirs in l(aking caul rrumthiy payvxnts, or U keep arsd comply with Itle agfamen.u and caoditions of said Bond; <br />std Mwtgagex al6tes to rave a recctser appointed furthwuh rn sterlt fare~Grsurt pruteediergs. <br />if there to spy charge in uwi,trship of the sea} c~au tnurtgaptd httein, try sak ar otMrwise, thrn the entire revuining mdebtalaess hereby <br />staved s1ta1, at ttte trptioa of Tht F.ytugtiele Banding treed Laur Aesociatieur of C.rand lslmd,Netrraaka,bewme imaxdiattty due sad payable tvilhtnd <br />tur4her ttrstiw, and the trrturunt terinviuag doe trader raid bond, and any athn bold for arty additiooa! advutces rttade thereunder. sheet., fry the <br />des of txnciae ut said option, btu interest at the r,uxinitmt legal ,ate, std ttrb mortg~t tray tarn be ioreciossd to satofy the amount due an said <br />6ard,tnd any otMt besntl for sddrtktrul adsancts, together with sit sumx paid by said The Equigtbk Buitditg sad Lam A~ocialion of Grand Islmtl, <br />Nebrastn fast irawaante, taax±r asd asaesmsrnfa. sad abstrsr:trng tritcriaian charges, with interest thercap, from [tau of payrtept st the rtnximum <br />~ ~. <br />As provided m the llad secured hereby, while thn mortgage remains m effect Litt rnwtgagrx tiny tereafter advmex additional soma to the <br />rndttrs of said Boyd, tbes anus as r~acrossars in interest, which sums strati be within the security of this mrutgage the same as the funds otiginaBy <br />aeetaed lbdeby, the fatal amount of prusctpai debt nut to cxesed at any time for urtgenal aoarunt rr( tltn ,rtortgagt. <br />i]stsd this 15th day of April A. n., Iv 81 <br />i _' <br />~,.. <br />t~ ~. Lisike <br />STATI; ~ NEBRASKA' as. fht this 15th ei. v ut April 19 $1 ,before t»e, <br />C'Ot.f4i't"Y tLAi1, <br />ttu: untfercypreti, a Nruary Public m aid for sad Coua(y, paraonal{y tame <br />otl~;r 'f.icko arxi Mascine M. Liske, ~cYt in his eyed her own right anwtroas~sptxtse ¢perfstmsBy~kaownto <br />se ep M tAa ir4fsattwi p arhaat same g aIe afftsad to the above ; urteat as rtuxigaeur 6 and they arrsanily <br />~ test acid IsHtt,m,Mti to bt their vtdtmtary act and deed. - _~~i '"~ <br />tYt1'tft';~ usy traasi and Nauru{ Ssal the dau doresaisf. ~' ~ - ~~ <br />My <:~ saWrta <br />~~ <br />~T1iaP ^Siaa of tk6rasMa t . _ tri~tast~ <br />tr«ttiir at <br />,Ei4ttk$u W. C74, ~,i,7d4f <br />~Y Gstars. Fsjt IWV i~, i9t7 t <br />