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<br />i ::
<br />~° t}t?1940 ~.
<br />~ ~~ Ne 141 Mar T2 ~~~ QUITCIAiM pff0 STATE ___. _ ---v~~m
<br />PROTECT: DPF-34-4(I02) AFE: R-343 TRACT: 12
<br />THAT Aa41.d O~G~olid a _...e.., ....- _ . . -. DIRECTOR,STATE EN~INBER
<br />1 ~....6.. .. _---.....°--°_...--.._......-.... _
<br />~ in tke Howe of tke State of Nebraska sad jor tke Department of Roads o/ said State of Nebroska, under thr
<br />1 provisions of Sactien 39-1326 R.R.S. of Nebraska, 1943 and (or and in consideration of the sum aj
<br />I iw kand paid, does kerebr~ t, baraaoin, sett, convey, rcwise, release and- forever yuitctaim unto._-__-_.-....-_.._...-.
<br />_ Ri~t,~ard Kittridg_e__aad M_- 3ane_ Kit+trid~ez _Husband and Wife
<br />kertino ttr kaotet as tke Grantce, wketker one or more, the joltotuing described rcal property situated
<br />i in-_.__~11 .............Comnty and State oj.Ntbraska andsubjtct to say and atl ezistingrestrictions and/oreasements:
<br />~.
<br />? I
<br />t
<br />4 A tract of land located in the West Half of the Southeast Quarter of
<br />i
<br />~ Section 26, Township lI North, Range 9 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian,
<br />ftall County, Nebraska, described as follows:
<br />~ Referring to the Southwest Corner of said Quarter Section; thence easterly
<br />a distance of 1,326.4$ feet along the South Line of said Quarter Section; thence
<br />northerly deflecting 89 degrees, 42 minutes left, a distance of 60.00 feat to
<br />the point of beginning; thence northerly deflecting 00 degrees, 00 minutes, a
<br />distance of 110.08 feet; thence westerly deflecting 90 degrees, LS minutes left,
<br />a distance of 45.02 feet; thence southerly deflecting 90 degrees, 00 minutes
<br />le€t, a distance of 110.00 €eet; thence easterly deflecting 90 degrees, 00
<br />j minutes left, a distance of 44.43 feet to the E,,;int of b<gin^.i^.g, c..nratntno
<br />i U,11 aC~e, mivrc va l~t:°o.
<br />1
<br />There will be no ingress or egress between Highway 34 and the above
<br />described tract, the intent being to deny entry to and exit from said highway
<br />except, over one unrestricted .'.rive, not to exceed 40 feet in width, the
<br />eeaterilne of which is located on the East Line of said tract.
<br />The State of Nebraska hereby retains for itself and for its successors and
<br />` ! assigns the following described permanent easement for the purpose of the
<br />~ perpetuation aY point, mutual ~.d free a ass .`ram a^d ±o rhn right of way
<br />t including the road nr highway to be used~hy alt respective occupants, licensees
<br />and owner of properties asi~oisting and abutting said permanent easement situated
<br />t is-Hall County and State of Nebeaska:
<br />A tract oT land located in the west Haif of tilt Sout beast 4.tarter of
<br /># Section 26, Township L1 North, Range 9 wear,. of the Sixth Principal Meridian,
<br />Aa11 Coun[y, Nebraska, described as Follows:
<br />Referring to the Southwest Corner of said Quarter Section; thence easterly
<br />~ a distance of 1,326.48 feet along the South Line of said Quarter Section; thence
<br />northerly deflecting $9 degrees, 42 minutes left, a distance of 60.00 feet to
<br />the point of beginning; thence northerly deflecting 00 degrees, 00 miaufes, a
<br />~ distance of 35.00 feet; thence southwesterly deflecting 139 degrees, 32 minutes
<br />left, a distance of 46.22 feet; thence easterly deflecting 130 degrees, 47 minutes
<br />left, a distance of 30.00 feet to the point of beginning containing 0.01 acre,
<br />taore or lase. __
<br />~ ~.o... ~4 STAMP TAX
<br />` ~IIVik ~filF!'fri-,i ta~p~~ .
<br />I ,a ~~~~ ~ APR 1 '( 1981
<br />,# ~
<br />_~ I
<br />1 To leave and to kold said real propartp. kerebx 1taou+n to include rent estate taRetker,µetjt.tllfeneaanss,
<br />karedswteata and appartcnances tkereunto be/onRang, unto said Grantee and to leis, leer ar tkcir h4irs, successors
<br />asd asci4aa jareetr.
<br />;. - , ~. -
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<br />Datr extertad tkis.... ~....-.....day aj...... ~~f.! ie ...................... 19_i?~_., Sff1td:~.
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