<br />~~
<br />[ MaxTCac~ ~ ~~
<br />F ~1-U01939
<br />f Tbis Mortgage is entered into between Webb Plaza Partnership
<br />~____ _. _---_~__.~_ _ _ (herein "i6aorE~r") sod
<br />FTVft pttZfirPS HAIQK. __ _ - (HE'lEtrl."IF10'-').
<br />Mortgagor is indebted to !mortgagee in the prittcipal sum of $ 1 7t1„n€itl.Ott , evidenced b}! IMvrtg7tg4r's oats
<br />-dated ~ {4l /R 1 _ (herein "Note") pwvidmg for payments of prirre'tpal and- interest, with thir bafanee o€ (Ire
<br />iarlebtedrceas, it not soarer paid, due and payable on~
<br />Tasectrre the payment of the Note, with interest as provided Werein, the payment of all other-sums; with interest,-
<br />adirancad by blortgirgee to protect the tectatity of this Mortgage, And We peKormance of the eovenantr and ag~eementa.ot
<br />the Mortgagor contained herein, MotYgagtrt does hereby mortgage and convey to Mortgagee the. following described
<br />ptroperty ideated in Hall ._.~.._._~.__ Gounty, Nebraska_
<br />Part o£ the East Half of the Northeast tZttatter (F3gNE~) of Section Twelve
<br />(12), in Township Eleven (11} North, Range Ten (10) West of the Sixth
<br />P.M., more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Sectiop-
<br />Line, said point being 200 feet south of the Northeast corner of Bald
<br />Section 12; running thence west and parallel to the North section line of
<br />said Section I2, a distance of 418 feet; running thence south parallel to the
<br />East section line of said Section 12, a distance of 228 feet; running thence
<br />east. parallel to the north section line of said Section 12, a distance of
<br />418 feet; running thence north an the Section line of said Section 12, a distance taf
<br />228 feet to the point of beginning.
<br />Together with all twddin~;, +mprnveateniv, fixtunw, streets, a!1.=ys, passageways, raiemenL, rights, privileges and
<br />appurtet+ances located thervtrrt a rn anywise pertaining [he~re[+3, and the rents issues and pro[its,reversions and remainders
<br />tftereot; ituittding, but ntn limited td, htaating and rooting equipment artd such penonai property that is 8ltached to the
<br />iaaptovetnentr so ss W constitute a Cixtur*s; sit of which, including replarYmencs end additions thereto, is hereby declared
<br />to be a put of the ttal estate secured by the I+en of thu Mortgage and at! of the foregoing being trtemed to kerein as the
<br />..~~~°.
<br />Mdrigagtrr furbtter rentenanta sad agrees. with ;4idrtgagrr, as foitows:
<br />i. Payment. To pay Wr mdeUtedness and the +ntere+t then~dn as prov+ded in this Mortgage and the Note.
<br />2. Title. MortCagor +5 the oxner of the Property. ha+ th+~ right 2nd authority to mortgage We Property, and
<br />waarintr that the iten crcat;ed hereby u e f+rst and poor limn nn the Pn>prny, except as may otherwise be set forth heroin.
<br />u "cite Pn,prny is subs^t to a Mortgage wherein - _. ...
<br />is the Aburtipt+ge+e. recorded at i5ooi --- ._ - . . t a~ ::i the :::tF;;: i;re~~ra= of _.. _ _ Cduaty,
<br />Nebraska, whcett Mortgage is a i+en pr[ur to the i+rn : rested hewn} !^
<br />i7 (kher prior urns a enenmbran[~ _ __
<br />3. Tsxes, Atanta. To pay when due sit tax.s.:pteiat asses-vnrnic and a!1 other charges against the Pmperty_
<br />sad, ulx3ts r-ri##en demand by kidrtgsgee, us add io the ~ymeats rc-qu+srd under tLe Note securedhtreby, such amOYnf.ls
<br />tWty be auttlcieat to enabic the Mortgagee to pay such taxes. assesstuenis or other charges as Way become due.
<br />rj. loa~ee~ To keep the improvements now or hereafter located do fire rea4 estate described berets inatrced
<br />sprint damsge by lire sad such other ftaaartu as Mortgagee may require, in amounts and with companies acceptable tp We
<br />, teeth 1~ payable try the Mortgagee. to cur of toes under such policies the Mortgagee is-authorizaad to
<br />ad~at, cdtiert sad coarprda2ise, in its disctYtion, ail cretins tlrerrunder at its woe upttos, auWorizedtotritfier-t~ppiyt$e~
<br />pa+atxeia w ~ boa of the Property or uprpt We indebtedrtesa secured hereby, but paymeatrheaeundEcibtdt cos.-
<br />etxw tuitll rise ar~secen:d bemby era paid in toll.
<br />& ~ Fa+cro3r trot 7'rrcas and trnwranee. ':dtwithstanding aaytarrt; ctmtuined to pategvaphs 3 and 4 herevF t4 We
<br />cawirary, Morttpixoc r+Ardt pry W the Mortgagee at the time df prying the n[onthly irmtalirrents of principii and latereat,
<br />eAtJtfett~ df.dar yeady t~xce, asseaeaeents. hazard insurance pataitrms, sad ground runts lif any)whicb may attain a-
<br />ptd+oetty neat tlrlt lWvtpgpr, ail as reu+nraMy estimated [rdm trine W time by the Mort~gee_ 'the amounts so paW shalt bn
<br />Isaid fry fist Jdeayagsr tvttbditt .interest attd applied to the payrmrat df the itetrse to rs~pret to which such amount} were
<br />Arplibad, 'Flee tuaaa p~ W Merges hereunder are inedde'd as addltiottal security for We indebtedness assured by Lbia
<br />,16ract~w aba16 pay to ~ rite amount of any detirtatuy between the actual fazes, assessmersts, trqur>attCe
<br />a sad ren#s A~ Flie dtpnaits Irerrunder rvtthin i0 days-after demutd iz made upon Mortgagor requesting
<br />1 _
<br />i. Ftttpair. FiFafx{enanavt sled f=se, '1`o prdaap4fy triple. restore or n~9uild any ttuitdings dr impmvemrnta now or
<br />ore toe Ptdfrrty, t„ tt+reg i'foperty in good etiod au! reptdr: ariWdut waur, and Irre imm mechsa~'s or
<br />e sot tt{ty sabdrtttitat~t to the llrtt ttereot; ntrt Est rtsatte, sufttt a pavmtt any nuisance w exist, nor to dirnin-
<br />krll bt isalpai tier astue of tl# Proyeerty try any set-or omibsidn #o set: sad to cortgdy wtW alt requirementr of law wiW
<br />~ ld the tR[rppFtV • - - .
<br />