<br />This Mortgage is entered irrW between __~'~ A, Rai1e, Jr, ai7d Elaine M, Raffle
<br />Htisbanti and tYife (herein "Mprtgaor") tmd
<br />The CNerland National Bank of GrandYIsland (herein„~,;~_
<br />Mortgagor is indebted to Mortgagee in the principal sum ot$ ~>~•~ , evideneed byMortgatgcr'snit[e
<br />dated April 9, 1981 {herein "Note") providin -for menu of
<br />g pay principal and intlreat; with the imtlance:at! the
<br />indebtedness; it not spotter paid, due znd payab3e on April 15, 1986
<br />To secutt*dre payment at the Note, with intemst as provi~d therein, the payment of all other sutras, with int~iG -
<br />advane~ by Mort~gee to protect the security of this Mortgage, and the performance of Lhe epvenantaand agreema~ of
<br />the Mortgagor contained herein, Mortgagor does hereby mortgage and convey to Mortgagee the tollpw+9ng :dascNhitB
<br />property Located in _ Ha11 _ County, Nebraska:
<br />Lot Six (6} in Jack Voss Subdivision, being a part of the
<br />West Half of the Southwest Quarter (W~SW~) Secti®ft Two (2~,
<br />Township Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (1Q) West of the Saxth P,M„
<br />Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />Together with all buildings, improvements, fixtures, streeFU, aileyx, passagewags, casements, rights, pnvilegts and
<br />apprutenences located thereon or in anyxrtse pertainutg thcre[o, and the rents issues aad profits, reversions and [emainders
<br />thereof; including, but not limited to, heating and rooting eGu+pment and ouch petsottat ~roprrty that is attached to the
<br />improvements sa as W constitute a fixture; afl o[ which, +nciud+nK replacements and additions fhereW, is hereby dee8ited
<br />W he a part pi the era! estate secured t,y the [ten of ihn ~lorlgagc- and al[ of the tpregoing being referred W herein as the
<br />..rRoPer'sY,.
<br />Mortgagor further convenants and agrees, with t?ongager, a, ioliows:
<br />
<br />1. Payment ;o pay the indebtedness and the mtere,[ thereon as provided in this Wortgage at[d the Nate.
<br />2. Title. Mortgagor is fire owner pt the• Property , ha+ !hr nght and suthonty to mortgage the Property, aad
<br />warrants that Ette lien created hereby is a first and prior hen im th+- l'roprrty~, except a~ may ntherwise be set forth herein.
<br />u ...r Pro,;..riy . 7!t,w t +n ~ Unrtoa~n .s~hrrrin _ _. ... _._.,-'___..__
<br />u the Mortgagee, recorded a! tarok .._-_.-- • Page - +.i the Mortgage Kecords pt _... ~ eaanty,
<br />Nebraska, which Mortgage is a Bert prior to the lien resoled herebti.
<br />~ Other prior liens or encumbrances: _... IItHIe __ -.- .__-_-- --- --~----_ --
<br />3. Taxes, ~sFessrrreu+s. Ta pay when duc all taxes, special assessmea6s and aU ottror cbarSes a~t~t.:lhe:lht "
<br />and, upon written demand by Mortgagee. W add to the paymrttw mgairr<ti under [br.Nate~setu~cd:he}ehy-st~t_amiu_ 6t?as _ • -_
<br />maq be suftident to enable the Mort~gagae to pay such taxes, assessments at ol2+er chA[ges as ifmy+ bacgme dtw. :
<br />?~ lasuratKe. Ta keep the imptrovementa now or hereafter toeated oft the nwl estate descri4ati_~an~t inwfed
<br />agairtstdamage gy fire andsu+ctt ether hazards as Mortgagee may requi;c, itt amounts asd vrth companies at# to the
<br />Mar3gageE, artd with row payab~ w the Mortgagee. In case of toss ands; strck,pntines Che Mnrtgai(e~ is sutpotited to
<br />adjust, collect and compromise, in its discretion, aU claims ttteretutder at its cde optipn, apttwreteSiaeJ,Lerapp}y the
<br />prtxx~ads W the aeat~ation rat the Property or upon the indebtedness secured hereby, but pa}'+ne~rrtr 1t~nat++-4nKaMM'.ea4-
<br />tSaue wnW the-stt~secured hereby are paid in fult_
<br />fx ~ Gacrow For Tarua aad Iasuranee. Notwithatandi-rag anythin$eaatainadin pata~11p1+43.aisA+i• -
<br />rpgtt+uY> Mrrrggagot shat} pray to the Mortgagee at the time of paylosv tits tnoD~Y iabtaMtm~+?d'~1sd6`ai~~+t>t~,
<br />oE#e-tvtalttk at the yeadq ia~s, es:a~t+uti+ts. hazard tusurance premicsmc; and;gt~ad.retr~ ?i[ agtr)~drit8-na~c:>ty~{`a
<br />pdorsty over tltis , aq as reastutabiv estimated from time to tit~:hy the ice. Tiw,aiettwatatatptjl~taftriLta
<br />herd by the ~utga4ee rrithoui intaxest and rpgiied to the. PWY+++etrt of the ierf[a;#ts~teapact to tt mldt a~a+~At ssestt,
<br />dapaawGad. atrur,.pald to luxe hereunder ace picdgcd, a additialal~ tarcurity-tor. iMe kndehteAanat,iNrll~tbx t'eia
<br />~,~pay to &94Kic 4:aa,.x: c:ss, •!fr ;on.Y.#lwtveno tlse.dualtr~rbta+tia. i~+/1~
<br />ppamirtrr~_aud graeud rend and the depaaits hereunrkr w{thht iQ days al4etr?iatrrand h 4+attr++tPq++~ett~ur-
<br />t~N'7are~ thet*ept.
<br />tlywtc, htaaaia~aca and flee. Ta-prgmptly sepait. mstare ar re#rtatd any baUdt of im0toeemaats a~gtz u
<br />harraftes en SAp Propertq; hu keep !ha Pe~trperty to g~ ctntdttion and re{rair, xntit ~rasle, and free ikr}m tnecbttnt~C1s C4
<br />eth~t itraxs nit;rrct~vsE#y scarf tp the tirn herr~f; +frrt to roalge, wftvi or pxraait. env nuisirtrx t:o order. rapt +4 di1~tM
<br />pb ea itt t~ vslttt of the Propirrtp bj airy -set ur amtoa to art; and to ratrspfg -with all regrtira+4eg5a of Saar-#ti
<br />tatgect G7~ the Prapertq.
<br />