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S~.°"C101903 <br />LIw[t=oat+s t,tti'Grtatwl's. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows: <br />1. Payment of 1Prfaeyral and la#eres[. Harrower shaft promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the <br />indobtednrss evidenced by the Nnte. prepayment and late charges as provided rn the Note, and the principal of and interest <br />on any Future Advances secured by this Mortgage. <br />2. Funds fur Taros and It~suranco. Subject to applicable taw or to a w~riiten waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay <br />to Lender eta ttac day monthly irrstatlments of principal and interest arc payable under the Note, un!fl the Note is paid in full, <br />a stun (beerier °'Fvntfs")-equal tc aixt-ewe-tftl: of the yoart;' taxes and aiacssmonts which may attain ptierity over this <br />&fsartgfrge, and grtttttul rents on the Property, if any, plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for haaard fnsurartce, <br />plusaae-twelt#h of yearly premium instaltraents far mortgage insurance, it any, aft as reasanabty estimated initially and from <br />tierce to time-trjr Lander utr the basis of assessments and hills and reasonable estimates thereof. <br />`I~te F'undsshall bt-held in an institution the deposits Lr accoums of which art itxsured ar guaranteed. by a Federal or <br />sea;e agem'y fittcluding Lender if Lender is crick an institution}, Lender shad apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessmenu, <br />insurance prttititnnsand grntusf rcats_ Lender may no€ charge tar so holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account, <br />of veiifying and compelling ssid assessments and taffls, unless Lender pays Borrower intmest an the Funds and applicable law <br />perrrri€s Lender to make such a charge, Bormwtr and Fader may agree in writing a[ the time of execution of thss <br />Mrrrt~age i-leer interest on the Funds steal} bt paid to Borrower, and unless such agreement is trade or applicable law <br />rerdtait~t such interest. to tat paid, (.ender shall not tae required to pay Banower anp interest or carnings.on the Funds. Lender <br />shalt give toBorrawer, without charge. an annual accounting of the Funds shrew}np, credits and details to the Funds and the <br />purptne for which racer debit to the Funds was nxade. 'llxc Ftxnds arc pledged as additional security for the sums secured <br />by this Mortgage. <br />If the amount of the Ftrrrds held try Ltndor.:ogrthcr with tine future monthly installments of Funds payable prior to <br />the dtte dates of texas, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents. shat! exceed the amount required to pay said taxes, <br />..o essm.:.^..s_ ins;trat~-a p:'etxi;.ms Knd toned rents as « fat! due, such excess shall i•>z, at f:nrrower's apron, either <br />~rx:tttprty repaid to Borrower or credited to Barrawu on~rmamhh. tnstaflmtnts of Furtds. if the amount of the Ipunds <br />kuGd by L.tnt~r shall nix be sufficient to pay taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents as they fait duo, <br />lforromr~r stTalf pay to Lcndtr any anxuum necessary to make up the dcticienry within 30 days I mot the data notice fs mailed <br />by under to tfotrower rcgtttsttng payment thereat. <br />tspan payment in fttli of art ;urns secured ray this 'wforigagr, (.ender shall promptly rotund to Borrower any Funds <br />lxef$ by Lender. If cinder paragraptr Ili boreal the Ptaprny is :a1:f ur the Propert}• :s otherwise acquired by Lender, Lendtt <br />shall apply, na Later than imnrtdix[tiy p;ter to the salt nl the Prapeny or its acyuisitian hY Lender, any Funds held by <br />Leader at the ttttte of apptitation a5 a ::rrdiY against the sums secured by th,s htartgage_ <br />3. A}+pl;safiino of Pasattats. linters applrcable law pruvtdts utberwise.:tlt paytntnts received by Lender under the <br />:r:ate sna paragtapas i aria ~ iter~af s :acs ~ apt=lied by t_rndc: n:zx :n ,: .. - -s }-,ar.,b,e - - ~.- by °or=~°a° <br />uttdtr paragraph 2 txtxeof, then to smc;est payaltle on the Nate, thin to ehc principal ef~tbe Nate, and thin to interest aad <br />prittcipa} on any Future Advances. <br />3_ ^'_~ w-~ #Sen~ tL-.rrnw:•> Wit,-a22 s.>_ss :,tt s=rr4 •,f<.,..Er..~ns_~ ~cnet .~tt,er .;.-harm., tines :end imoasitions attributahte to <br />the I?ropttrty which map attain a priority river tlxts~3larigafbo, anti }eg~rhotd paymrms v r graand rents, if any, in 4ht manner <br />grovidtd urtdtr paragraph :, hereof ur, :( rat pard ,n such manner. t+y F4or r~s;ver nxai:mg gatyment, sa•ixtri due. d}rtctly to the <br />payee thereof. t3orrowor shelf gmmgtty furnish tc i_inder all nanccs of .,tn,>,mt+ due tender thu paragraph, and in the event <br />Barrssrtr shall matte payment sferrr tiy, $rartawer shatf Irrampety 1urn,s=; to 1 ctsdrr receipts cv.e;tncing such payments. <br />Borrowet 3ttail prompdv discharge any l+en ,chick has poetry <,.et 'h,s Zlurtgagr, provided, that 8orrowtr shad riot be <br />rtqutrtd to discharge any su:.h tre,a sea !ong as Harrower shall egret to; rr= the payrtrrtt at the obligation secured by <br />srti;h lien to a manner acceptable to (,ender, err shah ut g<xad frith <cxntesi .urh i;rn by-, cv defend cnfurcemcr.t of such Lien in, <br />legal pr~.:cted•n~.. ~,..:h r+_t:.~.r...,, to pre.rnt the entarctnt:rtt .., .,,~ i;>,.... ..„:,::recto ,rf the Property ,_. ::ny part thereof. <br />9, ffaaatd insurance. Barrr=wrr shaft keep the ampre:vement, now rxi+tmg e,r hrresttcr crtctrc} on the Prnprrty ensured <br />agaifia --s trs• hen. ha• „,ds ..,ti. , -....,,.. ,~ ._.... __.z.,:.,.-.r ~.,:crsgz' anu s . .. tea, vi - ._ .eiCr ay r^_yu,- <br />and In=such amrrtrirtx and t:rr such prsodS as Ixader tray reyn:; u; i~rE=-..cle~.t, t~,at i~cnr}er~shaii not reyuirc the[ the amount of <br />such rovrragt exceed that amount ::t ..'verage tcqutsrd t;r paY etc ;ssms cleared h5' th,x Mo€tgagr. <br />7"ht t[xsrrranct carrtr pravxdany, the msuranrt shall tx rhasen ter Burrower suhirct to approval by i.endtr: provided, <br />That suct~..rppruvat stxall not he unreaseaaabfy wnhht}d. Ail i>srmtuma un msurasxr r ,iic,es -,halt be paid in the manner <br />provided utxdc,' paragraph 7. bettor <x. it not pard to >ucka manner. by B€=r« ,wtr maksnl; payment, when due, .lirectfy to the <br />irxsuraor<o caterer. <br />AB insurance puleeres aad renewers thereY:t she}i ht ,n fonts accrptahtc to [ en 4r and snort ,rsciude a .tandard mUrigagc <br />clause in favor trf aad rn form a.ceptabte iu Letader. t,tndr: =heel her-c tree right to hold the policies and renrwalx tfttrtaf, <br />a~qt Borer ±t?att pr¢rttpt}v furn;sft t=+ Lender a='.! renew a} r!'~tr::ts an=! _., Les-tp?5 „f :.aid cremmms. in the tvcrst of loss, <br />Burrower ahaFi gn:c prorrxpt nonce t.> the ,nauruua iarrvcs and fender. [ en.lcr rrraY rna4t prom ci inss iI not male prar;,glly <br />by Snrrowtr. <br />t.lerkss Lender and Borrower othcrutsc agree in writing, iruurance proceeds snarl trt appired to restoration ar repair oI <br />the Prapttty damaged, prowcxcl such resuaratiun or repair os eeoncvrucatly tessriale and the security of this Mortgage is <br />not thereby inxpatrad, !f retch rtstvrattr.•rt or to-parr rs :tot ra:;rxamuatly teastbte c,r :f ttse szcuruy of th+s Mortgage would <br />tse irt[paired, the insurance proceeds shall bt applied to the' sums secured !+ti tits Mongagt. with the cxGexs, if any, pard <br />to 8orrowet. If the Property rs aixartdotatd by Harrower, etc :f Borrower reefs t;+ rssportd to (.ender withsn 30 days :tom :he <br />date rntue ,s matted by Lender to t3urrosver that the rrxsutancr Tarrrcr t~itct~ t,r settle a claim for insurance benefits, Lender <br />rs autlt€stized tit cof#eet ara3 apply the rrrsuran:r grc'n;eosfs at Ltndc; s apuon ether to restoration or repair elf the Property <br />ar to the corm srxured by this Mortgage. <br />'venters Lcndtr` and Borrower othewist agree +n wrrttng, any such apgiicaisan of prtxreds to pnnCSpaf shall rat extend <br />of post~ne the due date a# tkte trtcamhty enstailments tottered t,r m fraragraphs 1 .uad ~ hrreol ar chaogt the amount of <br />such instailntents. If uex#et paragraph SS hereof the PrapettY ss acyuxed by 1_ertder, alt right, t,tir and interest of Borrower <br />m acrd is any ittsus'ancx po#reses atxl sn :lad to the pJw:t4.~s ttttreot rt-oolong tro~<3 :f:nnagr t,+ the Prnfxnr prior to the sate <br />or acrluasrtion sltsH pass to Leader to the raeeat of the soma secured by thu Mcrtgsge imntedsateiy prior to s,Kfi Buie or <br />at:gt#fsititm. <br />P#et~+taiftist ate ?N>e of 1'rt~ertyt #_eaxMatds; totrdrr[nitururts: Planned (snit 1)trveltaptlae6tet. t3nrruwtr <br />shall ktrap #tsmPeopMy in grarnl repair acrd xhalt not commit waste or permit itnpairnxtnt or deterioration of tht Property <br />aad Mall Comply wfth #hs prmisaotas of any lease. at this 1lortgagr ,s on a l~~a.rhuld, }f ekes lfostgage is an a ,;sail in a <br /> a plgratux: umi drvelapnxtnt, Borrower shall prcfnrm ail of Borrower's vbiigauons under the dectaranon <br />sw ~ ettaturg +at gaa:erning the. e~mdanainnsm or planned unit clcvrlopmcnt, the by-laws and rcgu}aUans of the <br />c~itma ar pla~t~d nett develc?ptsxent, and consututnt shxruntnts If a Candamuuum or planned nux,t ckvgh~pmtnt <br />c#~-is ~-3xy -tiot(tywrr aad{ rr~cus~d e~tltet wuh thfs .>.lortgagt:. tktt covenants aru! agrttmcnts taf crrctr rider <br />t~#! ba tt#corpataHttd free atxl akaff tittteasd acrd sn}xplemeot the covenants and agreements of t}tts Mortgage :,s it :tae rider <br />*Tttll tY path ttaffaIIf: <br />~, its try-havda?a-~. dt Ilntrrxwes faits ro pttfrsrtn fete =-av¢aanfs acne acmcnts ecsntairtod in this <br />Irlaittt, or ft arty seeker ar §±tt~,:~dirtR s+ r~trttt[vrrm~f whicft materially .rdcets Lender's intcrest in tksc Property: <br />~, lent n[rR Itnt}ttad {a, tntenaat dtntnazn,. ir!~rlvxtnty, rtxlo enfurtetr~nt, c+r arrang€ments ix prareod%ngs xrvolvinK a <br />cw datxtt, t#tatn Lcrer#rr a# Lttt+~r's optta'an, ttgrrta notice t.' Butr[rcrr:r, nray rstalte such appearanca_, rlrshnr»e such <br />star tf3etf sutA at:tiran aaE is tree~a~rsa_ry tea pm{ae~ vendor`s rnterest. rrxludsng. but xrrrt lirnrttd tin, d+statrrsemrnt of <br />tr~E :t*~"xtttf's a~6 eurtty >afrnt ter 1'r~e;ty tv make rel+atts. If t..ctstkr rtc}uired nw;Rage inscrarat as a <br />v`p~$#trst.r7~ ~ EI9d tr3an siettuca+d Isp than Artdrfgatlt:,, Cfs+rrtawtr ahatf easy iht premiums a%gmrrd tr snainta,ri si¢ch <br />trstaEe- lq tit asn~ svrctt t:rsw as the: rasFturst~rris fair euEtt itraurarxt tttmirrstrs :n as:er.'rdanEr. with 13e7rrr+w-et's and <br />