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<br />81-- 1)~?1893 <br />tasdu's written agrocment or applicable law. Harrower shall pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums itt the <br />taaaner provtdW antler paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Anq amounts disbarred by Linder pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shall become additional <br />iradal~edaes of Hattawer atxuted by this Mortgage. Urless Bon'owcr sod Lender agrex to other terms of payment, such <br />atantrtata shag be payable upon tsotix from Ltndcr to Borrower regteesting payment thereof, and shall liar intereai from the <br />dtga eef ~bmitnnatt at the rate payable from time to time on outstanding principal tinder the Note tmleas paytnatt of <br />its at arch rats would 6e contrary to applicable law. in which event such amouaa shall bear interest at the higftest rate <br />~" ' a~ taw. btothsng tmttast~i in this paragraph 7 shalt requite Letttkr to incur atsy exptt[we oe take <br />say anion hsreutsder. <br />>!R Leader may make or cater to 6e made rttatwnabk entrks upon and inspections of the Property, provided <br />that Lender sha@ give Borrower-notice prior to any such inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor related to Lender's <br />iatereat in ttse ]rropsrty. <br />f Cwatlatanttttlaa, The pructeds ~ a»y award or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in connectEott with any <br />conderanatioa or other rating of the Property, or part thereof, or far conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby aasigtrod <br />and shall bs paid ifl Lender. <br />lit the cvtnt of a fatal rating of ttte Property, the proceeds shag be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage, <br />with rite exttas. if any, paid to Borrower. to the event of a partial taking of the Property. unless Borrower and Lender <br />otherwese agree in wrieing, there shall lx applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage such proportion of the praxeda <br />as is egeral to Ihaz proportion which the amount of the sums secured by this Mottgage immediately prior to the date of <br />tatrittg bears to the fair maHtes vatae of the Property immediately prior to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds <br />paw to Horrowsr. <br />It' ~e Propertry is abandorsed 6y Harrower. or if, after notice by Ledder to Hnrrawer that ttte condannor offers to make <br />an sward or se»k a claim for damages, Ilorrowcr fails to respond to Lendtr within 30 days after the date such notice is <br />etailed, Lender is atultvrized to collect grad apply [he proceeds, at tinder's option, either to restoration or repair of the <br />Property or [a the sums secured by this Mortgage. <br />iJnieas Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing. any such application of proceeds to principal shall not extend <br />or postpone the due date of the monthly instalimrnzs referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or change the amount of <br />stub irtstallrnsnts. <br />IA. Itlorrower Nat Relttaed. Extension of the time for payment or madifecarion of amortization of [he sums secured <br />by this Mottgage granted lay Ltndu to any successor in interest of Borrower shat! not operate to release. in any manner. <br />the liability of tree original Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest. tender shall not he required to commence <br />proceedings against silt sttcce~ot nr refuse to extrnd time for payment or otherwise modify amortization of the sums <br />secured lay this Aortgage by reason of any demand made by the original Aorrower and Aorrower's successors in interest. <br />II. 1lPOS'learteaax try Leader id a Waiver. Any fortacarance by [.ender in exercising any right or remedy hercunde:, or <br />n+~.=di~ _ffa~~ >i, rr-'..°.::;:2 : s= -~ 'ot iR a waiver of or preclude rite rxtrcisr of any sexh right or remedy. <br />The prncU:'etntret of imarartne ar the paymentrof fazes ar other liens or charges by [_ender shall not be a waiver of Lender's <br />right to xcelerate the maturity of rte. ir.~.t+tcdtxv -_ __ _ _ s Morigatle. <br />1Z ltetttasdlee CetaealaNve. All rcmtdies provided m thissAtortgage arc distinct and cumulative to any other right or <br />remedy under this Mortgage ar afforded tn~ law ar equit}, and may l,e excrctsed concurrently. independently or successively. <br />93. 9rcasaars attsd Aatd~ Hoaad: !oral sad Several i.iabiBty: Capdors. T'hr covenants and agreements heroin <br />contained sfitdl bind. and the tights hereunder shad inure to, the respective successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower. <br />subjsct to tree provisions of paragraph 17 hereof. Ali covrnants and agreements of Borrower shall be joint and several. <br />Tits ^ptions and headings of the paragraphs of this Mortgage are for convrnitnct only and are not to tx used to <br />i,Y.Er-~:zt a; d:$[te the provifiions hereof. <br />Il. NWitx. Except for any notice ^cqufrcd under applicable law to be given in another manner, fat any notice to <br />Borrower provided for in this Mortgage shall be green by marling such nonce Sy certified mail addressed to Borrower at <br />the Property Address or a! such ochre address as Hormwcr ma} desrs~aatc by Warier to Lender ns provided herein, and <br />ivr any notice to Lender shalt be given by ccrtifieci matt, retain reerspt requested, to tender's sddrtss stated herein or to <br />such outer address as Ltndcr may designate by notice to Horn.wer as pmvidcd herein. .Any notice provided for in this <br />Mortgage shat! tae deemed to have been given [a tlorraceer or Lender when given in the manner designated herein. <br />tS. Uteitoes M®rtatget Govertttbsg Law! SeveraiMty. This form of mortgage combines uniform covrnants for national <br />use and rasa-uniform cavenanu with limited variations by twisdictian to constitute a uniform security inatnament covering <br />teal prtaperty. This Mortgage strait tx governed by the taw of the jurisdietinn in which the Property is located. In the <br />a;ent first any provision or clause of this Mortgage or the Pion conflicts with epplicablr !aw, such conflict shall not affect <br />afhcr provisions of this Mortgage ar the 4ozt which can tat given etTeet without the conflicting provision, and to this <br />and tht provisions of the Mortgage and the tiate are dtclarrd to tst stverablt- <br />I&. HOerasrer'3 Copy. Borrowe{ shall be furntshtd a conformed cagy of the Nate and of this Mortgage at the rim. <br />of errrtitttian ar afar res:nrdation teercaf_ <br />1?. 9Ysasisr ai the Propady; Asausptiea. If alt or any part c=f the Property ar an interest thtrcin is sold or tttmsferred <br />by Hititawer without Lender's prior written corsent. excluding +a; the creation of a lien ar encumhranee subordinate to <br />this Mottgage, fb) the cteatian of a purchase money srcuriry inttrrst Eor househotd appliances, Fcl a transfer by devise, <br />des~tt ar b3' operation of law upon the death ref a jaim tenant ax "' <br />l.erader may, at Ltndcr's upturn. declare z{I the gums secured by this Mottgage to be <br />imrreediately due and payable, Leader shaft have waived such aptaan to acctttrate if, prior to the salt of transfer, Lender <br />and the yerson to whom the Property is to ht sold or transferred reach agrrrment in writing that the credit of such person <br />is eatsxfaC#oty to Lender and that the interest payable on the sums secured h} this Mortgage ,hall tx at such rate as Lender <br />steal! regtxst. If Lender has waived the option toassckratt prav+ded .n thss paragraph 17, and if BnrTOwtr's successor in <br />interest has exacted a written assumption ageeement accepted in writing by Lender. Lender shall rrleau Borrower from aB <br />obligation under this Martgagt and the NMe. <br />If Leader exercises such optron to aecekrate, !.trader :hall mail Borrower nonce of acceleration in accart,iartu with <br />paragraph t4 hereof. Such rtaticc shat! provide a period a~f nose leas than 3t) days from the dart the notice is mailed within <br />as'hleh li~tv+v+er ~Y [wY ~ sums daiare+i due_ if Harrower =nits ~a pay such .urns pruar to the rxpiratieus of such period, <br />Lander relay, without further rXa[rCe or dcmartd an 13arawcr, mvo3.c any remedies permitted by paragraph Ig htreaf. <br />I3a+.UtasFaasa CovrxR+tTS. earranaer sad tinder furtlxr covenant and ogler as follows: <br />!g. Au~SasaEBeu ~ ltitasnpf ss prevldcd ie peragrsp4 !7 heaeef, apes iorrowerrs Me:r6 of say covt.aast or <br />t of iisrrawar to tW Mme, hsctadlsg fire eoveaaena to pry whey doe say anew sacaeed by tkk hlarlpge. <br />prtlas lt: acs+dattt~aa atrllce is Harrower as presided is para;raplt 14 harsaf sprecNylagt ttl the tttetneh; <br />(?~ tftaA sltMate ~ b eatre aeecle isaac~ tJl s dsMa, oat teat !Mar J8 days fens the drtle the aeotfcr¢ b AaNed la l;orroxer. <br />Ilg' s~ titte- itesaerh area! ire esaa~ sad f4) stmt faYese fe amore seek 6eear6 oa m before the date specUled to ttte saYee <br />sq$ .rsWUt ~ ~ of the areaw aecsuad by this 4iertgrrtge, feseelsere by ;~irid prvaew4atg sad trde of lice Ptaptrtx. <br />itlta axlKse ttfM! lYatrrt lafrrtse laerowar of flea right to reitatiate a(hr atcslrrstlea aed tl~ rfgit to attaert is 14e~fereciraart <br />tills restretrttiefascr ai s lteitttats ae aaJ ether drfasar of Nerresra to acreiettaittw sad forecNesaee. [f Me breach <br />TE !tit atpRSd as at 9sEsae Ue dale spttciiad is rte aetlre, I.eaist rt [.erstim's opsira rasp drelere aY of tie a~ seesettd by <br />lfeh- ~ Ise hstatuilrw-y 1tw salt payable ssiltMreet ltsrtialr dttrtuerd cud sap frrsclase t7 Jaiiclat ~, [,coder <br />±•! ataUWa4 ~ crgrrt fat sack prarra+~sg aH tsperwsr of forscto.are, ~ tswt rr! HmkeA to costs ~ dasstataaHry <br />ivftlatsce4 tNlatrsats !tai lids tyawts. <br />1iR. ~ ~ ` 1!dtdaaNlt. Nctwithstaruting t_e€ttltr's acctterat;on .:f the o:=eras siYesrzd fa} Elks Mottgage. <br />H+FtrflwttY stssstt tiara !tie ttg+ri ut trust arty pnscsxcriings tte¢un try l..rradtr to enforce tests Msartgagt <tsxassunucd at an} time <br />