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<br /> i'7.Ti•niisPer of tlir.1°rciperty eir u 13a�icf�clnl lutci•csi in floc�oovcs•. If nll ar nny purf i�f thc f'�•operty o►•uny i�uc��cst in it -
<br /> i�.�;ol�l rn•t�•an�l'crrcc! (��r if+�bcncGciid intarr,st in Ilo�•rowcr is siild c�r u•nnsf�n•cd aud 13urru�vcr is not n nnturi!I pet:tion)tivitbr�ut .
<br /> 9_�ndF�r'�. nrior writtcn cnnsr.nt. I.endcr nv.y. at its ootian, rcquirc immcdintc payment in fuU uf tdl sums sccurcd by this
<br /> 5ccurily hjstn�nt�:nt. Howevi�r, this upd�►n shidl not be exercised by Lender if cxercise is prohibitcd by fcderul liiw us of'thc date
<br /> of tid�4ecurit�Instrumcnt.
<br /> af l.ender exercises ihi�:��pticm, l.ender shull give D�rrower nUtice af nceeleratic�n. The m;tice shnll provide n perioJ of not
<br /> Ic�ss thun 3A�1nys from th�s dcttc thc nntice Is delivcred or m;dl¢d within which 13i�rrower murt pr►y nll sun�s secured by this
<br /> 5ec:urity In�trutnent, II'Horm�vcr fnils to p;ay thc�c sums prl��r ro tlic expieatiun of this periud, I.cndcr muy invnkc nny remcdie�
<br /> p��rmittc�l by thls Sccurity lnstrument�vithout furthcr noticc or dcmund nn Rarruwcr.
<br /> 18. l3ormKer's ItiRht to Reln�tAte. If Borrower meete ccrti�in conditions, Borrower shidl hi�ve the right to hnve
<br /> cs�iforcement nf this Security Inst�ument discondnucd nt nny time prlor to die earlier of: (a) 5 duys (c�r such other peri�d ns
<br /> c�pplicable luw mny spccify for reinstntemcnt) before �ale of thc Pruparty pw•sunnt to nny powcr of snle contuineci in this
<br /> Security lnstrumcnt;c�r(U)cntry of a judgment ent'orctng this Sccurity Instrumcnt.Thosc conditions wre thnt I�orrower. (n)pnys
<br /> Lencicrr ull•�tims which then wauld be due under this Securiry Instrumr,nt und thc Note as if no iicceleration hud occui•red;(b)
<br /> caims �ny dcdmilt of any othcr covenants or ag�eements; (c) pny� vll expenses incurre�l in enfo�ei►s�this Sccurity Instrun�ent,
<br /> inuludinA, t�ut�nat limited to,re.�.son�blc nttorneys' fees: nnd (d)takes such t�ction as Lcndcr may reu��onably rcquire to assuxe -
<br /> thnt th�li�m of this Securiry lnstrument, Len�ier's ri�hts in ti�c Property and Bm•rawer's obligntion to pay the sums secueed by
<br /> t�►Is Security Insnvmcnl shuU continue unchiinged. Upon reinstntement by Borrower, this Security Instrument and tlie
<br /> �blipntfo�is securecl hcrc:by shall remain fully cffcctivc ns if no accelerution had accurred. However, this right u�reinstute shrilt
<br /> not np ly in the cnse of nacelcration undcr par�grnph 17.
<br /> �9. Sale uP NoYe; Ghange of Loan Servicer. Thc Notc or a partEal intcrest in the Note (together with this Security
<br /> Instrument)mny tx:sold one or more times without prior notice to Bonower. A sale may result in a cha»�e In the cntlty(imown
<br /> ;cs Uic "Lo�n Servtcer")thut collects monthly payments due under the Note and th=_s Secarrty Instrument. There ulso may hc one
<br /> ar mnrc chunges af the Loan Servicer unrelated so a s�le of the Nocc.lf thcre is a cl�unBc of the Loan Scrviccr.Borrower will bc
<br /> givon written notice of the change in accordanre with p�ragmph 14 above and upplicable luw.The notice will state the name nnd
<br /> r�ddir,ss of the new Loan 5erviccr and the address to�vhich payments should bs mnde. Thc natice will also contain iu►y other
<br /> inf�untution rcquin�l by npplicuble law.
<br /> ?n, {�A�grdm�q CahctAnrrc. Aorrowor shall not cuuse or u,rmit the presenee, nse, disnosal, storage, or ne�euse of any -
<br /> i-�u�,a�r3ous 5ubstances on ur in the Property. Borro�ver shall not do, nor ullow unyonc clse to do, anything affecting the
<br /> ff�roperty thnt is in violation of any Bnvironment�l LAw. The precedin�two s,,ntences shull not apply t�t�e pres�nce. use. or �
<br /> �t.oragc on thc Property of small quantides of Haz.�rdous Substnnces thut urc genorally reca�nizcd to be:app.roprint�to normnl
<br /> ' z-�sidential uses and to mainLenancc of the Property.
<br /> Borrowec shnll promptly give Lender written notice of any Investigation, cinim, desnand, luwsait or other action by nny
<br /> governmentul or regulatory aQency or p�iv.ltc party involving the Pcoperty and any Idazardous Substance or�nvironmental Iaw
<br /> af which Borrower hns nctual knowtedge. If Bonower leams.or is noti�ed by any governmental or regulatory nuthortty.thnt
<br /> <u►v re.movnl or oilier remediation of aov Hazardous 5ubstnnee uffectine tlie Prop•.rYV is necessarv,Borrower shall protnPtly take
<br /> �ll necessary rcmedlal ncttons in accordancc with Environmental i..Aw.
<br /> As used in thls p:vagcaph 20. "H��.nrdous SubsUuices" ure those substances defined as toxic or hazurdous substnnces by
<br /> Enviranmental Law nnd tN� followin; substances: gasoline, kerasene, othee tlammnhle or toxic pctruleum pralucts, wK�,c
<br /> pesticides and herbicides, volutile solvents,materials containing asb�seos or formaldehyde,and radioactive materials.As u��in
<br /> this parag►�aph 20, "Environniental Iaw" me�lns fcderal Inws aitd laws of the jurisdiction whcre thc Property is located that
<br /> �alate to hcnid�,safety or environmental protection.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM C�VENANTS. Hosrower and�.ender furthcr covcnant aad aBrte as Follows: ,
<br /> 21.A.ccrlerntlom Remedies. 1Letxder s6a11 give notke to Barrower prior to xceleratioa folfowing Borrower's breACh
<br /> ot ony cuvenAnt or Agreement in tt�ls Seturlty instrument (but not pr(ur to occeleratiou under p�ragr�ph 17 un�esd
<br /> appltcsible law provtdes otherwlse).'The notice shall specify: (a)the defxnit; (b)the wcNon required to cure the defaulh
<br /> (c)t date, not less than 3!i days fr�om the date the noHce Is given to 13orrower,by which the detault mast be cured;�ud
<br /> (d)tiu�t Failure to cure tise defau�t on or Ixfore the date specifled In the natke may result In aoceleration of tlk swna
<br /> Kecured by this Security A��strwnerrt and sule of tl�e Property. Ttie notice stui[t[urtMer inform Borrower oi the d�ht to
<br /> reinst�te atter acceferatton Aud the rEght to bring a court aMion to t+sser4 the nu►R-extstN�ce oY a defwlt or pqy �ther
<br /> detens�ot Sorruwer to accelerption end sule. If the defAU�t is +an2 cured on or bttore the d�►te spaftled in the aatic'��
<br /> Lender,A4 Its option,m�y re��ulre tmmediate payment in fall o[ail sums�red by this Secoirity Instrument wilcbovt
<br /> f+urther demand artd ma�invoke the power of s�le end any other remcdtes�ermitted by app1icable I�w. Lendcr shxli ibe
<br /> entltled to collect wll ex�nses incurred in pursuin�the remedies provided In 1:hts pwrAgrxph$1,includitt�,but not Iimlted
<br /> P,o,re�.9onstble attorueys''ffa�rs und costR of title ev�c�cnce.
<br /> Yf thepower ot selz ts iuvoked. 7'rustee shfl�9 remrd e notice of defeult in cych county in whk� Any �rt ot the
<br /> !'roperty is locxxed And siwll mAil m�]es of such notice in the m�timer prescribe�l by appllcabie Iww to Borm�r�r ond to
<br /> the other peason9 prescribed by wppfk�+tste law.Attter the time reguired by appHcable Iww,Tn�tee slwll give publk�wtice
<br /> oC s�le to tlie personv and In the manrrer pr�cNbed by»pplicable Ipw.Trus�tec,without demAnd on Borrower,sfu�U xll
<br /> tlte Propertx at pnbtic a�ecNon to the hlghWt bidder at the tfine end place ar�ti arnder the terms desiR��aRTd tn the ootice ot
<br /> sala In one or mor+e pnrcels and in any cirder T�usiee dMerniines.'Trustee mpy postpone swle of all or any porcel of the
<br /> Pmperty 6ypu bl�nnnouncement at the Hme and place ot any prevtously scheduled sale. Len�der or its designee n�s�y
<br /> purctwsc.d!)re Property ot any s�lc.
<br /> FnYr'iPY.;�i plofl
<br /> pape 6 0l 0
<br /> �.
<br />