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<br /> 5. �AZAi'tI Oi• W'e�►fics�iy Q�isurance. Iltll'Y(HYCI' 6IIAII ICCC47 QIG irnprovcments now cxinting or lie�-cnfter erectcd an the
<br /> Nroperty in�ure<i nga�nvt loss by t7rc� lia•uuds inciudcci wi[iiin ine tcrm ��C7(ICIIUt�cu�c�ugc��diii�Fu�y iilliLi hai.utQ;. 1f2C1Rt�t::i^,,
<br /> flncxis��r fl��odhz�, fnr which I.�:nder requires insurance.This insur�lnce shull be roaint�lned in the nrnounts�inc1 for the perinds
<br /> Ihat l.cncicr r�quires. Thc insuri►nce cnrrier providing the insurance shnll be chascn by Borrmver subJect to Lcnder's approvnl
<br /> which shull not be unrca.sunably wUhhcld. If Horrower fnils to niaintnin rnvcragc di:scrihcd ubnvc, l.ender may, at Lcnder's
<br /> aption,ahtnin covcragc to prntcct Lcndcr's rights in the Properry in accorclancc with pumgraph 7.
<br /> All insuranc� p��licics and renewuls shull be acceptable to Lender und shalf inclucle a standiud mort�uge clause. I.cnder
<br /> shnll have thc right to hold the palicies nnd renewuls, lf l.cnder requires, Bormwer sha(!promptly rive to Lender all receipts of
<br /> paid premiumy n�d rznewi►I notices. In the event af loss,Hnrrower shull givc prompt notice to the insurance carrier and Lender.
<br /> I.ender may make pmof of lass if nat mnda prompdy by Dorrower.
<br /> Unless Lendcr nnd[iorrowcr othcrwise ngrc�!n writir�g,insurance procecds shull bc applicd to restorntion or repxir of the
<br /> Property dnm�ged,if tlie:estor,ition or repair is economically feasible and I.ender's security is not Iessened.if the restar�tion ar
<br /> repstir is nat ecanomicnlly feusible or I.ender's security would be Iessenecl, d►e insurance proceeds shull be npplied to the sums
<br /> secum�cl by this Sccurity Instrument, whethcr or nat then due, with uny excess paid ta B�rrower. If Borrower abundana tl�e
<br /> Property,or docs not ans�ver within 30 days n natice fmm Lcndcr thut the insurance cnrrlcr hns of'fered to settic a claim, then
<br /> Lender may coll�c the insurancc procecds. L,ender ►nny uce the pracecds to repair or restare the Prapeny or to pay sums
<br />; securcd Fiy this Security[nstrument,whcther or not then due.The 30-�day perlocl will begin when the notice is given.
<br />, Unle9s I.ender nnd Aorrower otherwise agree in writing. any applir.ation of procce�s to prxncipal shall not cxtend or
<br />' postponc thc duc dnte of thc monthly puyments referred to ln parographs 1 und 2 or change the amount of the puyments. If
<br /> i under paragrnpli 2.1 the Property is acquired by L.cnder,Banower's iight to any insurance policies 1nd proceeds resulting from
<br />; damage to the Property prior to thc acqulsition shall pass to Lcndcr to the eatent of the sums securcd by thie Security Instrun�ent
<br />. lmmediatcly prpor to the acquisition.
<br /> 6.(keuuancy,PreservAtlon.Maintenance und Protectlon of the Yropertvt Bormwer's I.oan Appltcatiou; Y.eur,eholds.
<br /> �onawer shall occtqry, est��blish,and usc tho Property as Borrower's principul residence wlthin sir.ty days after tho executlon of
<br /> this Security Instrument and shall continue to occupy the Property as Ba•rrower's principnl residence.far at Icust one year aft+er
<br /> the dute of occ:��pancy, unless Lender othenvise agrees in writing,which consent shall nut be unreasonnbly widiheld,or wiless
<br /> extenuating circuntstances exi:�t which ure beyond Borrower's conttol. Borrower shull not destroy, damnge or impair the
<br /> � Property, ullow the Property ta deterlorate, or commit waste on the Property. �arrowcr shull bc in default if any forfcituro
<br />� action or procr�eding, wheth�r civil or crimin�l, is bcgun that in Lender's goad fuith judgment wuld result in forfeitan of the
<br />- Frop.-.rty or otllurwise matcrially impair the lien crcated by this Securiry Instrumcnt or I.ender's securiry jntorcst.Awcowtr may
<br /> cure such a dcfnult und reinstete,as provided in paragraph a 8,by causfns the uction or procceding to be dismisscd with a rulln� '
<br /> �hnt, in I.cnder's goud faith.daterniinatinn, precludes forgeiture of the Borrower's i�ues�est in the Property or cthcr matcrial
<br /> impnircnent of the lien crCate�l b.y this Security Instn:manz or L,endor's security interest. Bort+�wer shall also be in default if
<br /> Borrower,during the�can appticution process,�ave n�aterially fulae or inaccurate infoimution or stitemGnts tu Leniler(or faitcd
<br /> to provide[.ender�wi�.h nny maierial inforn�tio.m)in connection with the Soan evidenr,od by the Note.inciuding,but not limitc-cl .
<br /> to.representallons eoncerning Borrowcr's occa�pncy di the t'roperty �s a principal residence.If this Ss:curity Instnnnerit is or�� �
<br /> leasehald, Bonowcr shall com�ely with all the provislans of the leas�. If Borrower nca�uires fee tit�e to the Psnperty. the'
<br /> lcase6old and the fa titlo shail ns�s mergo unlvss I.ender agrces to the mcrgcr in wdHng.
<br /> 7.Fn�tes3fon of Lender's�dightx in the Pe�operiy.If Borrower faf(s to pexform the covenants and agretrnenGS containcd in
<br /> this Socurity in5mament, or there ls a legat�•cx.^,oding that may significAntly nffect I.e�xler's righte in the Fe�opecty(such as a
<br /> procroding fn bunkruptcy,probate, for corxie7nnl�an or forfeiture ar tq enforce laws or regulntions),then i.ender may do nnd
<br /> puy for whatever is nec:essary to protect the vs�lue of the 1P.aoperty and Lender's rightR in tlie Property. I.�nder's actions msy
<br /> inca4iiJ� �faying uny sums �ecured by a IieR�,vhieh hnv q�.rinrity ovcr ttds Security lnAtYUmeat, appearing in coutt, paying
<br /> rst�sunable attornoys'fees nnd entering ou the Property to mAke repair�.Although Lcaxlar may tnkP action ander this parograph
<br /> 7.i.endcr does not-have to do so.
<br /> Any amount�di�bursed by Lendcr uncicr this pArag�ph 7 ahall become addtttoual debt of �Jarrower socurat by this.
<br /> Sccurity lnstrurtx�nt. Unlcss Borrowtr nnd I.cnder agrr,e to other terms of payment. these a�noun�s shull bear interest from the
<br /> datd of disbursenxnt at tl�c Note rutc a�d ehall be payablc, with interest, upau natcqce from Lci�der to Bo�rmwer requcsting
<br /> � psyment. .
<br /> 8.1V�ortgege Ins�r�tnce.If Lender�+equired mortgage insurance as a conciition of mal:ing tho laan secured by this Security
<br /> Ir.stn�mcnt, Horrowcr shall pay the prcmiums required to maintaln ihc mortgage insurt+nnca in cf�ect. If, for any reason, the
<br /> mortgage insurance coverage rcquired by L�:nder Inpses or ceases to be in effect,Borrower shall puy the premiams i�equ9nxl to
<br /> obtn'sr cuveruge substanHally cquivalent to tha mortgage insuranoc previously in effcci,at a cost substantially equnvalent to the
<br /> . rts.�t to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previously in effcct, from an aLtcrnutc mortgage insurcr approved by Lender. If
<br /> subStat►ti:illy equivalent mortgage insurance covernge is not avnilable,Borno�ver shall pay to Lendcr eacb month n sum equui to
<br /> ont-twelRh of 4hC yearly mortgage insucance premium being paid hy Bnrrowet wLen the insurance coverage lapsai or c.casod tc�
<br />_ L � r A .1 •.. . .� £ no nc�rrq �w T a ao P
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<br /> Form 3028 9/90
<br /> ae�s oi e
<br />