<br />81-001888
<br />PROPERTY IMPROVEMENT Loan PVumber_ 46628 ____~ ~r'sna`n'°"
<br />FORM No. 2tt (RCV. r2/80AAr~~ ~'~''`~y ~] (~ (~
<br />~~~~ lLi~~A 1 is ~ it.~ V ~\.J
<br />TI;pT,_Wayne, H;,.6ros~.,and..Karen•,5,,__G,~q¢s,,~}u~bgnd, apd wifz,,,,3,ointlx, and each~ir~, their
<br />otan right
<br />hereinafter tailed Mortgagors, in consideration of the sum of..ENE.TIi0U5A1"D..~DIA..~1/1DA.:,_---~.-- ~-.:--
<br />($i Q~~~p )DOLLARS. the receipt of which is herebyp acknowledged, do hereby MORTGAGE
<br />and'~ONVEY an absolute title. inchtding all the rights of homestead and inheritance, unto FIRST
<br />Mortgagee, its successors and assigns the following described real estate, situated in.__N;3~~ ..............._...._.
<br />County, State of NEBRASKA, to-wit:
<br />`z,ot Fisteen ! 1,) , in 31ocY_ ;?ne f 1 j , ;.n %iticksehm 6th
<br />~dG3itit.81 to the City aP ';rand =siBTtd, .tall County,
<br />Setrraska.
<br />`f'O IiAV~ AN~t "iT.t HOI.t) lra real estate attave dESCribed, with all appurtenances thereunto
<br />belortgffig unto the said Mortgagee, .'graver, provided always, ar:d this mortgage is upon the express con-
<br />dition. that i# the aforesaid Mortgagoro, their hams, eaecuturs. administrators or assr~ns shall pay or cause
<br />to be paid to the said Mortgagee, its successors or assigns, the principal sum herernabove set forth. ail
<br />acrnxdizsg ~ the Dior and effect of a ~rtaia installment note of said ortgagors kaearing eves date with
<br />this mortgage, end shell pay taws and assessments laviod upon said real estate, and ail other fazes, levies
<br />and assessmanta levied upon this mortgage ar ilia note which ibis morts;age is {,dven to secure, before the
<br />asmo or any installment there*af Excomes dalinquettt, then this mortgagt to be void, otherwise to remain
<br />in full force.
<br />Im 1Q ~r ~n vo A ~~ :;' Thrxt 'f •~ .._ n r..: .,.
<br />,,x 4~ e l~.a,a• Ct J a is ~zaru nurigaK;.i "' w3 yyay 3irL'h tangs, tits
<br />?viortggagae may pay the soma and tits sum so advanced with interest shall ire paid Uy said Mortgagors,
<br />and this mpr`tgaga shall stand as security for the same. (2) 'That Afartgagota covenant with the Mortgagee
<br />that they are lawftilly seized of said teal ~tata and covenant to warrant and defend the said real estate
<br />against the lawful claims of-all Irarsons whomsoever. (3) That in ease of a fanxlosure of this mortgage,
<br />the plaintiff in such proceVdiaga shall be entitled to take ~n of the premises, protect the same and
<br />e..is~t ±-,_ .e..+~,, ~~„~_ e..;,r ,sec th~.~,,: rs. `I`l•.et • ltt~ au rf sttid marts or an irr6tall-
<br />.... rr~»_. u . z~Y Y Y Y
<br />meat thereof when the same becomes due, or a failure trt comply wtth any of the foregautg agreements,
<br />shall cee~e the whose sum of money hateirt Secured t0 Marne dtle and collectible at OnL'e at the aptrOII Of
<br />the Mortgagee.
<br />TRANSFER OF THE PROPERTY; ASSL'MPT10N. If all ar any part of tl~ ProFerty or are
<br />interasf thanetin is said ar transferred try Mortgagor without Mortgagee's prior written consent, excltedit:g
<br />ta) the raaration of a IieII ar encumbrwnce subordutate to this Mortgage, fb) the creation of a purchase.
<br />money security interest for household agFtiances, tc) a crnnafex by devise, descent or by operatioII of lave
<br />upon the death of a joint tenant ar t.d) the grant of any leasehold interest of three years or less net ean-
<br />tatrurtg air aptioII to purchase, Mortgagee rrtay, at Mortgagee`s option, declare all the soma secuxeti by this
<br />Mortgage u: be immediately due and payable.
<br />If Mortgagee axerriwac such option to aceeleaate, Mortgagee shall mail Mortgagor of
<br />aaxeleration and such notice shell provide a period of not less than 3d days from the date the notice is
<br />cnailad within which Mortgagor may pay the sums declared due if Mortgagor fails to pay amch songs prier
<br />tv the expiration of such Period, Mottgagea awy, without further notice ox denraud an Mortgagor, invoke
<br />slag power of sale and say other remedies permitted by amicable law.
<br />Signed thi .... 9t!?... day of ..... . ..... .. . ..................~....'i? _..._. ~ $1
<br />...... I>11.. \
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<br />its ~b
<br />?:aren ~ ~.zoss
<br />$TA'YYa t3la E~ABifA I
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<br />Ctn tktm .._... _.....,. ~ ai __. __ _... _~ ._, !9_$1. hetore ^+e. r~ ~, a N~rY P',rblic. ss gad fcrr
<br />s~a1 (Srtaaty, paetaaaa~t't .~#Y,?Ie,..,T,,_Grs~mcs~ aitdwKaren..S.s. C.rossL.f~ushaaicl artist wife.
<br />~ Isaa+Na An ms to hs rise idaatiwel 1> *rtiaaa mmw ato alai b the abexa and tnxsaaiWt iaakvuarraR as
<br />gad + arieiwred mid laaGniapaalE w 6e la,r c+a t~ +~.teris:q art gad deed
<br />Wita~aie 1r<red aa6 aaMriai gad at..,~.~il'.19~_._(~~& .- ka
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<br />etie dais tit _ _ u,,.,__._. _ ... --°- °° __.. _-.n..,.....__,
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<br />?~Y MI tiM ty, 11rr }f tN1 _,. ?~FWaq 1`•1iWk.
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