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<br />~. ,~ t_ <br />REAL ESTATE tiORTliAOE Foa-t Fte aoa (acv. t-rr) <br />__.--6.,,~_-___~._F__~.,..._r.. _ __ ----___ . _.. -- _ _... _ ____.._ __ -------_ ____ _ ,_.._--_____.__._--- <br />r7aca April 13, 1981 <br />Harold tautensehlager (also known as Harold D. Lautenschlager) and Ruth Mara <br />i <br />I~autetlachlager, husband and wife !' <br />ttartgagors, <br />of Hall county Nebraska 1n conaideretion of ~ ` <br />the advance at the prinefpai sum recited Sr. the note heralnafter described, receipt of which is~aeicnowladged, harebq _-- <br />mortga$a an3 camrev LO <br />THE FEDEkAI UMO BANK OF OFNNA, a Corporation, <br />of Osnha, Douglas County, Nebraska, whose address <br />is Fare Credit guildink, peaha, Nebraska 6it00, <br />Mortgagee fsubJect to 011, gas, and mineral rights owned Dy Dnriles other Lhea Mortgagors; eYlstln$ easements of - <br />recard: roservatlo^.s to :Jnitsd Stac^s end Stst> patents: and the rights of the public in all highwgya), the ~ol~o*ing- <br />Gasariaed real estate in Hall county. Nebraska - <br />SEC. T!/-. Ri. <br />;7WWk---- ----- - ------ - - ---- 16 9N 10 W6thP.M. <br />es ^~ r i <br />`., .-tea <br />z s - ~-, <br />.~ -Q ,n ~ ° ,.~ ~ v <br />~h ~ L';i- p-' <br />i a3 <br />m ~ ~ ; <br />-. ontaintn>z 16{i »cree mare -.r to s, together wi tit s12 of the right, title, and interest ~ <br />cow ^wne~ nr barest*_er +„c;~ eqi =.^e ~rtgagtr '„^_ing r*li h::fldSnc_s, improvements, fixt^°as <br />or gpDUrtenasscas _~:areon __r .ereattar ,:lapd !herea¢. 'til war,er, trr3gatlon, and :irainage rights; the tenesents, <br />rcvrsd: s:aman ts, >ui+5 '~6DUrtNn4rc~s '. .ereto and tai r~erts, issues, crops, and profits arising from said lands; and (it <br />' the Mortgaiiars+ r281tis to •~te ;a+;llir lomasn are reuulred tzp *wrtgagee tar security Purposes) all leases, permits, - - <br />iictmses, or prix°S feces, sppu^tenata •. ;:r +:nnappurtensut t_D sai:, mortgageq prewai see, now or hereat ter issued, extended, <br />- er rauew'~d to ~.ha ?xsr trRaaors ty the ~!ni fed States ar the State tr, whlett the anove~escribed Property is iorated or <br />_ PttLS tenartment, '_::ir2rlL', [=r .`S$8n4'Y `h PrP J!. - <br />:1tis sartga¢e ?F 31 can '-a .ecurN n ,^.roretssary Rota of cyan date herawi tn, executed ay Mortgagors to Mar*_gagee, in ' <br />the prlncSDe-1 .~ of DNir Ht;IyDRED THIRTY-Flb'E THOUSADiD SF.YEN HUNDRED AND NO/100 - - - ~~~ <br />Dayaale w1 td; lntereat ancarding '-D Lne farce r,T said note, the .Tinal psytaett being ~,.te and payable on the first day <br />of DeCEs~Cr, 20119 i,i1s cane a^iee .hall ne void <br />ey upon the pctysent of said prams sso:y note. <br />Tbis aartgage la suaJect t~ the provisions at 'xe fARiY CRSCi2 AL: and all sets eatandntory thereof or suDDlesental <br />thereto. ^,be Draeesds of tae iaar. sec=~reC hereby will Da used far tae D~DOSes sDeclf25d in the Mortgagors+ appli- <br />eau on far said iaNt and authori3ed DY said Act. <br />°:Sie ^lnrt ra, saff each at saes, hereby warrant Caat they ere 'ee cwssrs at the mortgaged real property; fast they - <br />will dafet?el the tltie sgninst ell ~lalmaetts whomsoever, apd that sold DFOper•.y 1s free free ali aneumttramcae; that - <br />_ they wail keep all the 1.~rbvearsnts, ^Ixt:cres, nn4 sppurtenaaces ocenpleQ wd in good repair end patdslt no acts of <br />waste- and taey will relln~vlsn all rigats at :stead to grid practises, anticoveaant sad agree wftb the Mortgagee, <br />as tallawa: <br />f>} tat they wilt Der yea ^te ail fazes, liana, ;udvpents, or assessments which any Da lawfully assessed egninst <br />tea property amain ~rtgnyted. <br />- - (Y) "that tl9asv wii3 i9sura and keeF l^sured Dui.lgings ar ntaar 1~ttovements now on ar whtCSt may hereafter ba pieced <br />Dn said premises to the aatlafacticn ai the Marigsgae, Such IcatiJ'nnce policy shall be eadoraed with p m9rtgege clattae <br />With ehp lose taareundar to be pagnale to the Mortgagee. Any soma received may ba used to paiy for recons[rucifon <br />_ - of thg^ayad Iwproya~nts; ar, 1f *.taL >o applied, way, at tae nptSan cf iha `Mrtg6See, De applied in ~y~at of <br />- - atly tadstatadnaaa, *aatusad Dr umaturad, ae.~Jred DY tats saortgage. <br />?31 ;;s pqy aii yenta, fees, or cDsrgaa now due yr to becDSe duo under the terse of aacb lease, permit, license, or <br />pr vilegr ah roe ptx£+lla doaaln wDiaa 's appurtenant er nonnppurttnant to Lhe mortgaged pratalasa, ~icA has assn <br />SaaYad, aztendtd. ^r reneesd ay the Fstlied States ar the State 1n white tea above-~dasariDed pr9party la locaLad: Wad <br />to perform acv. observe suety net, roveaattt, coaditiaa, and =tiptilation neaessnty to keep each Df rite ewe in good <br />atatdlt~- and to t+tke Nvery naaeaaary step to secure the reissue, rmewai, or eztansion of each of tM awn; and to <br />- aasik3z-, !slue, ~l or ?rndtn•*...e to the M~tg~se aaea igase. bereft, ltb~tse, ar prtvfisge tf M9rtsrs+ rights <br />In qublfe gaeaits art requ tred ay Mnrt~se for security Durpoata. <br />- ={j- 'i~t 'n fiat aveat the Mart~ae is n Darty to any iitigatian affecting the security or tae ifen at Sis rtart- <br />t~pr, ih~iaeti coq suit t+y the ri9rtgakee t9 fotxclose thin wrt~a er a.~yy s'31t In whiaa tae t~tgesee may De nws+i <br />w+ 3 par'i.y detstt "A watch SL Ss oAlt.pated t9 Dratect its rights ar iitn, including condeeaatl9n and bagkrnptcy <br />entpr~iDitesi by iii, .9sta~ ~esas,~an aG~rvoimigpe~ht t9r atatraet Iran, atinrnsy tssa feYaaRt *_a raa <br />(~? 31st is Ltxe event the MsirtfyapcFS fail to pair when !SUC 7nY fazes, liana, Juc~senta, ar sssnaasoata, or*a31 to <br />3 ±talnuin l taurmice ss aeretotefore provided, gr fail .o pay rants. fees, or charges utt~ier too terars of nqq tease, <br />- ~'~:'.. li2anH, err ;%rSvilepiC: ear 'sot°tgagae }~ reitalred to incur azpenees for aDatrlCt tees, attorney tees. eo9 t3, <br />~ar~+av.w .,.., ate erg; y ih ^:cuIIC~ti9n wits 1:'i~tifin, M~°igt„gtiy poly taASita :nsClS pay~anK irr Drevidtr sur~h inatu~snee. <br />- ~r as;,r 3ui.h r#ii$iEbQn< and Law 3fnttntlF DfxAt~ *k~ta5°L~tur X31 aaCaR~ a p~'t of Lhe Sndaate~t9Sa a3¢Urtd hArfay dUa <br />- an3 }~"w#,LM lwusdiatai,r, sad !shit easy intarese free vie dots of y+ayawni- at tits rasa rata as pre~vided for default <br />is titn , rztrr. <br />;- i <br />