~. "!~rtaros~or o~sa,~s aodt ttTptvsa t. tlq.ta.t $1--- ~ O 1 #3 77
<br />.. Hr vaH pep tic ~ e+fa..eeti by said nee at t)tte tlataa tai ~ tlts
<br />,user tiea.i~ g,tartiirtl
<br />k He .riH >-~i nit tte>q..` aaaaaaaaatw sraRrr r.tea. ttotf crier ~ortaeaatLl ar ttaasfaipa) dtre~e4 $eay er
<br />iy.~iatrt, !sr t.ft~ provial.a rte. tare bane iadr hair, aad wi8 ptraatptfy deTi.rr t4a eiaial t~
<br />the ..:a tsar.
<br />r.. lfa wtll Prr wxb espeaaea aad fees ar may be iaetttved in the protection sad mrinteaaace of said
<br />ptmperty, iaehrdiag the frra of arty attorney empbyed by the morlRaftee for the colhsctios of anp or all of
<br />the ittdebtedaer hereby rorured, or for foreclowtx 6r tnortKagee'a ule, or court proee:dittlpt, or is nay other
<br />litigrtioa or ptoratdiag meeting raid pntmimx. Attomeya` fees reasoorbly incurred in nay other way slw8 6e
<br />Arid hl the aaort+p~ar.
<br />d. For hatter acentity of the iadebtedaer 6irrrby reteured, upon the regttea4 of the mortgr6,se, its attc-
<br />cturrors ar asrigsa, he rhall etterute ated dourer a attppkmeoui tsortgage or mortltags rmerittR nay additi~a,
<br />tutprorrtatatu, or 6attarmeats made to the ptepertr hereinrbore described : tui •lf Property acquired by
<br />it-titer the drte bere,oi ! s31 is form utiaf aetory to mortgagee 1. Furthermore, ehould morigaptor fril to cure
<br />aety da#rsh is 31te pasmeat of a prier or isferis~ etteambresee as the propcrtr dacribati by thu iartrument,
<br />mortgagor hexcby agtrres to Permit rnartFagee to cure such default, but mortgagee ex nM obligated to do aa;
<br />aad stash advaacta shall brcamr frart of the indebtedness xrcurrd hr thix inatrumrnt, xubjeet to the name
<br />tert~ rtnd tasnditiatts-
<br />r. TFu ciorltta created by this ranvepanre shall rrmain in furl force and rffert during any postponement
<br />v+r eiterwtoee of tfre timd of payment of the indrbtednrsx rvidrnmi by .aid prornisxory note ur any part thereof
<br />.R ~A L+~rhv-
<br />#. lfe viii c.xttinuausit m:intain hazard tanuraner, „f .uch trpr ur types and in anciv a.,,.,...,_ .the
<br />morega Ra: f:-.« .isu to time rrgairr un thr imprnvrmentx non ur hrreaker nn raid property, aad
<br />'mil Pry ltr~P~y '"~ d~ ~y fi therefor, Ali iaswrsaet shall he c.r~-.a,' iti ~waiea r~ptabk
<br />to ttract~e and the Polisiea sad rtsewrL thottmf shall be held by mortgagee aad hrre attached thereta
<br />ter pryalirlt clatratn is fasor of aad is form aooegtaEk to tfte mortgagee. fa rr~t of loss. mortgagor wiU pee
<br />ite~adiair ttatlee is +rtstaag to tst~tgag+te, aad reartgagee mrT make proof of lose if trot made Promptly by
<br />. ~ t,erh imwraeeae ooatpaay+toaoernad i a hereby anthoriaesi cad direetrd to make payaaerat for such
<br />hen direly to taartsrgee iapead of to mnorta~agor and ttsortgagee iaintlr< aad the it~ttrraoe proetretla, or any
<br />pert ihasrf. guy ire ~ by msrtgr~ee at iu o.Ptioa eitbes to the rewluctioa of the iadebtedaess hm+eby
<br />ssaaued or tp the reatorrtios or repair od the property daw,egad or deotroyed. Ta crest of foreelante of thi.
<br />saosifpapa, or other transfer of title trs gain YroPzrty _=rt e><tittguishtrteas of the iadebtodaeaa anctnred hereby. alt
<br />rtptt, title, ated iusrreta of Rbe ttxargr is sttd is ,ray inanrance policies the is fame a$ail Prrs z.t the
<br />Parrrhaarr cu raori¢s#rse ar, at rite aPtion of the mortgagee, may ltc surrcadered for a refund.
<br />~. He will keep ail buildings and Other improyemirnts oa eaiti property is g+'a1 repair aad cosditioa;
<br />.viii Permit, romtaii. or caner no c.:„~, i:u~ree,.st, deieriaratiott of raid property ar any Part thereof;
<br />is rho evrnt of frilnre of the mortgagor to keep the Intildisga on said prcmiaca and those crecsii', :.r. .eid
<br />pteraisee. or imPrav,rraratG ehereoa, is goad repair, the mortgagor roag make rush repair rs is fur discretion it
<br />may .k®sr rsecearary for the praprr prea-rvrtion thcrruf ; anti the fats rmoust of rack and every such payment
<br />shrli be immedirtely due and payable aad shall be .erure,l by the lira of thin mortgage.
<br />h- lle viii sot vadtrattariiy ctrite w Permit to hr created agsisat rhr property subject to thin mortgage
<br />sax firs ar liens inferior or superior t.n thr iirn of this mortgagr without the written consent of the mort-
<br />grttee; asd further, hr v:ill keep and maintain the saese free from the claim of all Persona supplying labor or
<br />asaderiala far sxwatractiae of and asd all ktuildisgs or tmgrayemrnts ttow being erected or to be netted on
<br />~- prwmisea.
<br />+. He will not rent or assittn gar part of the rent erf said mortgaged property o- demolish, or remove,
<br />or ~eEtNSiatiallt alter am ieuilding ~i[itnut the written consent of tht mortgagee.
<br />j. All awards of drenagrrrn caarmtiea with asy ca»demnatien for public usr of or injun to nay of the
<br />petapestp ta~ejtert'w tltas asortgage err htraebr araigaed atnl shall be Arid to mortgsgtstt, who may reply the
<br />raaae:-te.gayattsat of tlar inualltneww last drsr utwlsr said rate, and taortgsgae is hereby rtttboritead, is eha
<br />nassr of the eeartgagar, to eacrnta aad deJiycr valid acquiuattces tltareaf asd to appeal from nay stteh sward.
<br />k. 7`hs sbrrll have the right to iarspete the mortga~ Premiss ai any rearuarbie tiaae.
<br />-- 2 ~ of tbs.
<br />esreaaata ar cesdstaiona of this ittKrumrtti or of the. scar.: of fora agrrent+ent aeeuraai
<br />#ertttt tba.~c's right to poraesrion, atsd esjayment of the propearty, at thr aPtron of the
<br />~' oar Iri;r aasigat tit bring akrce~I that ti:e ~tlTM,.me' II have suelr right until default i. l;poai asy such
<br />>;6rfs~Jt. shs !Vitas «hrll the owner of sfl tsrf thar rrenta< sad profsts a+rtRtitta after default at: s~csritx
<br />rh~t itrdr~edtap,s sarrtred hastaay with tht righrt ta,atsi~ sgaun said property for thr. purpstee ,if tdlisxing such
<br />rrr~io tttMi Pry. '1"kis ituttaa-rat -shall opert~ta as aw ~~qrt a,t-atry tatttrla ort uid propmrty to that etttoat.
<br />.,.. r
<br />+'c~
<br />s..v °`4a, ryS.4
<br />