!3 I 92-A-• REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE-(With Tax Ctauat) Itav. E8 't ~ /~ !1 ~! f} L- 1 Hafitaaa and FMtott i WM#, MyttOn. #M. blYI61 F ~i
<br />KPIOW ALL bIEN BY THFsSE PRESENI'$: Thst Gary r~. "aC~'1Wi@~,,@r and RL3Tt@@ J• SGhv+fegex',
<br />Husband and ~~tife
<br />~ Hall County, and state of Nebraska ,'° "~' aE t1+ir atlas °~
<br />:"nirtj roue zhousard and no/ZG~ {~3l;,OJQ.~Jj
<br />in hand paid, do hereby SELL and CONVEY unto Hank of Dvniphan~ Dvniphart, N@braska~.
<br />~ Mall Gwtnty, state oI IJ@lvraska thef~Iowlasdeatn+'tirdgtd~etd
<br />i" Hall County. ana state of ijebraaka 'ta•wk:
<br />Lvt One {1), in 31ock Qne {1), in i~t@v@s First Addition to the
<br />City of Grand Island, Nebraska,
<br />The intention being to convey hereby an absolute title in fee wimple, including all the rights o[ hamrstead and dtrwer.
<br />TO HAVE ADD TO HOI.I] the prrmivea at±uve described. with alt the appurtenances thereunto belonging, tmto the said
<br />t[tartgagee{e) and to his, her or their heirs and assi¢ns forever, prnvichKl always, and these Prevents are upon the exprcaa
<br />cutu#ition that i# the maid mortgagor{ai, his, tter or their heirs. escrvton, administrators ~~r assigns shall pay or souse to be
<br />paid tar the raid rnortgagre{s), his, her of their heirs, eaecuu>rs, administrators or rtvsigna, the principal sum of j ~1}, ~~rJ.~C
<br />payable as tnilowa. to w;t: note xated Aril 13, 1'?$1 ~"=~-15' interest. Due June 12,19$1
<br />with interest arx?aarding to Utr trrur and eR'ec~. of the mortgagors wrrttan prwnistwcy ante hearing even date with these presents
<br />staff shall pay aU ta:ex ami aa.eaamcmtx trvieti u€xsn void real e>tate, and all other mars, tevis~9 sled asvessmenis levied open this
<br />martgage or ties testa -will€°h thii+ rrtt:rigagr is Kt.°en t., - ..r~_ .,.-..,re t;:~ ::: n. !+crorua :l.:ia:iu::nt, and kecrp the tiulain~ en
<br />premiries insvml for th~ sum of b 3)€., `~~`J. ~~-'.~ .lams, if any, payahie 4n the said mnrtgagee, [hen these ptxsenta
<br />to be void. ntberwise to br• atxt remain m tuft force.
<br />IT IS FURTHER AGRET;i) tl) That it the said mortgagor shall fail to par' such taxrv or prcw<vre .uch insurance, the
<br />acid mortgagee may pay such taxe+ and Pttx-.u re such insurance: oral the sum so advanced, with interest at 16 pet
<br />aenL xhalf 6r repaid by so id mortttaKOr, and this martKatte shall stand av vecvrity Inr {he same. f2} That a failure to pay arry
<br />of said money, either primtipal ur interest, when the same incomes due, nr a tailvee in comply with any of the foregoing
<br />agrremrnta, shall rouse the whale sum of money Ftrrein secured tc. twcnme due and entlrx:tibte at Deus at the vptioa u( the
<br />traarteag+re.
<br />Sigrted this 13inday of SPY`'-1 !~ ^'
<br />In prti`sence of ~~i?" Ll? "~,f 3 _ L"c~-~~~.1...---.._.---.-
<br />/ ~
<br />STATE OF ..`lebr$ska ................ County of ..:.alb..... -
<br />Tlse fi~sgoing instrument was acknowledged be!'ore me ...lath . i~ay..4~ . Apri1..........19.~~.
<br />6p ...........~.a?'S!.{:. ichr~-i@~er an:3 "rtenee J. .ichkiai;er, :usband and afif@
<br />t~ S' tore tlf 6!~rson Taktng pp,,~~knowl~#gment
<br />~MIEM,~ ~eor~e }x. 4anitschke
<br />r~fs~.n.llww-xt.t~c
<br />'~crtli3rv .. . ... . ...................... .
<br />Title
<br />~l'KPB #JY_._._.__.-_.__. _...._..._.._..,,,......_...,,____.. ~ w, Ta3ared on numerical index and- Fated Ior recaed
<br />_ . ' in the Register oI 17e+atis Ot1'xx n# xaid t'•ou»ty tlal
<br />Crtsat~jr ........~ ................................._,.__.,,....,._...._ I
<br />.............._,_,..daty a(... _....... _. , .. _ ..... _ , 19__ ., at, o'elock atad......_ _. __ .. ....-minutes M.,
<br />~ t++an+teiad to ~iaeil __ ,._. _....._.. __ _...cd.....-, . _.. _....- __. at paps.,.--.... _.._... .. .. ___..
<br />,~ ..~
<br />
<br />{ ,:
<br />