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81--001860 <br />>~ ~? <br />MORTGAt',E LOAN NO. L9~{j•S~fs ' <br />KLwON ALL MEN BY THtaSB PRBSEMt3: That Uaxyl Mf. White and Joyce A. WhS.te, edCh jil Eti,s atftl }l~S - <br />t74~ 3~t~lt i'1tIC1 a$ t317DllSE Of P.aCYI OthPX, <br />MottyEEar, tsheeMr oM a moee, bt ~ ~ tkligiw d <br />ipiffaragi, i'lxittoartr~ arld Wn/tnft <br />!seated to said aeaetpBor by Tla @Qaitabb artd I.osn Afsociation of Gtaod idAad, Nebratln, Masygse, upon 1,5p ah~M dil6odt o[ <br />aYd AATtiki. C.srtitlate No. L 23,929 , do hasaby grxu, coaveY and erortgaea tuno the ttdd AS?14CIAT tit' <br />dntaeRied rod tMaie, aitttHed in Hats Ctttmty, Ntbraaka: <br />ALL ~ LUlT TEN (101 AND PARt^ Oiti' LOT F~7Etd (11) DESCRIBE AS ECa[ ~ AT 'THE <br />~.T CORt~A•R OF LflT 11, BTIJCK lU, PARif1iZLI. THIRD SIJ>l~?IVI5ZCYd, AH ADDITION I1G T~ CSTY <br />OF C1FlAi~ ZSLA[~, IASItA; ~ THENCE 90CtTHE~2LY ALONG AND UPCxdd THE r~s_cmmaT.v g()y <br />LT1t>E A DISTANCE ~ lOQ.3 FELT TO THE 9a7THFAST CC~iNEEt t7E` SAID LOT; IitING TN__A <br />(~•3'7R9iLY ilIRf~CTION AIANG At+® [SPOiH THE St3iTTHE12LY HOI$t1f~F2Y LZi~" Or SAID IJO'T lI, A DTu"PAtJC.E <br />ttF 45 Fr7sl'; RUNPTING THEtVC6 NQFiTHQ~LY TO A PL72NT Crnl THE t~LY AffitY LINE OF SAID - <br />IL7lT 11, WHI(~i IS 26 FEET F2it7+1 'THE 1VCiYI4~AST CuRbil•3i ~ SAID LOT 11; Rt)i~&iTITriG TH1:3VCE IN AN <br />IsAS"Ti:SiLY DIi217CTIOrl ALLING AND UPQN THE ~Y ]~QAi2Y LIB ~' SAID LOT Il, A DZ5TANCE <br />QF 26 F~ 'IU THE P+?IiVT OF' BaGIAYdING, ALL 13 IN ] Tifii (10}, PARiQiII,L THIRD SUB- <br />DISTLSIt3N, Pibi ADDITION TO THE CITY OF C32ADS) ISLAND, HALL ODt$TPY, Nt~ASICA <br />teratl[ea with tdt the ttmerrtstttt, tteredstamenu and apptvsenaatss i»cre:unty `ve:o;,yi~, i:~•~'ng aeeTt,'.i ikor m~riqus; atl wptdom scteetn, <br />tsindow absdea, bNads, storm vnrtrktws, swetie~t, hating, air wndiiioning, and pltttnbhtg sad water egtilpmens sad acceooriei thcteto, Intmpa>storea, <br />rt.y-a;.t,,--,,,--+,, a~ ~~ -a e~ _,r=r..~.., .~... s, :Fw ...d.~; t_ ... ~ ± ~n c~ntreetion with raid real estate. <br />Atsd wbsrer the said mwty~gtu ttaa greed and dose hereby agree that the mortgagor shat) and will pay sl! taxes sad aasesvaeats levkd or <br />attaaaad ~ said pre>a4aes sad ~ this rrmrtgga and the hand secnrsd thereby before the sane shall beeama delinq:ant; to fttxnish approrad <br />6mrtrtoe uc~pwmt she btekii[gs ~ said protases stiaaied in [he sum of S 15 r 400.00 payable to said ASSOCIATION tool to tietiver to amid <br />AS30CiATTiNi the policies tar raid inwraetce; earl trot Ea mtttrtdt rx pertmt any Waste on or about said pretseise:; <br />!a case of defanb in the petformanre of any of tlx terms and conditions of this mtxtgasf yr the bond secured hereby, the mongs~e stall, <br />on dtnmeal, be entitled to unnxdute poseedtut of the n:artgaged premiers and the mvrtgagvr hemby ssigsts, traesfers and seta over to the <br />tttortugee ah the teats, revrnttm amt ittcctma to be derived from the tttvttgagcd prettusea Swing sorb time as the mortgage indebtedrnese shall rerrnitt <br />napaid: and the martgttgce slut! have the power to appoint my agent w sgmts it may destrx for the purpou of repsttirtg sad prcmaes and rcn[ittg <br />the seine and aolkcting t!x tsnn, revenues and ttrtume, artd k troy WY vnt of said income dt exptttxs of repairirtg said promvms aed rteoetatry <br />oEamtoisatons artd expaeuaa insvrred in rtYt[ietg and matts;istg tax satrte and ut ettt3ecting rentals themirorn: the balance remaining, f aaY, to be <br />reward the disthatge of sad trtortgtge tndcbttdness; thane rights of the mortgagee may be ettercixd at any rum during tale existence of such <br />~'dt, ti;tttgsacleve of srry ttmpataty waiver oC the sum. <br />These Prexnis, huweter, arc open the Coadit.ton, That il the earl Mortgagor shall ropey said lawn vn yr before the maturity of said shares by <br />payrttetst: pay monthly to sad ASSOCIATION of the sum :paifkd in the Botsd sacurcd heretry ,s interest and prinepal on said loin, on oc before <br />the Trrestsieth day of exit sad ovary ttttmtA. ttm8 said Ivan is fully paid; paY all taxes and assesanxnts levied agaioat said premises and on this Mo[tgage <br />ass! aloe Bond secured thereby, before tieliaquettcy, futnab approves imuranee trpm tht builditegs thereon in flu sum of S 1$, 000.00 payable <br />to slid A~OCIATIt)N; ropey to sari ASSOGIATIUtV upon dasnat~ ad marry 'vy it paid fvr nut;. t-- -, asse~,.ayts -- - _- : at <br />the aaxirrtum kpt rate thereon from date of payment aft of which Mnngagor hereby agrees to pay; permit no waste rnr said premises; keep~and wmply <br />wNb aE fix znu and,xutditwmt of the Goad for S 15 000 _QQ _tltis daY given by the saitt Mortpgor to said A350C1ATION, and comply <br />x#6 ~ t6a r«tuiretnertta of t4a Cattatitu4iort .ad Bytaws of::id ATtoN; tlxn tltae prssertts stall bwuae aug and void, otherwise they <br />stfag rr ~ tali finea and teat' 1>G kxtxltased at ilia upt><an of the said A$SOC4AT[ON afux failure for throe ttt~ths to make ac; of said <br />ar be ehsroe naaotls ut urpn m taski¢tg staid ra«tthly peymenea, ut to keep said eumisty with the agreswrxnts artd eortditioaa of acid Bond: <br />agd~rtgapeMr t r a tar here : roetiver appointed forehwitA in such fona-Itnure p:otxedittgs_ <br />tf these is say olgagn m ov+aetstrip of the rW eraate mwtga•eti Ixrein, by tale or otixrw>ise, than the satire renaiuirrQ indebtadaea hereby <br />xcurati sites. ~ the option of The Fquits8ia Brsiidmg sad Loan Aasodation of t:rwd l:lmd:Nebraaka,ba~rae irataedkidy date sad payable withotu <br />Gtrtissr rtaiice, and the t remsiaisg due tinder acid bond. and say other bond fa any addltituut advaacea ttttde tttereundet, dtaU, from the <br />doe of ofntrcua of slid optiwt beat iatmae at the teaaimum legal rate, and this mortgage may aline be faaeiosad to sandy the amotutt due on said <br />bead, toad e~y oshss bond for edddiotal advansea, togetbet wide all wum ~ by said The Egtdeabk Bailding sad Iaaa Asattctation of Graad IsFand. <br />l~a6sa#a-for iawtrana, tease sad aaesuneats, sad abauxting cxtertsion citsrges, with intares! thereon, from date of payment at iha rhaximum <br />lapatsata. <br />As m rite Goad secured hereby, while this morigpe romaine in etTdx the morsg,~e tray hereafter adrattos additirmal nuns to the <br />toahers said Btsad, their yr n ie iatertua, whidt luau shalt be within the security of this mortgage the smx u the furada ariginallY <br />tasxrad LlxsebY, the ttxat amount of pnacipat tkbt trot to exceed x my tine the arigiaal atnouat of this mmigsge. <br />>[i.r.~ 14 Aplil A. D., 19 8I <br />~' ~' . Uf ~ERi6Elfa4` u, tSai ibis <br />NAi~. ~ 14th day of Rpr11 19 81 , 6dan tna, <br />LMe ~, a Notary Pnbt>ic is stn" tot salsa Cot:ptq> pmsoaaBy ~ <br />Lyl lei. s~:tka at~lr3 .k~+ve A. Wrsi.te, . in his alai her i~tiaa right ap~,~.s ~~~ <br />• i.r fs ' tr paaasrg wgaeas tnaaa s are dffiad to use apnea batrumwt n rear s a~ they •~' <br />~aird~taatddbaattwristattQ tt:elr y~andaatd. •-- ~ <br />t-LtigtN t - aya..~ .. a~~y,,,,~~ y~a~,,,,..,y , <br />_.,gifl~llrlk qaa V <br />