R~II~R'T+~A.GE ~~~-coo ~ ~ ~ ~
<br />This mortgage made and entered into this _ t 3Sh day of April
<br />l4 ?{ _. by and between Theodore N. u'atnson, personal Representative under the
<br />will of Niek Jattrson, Deceased
<br />(hereinafter refrrred to as mortgagor) and Commercial ivatianai isank and Trust Compa$y
<br />;6rrt;~tfter rcf+ to eta
<br />mortgagor), who maintains an office and piece of business at 424 W. Third- ____-- str'ret in Grand tsfattd,
<br />Hail County, Nebraska. ,
<br />WiTNE~SETFe, titer far the consideration hereinafter stated, rrctipe of which is hereby acknowledged, the tnart=agor
<br />does hereby mortgage, sell, grant, assign, and convey unto the moKgagrr, its sutxrssors and tt5signs, aU of the fot-
<br />towirtg described property situated and being in the Gaunty of Gall
<br />StatC Of Airbra5ka. "
<br />Tat Thirteen t13T, Jamson Subdivision, in the City of Grand Zsland,
<br />ball Gaunty, Nebraska
<br />togrthtr wrath aN the tcrsemcnrs enc.' appurtenances thereto brfonging, ai! the rents, issues and profits thereof, arui all
<br />casements, nghts, rcn~atttrs, mittrral, ail and gas rights atsd profits, water, water rtghu, and water stock, and ittcfuding
<br />ail heating, plumhmg" rtfrigrranc3n, ligheing, ecfuipment and all fixtures of every description txtanging to the
<br />.;:v*rtrag~: ; .;~ _~ terra#trr a=.a~ •t:-d t?~rrrtc+ c~ uszd in cont~~tion with the pretnists herein dr~xib;d and its addition
<br />thereto chr tni3nwutft drscnbert prt?perties which dre attd site!! bo detmrd to be fixtures and a part of tt~ realty, and
<br />ur a pmtron of she stYUrttq for the indetrtedness herein stated. flf ttatx, start "Hoerr") PTtrztt>
<br />To base and to bald the +atne unto the Mortgages, as herein provided:
<br />The mt~tgagor is lawfutty snzed and possrsstd of and has the right to seta ate com+ty said property; that tht
<br />same is trte frtisrtt all rttctsmbtanc~s rxcrpt as htreirtabavo rocited; and that ll4ortgagirr cmenants to warrati; ettd
<br />de€erxi else eerie a#orrsaid thetrto and secs} part thrreo( against the ciaierts of all persona whotusatva.
<br />"this trKirstrt&rst is given to stc-urr the pavmrnt oC a protnissoryy Hatt dotal April 13. 1~1
<br />to the ptancipa# +um of 5_=Ct,='SL`l.'~~_ sighed by Ttteodefr`e N. Jattts.on
<br />to betty{f r7f ., ~__t~,-~.,++kt $~+rwae+>+r~.7v~ em.inr f, h~rrill of Nick ,fa-+~+u+a±. I
<br />also, as weer ruses ~ t~rirs stray fttsn titm to tirne ~ modifiead, rrtrewrd or ext+endrd'{n vomiting.
<br />to else >rsnt tt~ title tc seed r~# estate .s ttancferresi, ar contracted to be transfrrred> front the ut~rrsigtw.d for any
<br />reason ar try any tr~ihod whatsarver. the entire princi~! sum and accreted intet~t shall ai ot9tae becottrr due and
<br />payrttrk at zhs oisction of the h€ttder hereof. tatlure to cxercisr ehis option because of transfer of title as ahgvr suued
<br />in arts ittnct shall tore constitute a waiver of rite right to exercise etee same in the e.ent of any subsequent transfer.
<br />1. The ttuntasgor covenants and agrees at! fatlows:
<br />tr. Ter pttomptiy pay ti,t irtdet?trdtuss rvidettsod by said prtrmissory trots at the titnwv stet! in the tttatttttr
<br />b. To pay alt taxes, assrsstttrnts, water rates, and other governmental er municipal charges. firers, ar
<br />insprnititssrs, far vrhirh pttivision has nest hoert treacle hcrcinbefate, and will promptly debuts the official receipts
<br />thrrefsr to sett card mrrrt$et.
<br />1`n try +teth rc~tctcs att+d lrrs as may hr itu:urrrd itt :he prusrcttt+n tenet ,natntrnatx~e of soul prcxprrts,
<br />tns;lttdisttC star fees ttf env ar#er=ncy empicrptrd hey the mortgagor ftrr the coi{ec"tton of arts .x aN c?f the tndrtHtdnexs
<br />rxtrh~ •,r:'.ttrn#. a}s tnrrsl+.+sotr€~ tYr nre~tttttr;tar"~ tale, ~~r cv~tttrt pis~cfintt~, ~+r to :tnt '+ttrr 'r+.itg,atit~n ter ~ tsK-eC"rtitt{~
<br />st#r4trt~ va+~t ~tt~trest~
<br />3
<br />s
<br />