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E 8I -t 001833 <br />AlOR1+GACE LOAN NO. L 23 9 ],9 <br />1[NO1V ALI. IIFN BY THESE pRESFai'IS: Thu GOZ'dt)!1 ,7. Scarboztxxygh, IlOW an t.1i>tt10I7.7.t'.d lAazl, <br />ForCv-~severt 3Ytot~sand and I3oI100 ~. ~'het3~r ~e ar muxe.nt of ma w®af <br />ittrrd w said ttsmtgagts by The P.quitsbb Bw1diag sad Ltmn Asttos~ation of Grarot [stand, Netrraaka, hitaet;aBet, ttpan $'y0 aturaa~ ltodt of <br />rid A~SOCiATtON. CerCstarate Ho_ L 23 , 414 . ~ hereby grant, canvry ~ inortg~ sots ttr ~ AS4OCIA7'{ON the foYciafiaE <br />dacxBted teal eras, sitesred ~ Hatt Caamy, I•iebraaitte: <br />The Easteriy Six Fit (6') o€ Lat Five (5) and All o€ Lot Six (6) Sai Biods 'Ittio (2) isi <br />Pleasant View Addition tD the City of Grand Island, F1311 County, Nebraska <br />_ Ht`t4er with ~ ttc lawetueata, Irseditsatenia mtd apQur:enusora thereunto beb~tteg ersc}itdittR utarltm~d fk.m eoteritt~. a~ trindotu >raa~, <br />wiadt»a tdsstkt, bfs, storm witidnsrs, asntnas. heath. yr asndz£ian~. srtd Piombtrtg and wain agaspnseni and accataorias theresa, pampa, atat+a, <br />tefti,eratt>n,atd other fiaiwrs and egtsspmeset txsw nr h~rcafttt attached to nr trse:i ut vnncct nrn with said real estate. <br />Ash wherer the read rnnttyigot has weed and doe: hrrctrs agree that tht marneagax shall and wttl pay all taxes and asat~rtenta-levied or <br />aresaed upon raid perrusrs and upon thta mangap~ and the bond secured thereby 2affvsc the same snail tucssme delinquent: to fwnislt approved <br />stturaarb the butidsttfs ore sstd prcmurs Wrested m the sum of 5 47 000.00 pa>•abk to sari ASSOCtATiQN and to deliver to said <br />ASSOCIAT~ the palterer fin said mntrancr, artd rwt ra wmmu or pcrms(am wazte on or at!czut said premrses: <br />!n rase ai' drtaah in rise prrfotmutct of any of the terms and comlrtnsns of thts munarrge ax the bond sewed hereby, the mortgagee shdt. <br />tin demand, bt eatakd to tmmedaau pns~m of rhr rrtnnpstprd prcmues xnd nc~ etton~or hereb>~ aurFns, truufrn and seta over to the <br />tnwt sit the rctsts, re+rrsttm attd oscxstte to rat derived from tltc rrr;rtgsged prtmsses during such time az the morfgagt tadebt~r shall remain <br />amps,,-': ~ ti: ;rrorg~e ~, ts~a the p,rwtr t4 appzm~it any agent au ttigtntx rt tnay dratre for the pucpoee of reprrine rid prmstma sad sentittj <br />Else acme sad co)liettwg the reds. rrsenrses and rstetnme, sad d may psy aut of said iueume a0 rzpersaes u( rtpWtng rW pratnirs and neoetsary <br />and pa~aas aacrsrred in renter and tmnapsttt ittc same and of eatkdsc~ rentak therefrom, the balance remaio6ft, if any, "^ 4ie <br />rmsiitd towed the xd crf rued *_kxtg~t ?it4elrt..trte±~t_ the: rffiitts of tiu~ rtrznz.ate may br raet~i :t wy t:- ~arrg t~ rrz:t3en.^e c.'' wxd; <br />ttelwk, irrespe!ctrve ssf env temporary watvra of the same <br />Shea¢ Presents, te,rrever, are nparn tht (amdrttan, That d tttx sad !4Sortgagor shall spay seat reset ore m before ttte twtwi[y of said shatu by <br />paymeaH: par trontldy to turd AS'Sp('IATiQ!4 a>f ahr win speE~d'ted to the Fwrai scxirtd hereby as interest and prtncspa! tin rid Wan, oa or baftue <br />tree 74esitk+fi;taq ~ earl ~ esery tisanth. ranttt seed toad a fatty paid: pay art taxes and aaacsnrents levied said ptamues and on thu Mortpp <br />sad tb; Bn~d secs+md thsrel±v hri+~+r da4snsausts4; , fsst~~ ~ vtsurstr,.r t#x th<.raem in t,'tr: slam ~ S t~7 Oflfl 0 paya$ie <br />to and ASSOCIATIQsi; ~y to east 4SSiX'tATF£]t~i upwr drenand ail rnantey by rt pad fvr stscit axes. sresasmts rind tas~r:MS ~ atterest at <br />the sratxanwm 6s~V raft ihcrerxt fuser date of pay ttsent all at wttscit ~Iortgryex lxreby agrees to pay. prrssttt rso waste oe said pmnses:keap and coatply <br />oath ap the ttiroetfieaia and tpndttaaets of lire frond fes f ej` fl~j,(iG tats day g,ven by Cite r,d 6lortgapsr to red A~iOCtAT1ON, and *Y <br />srit.Is aN the regaaatttt:rrts ref the Coneriuttrst and ey-L.a.s ~ read ASSi7('tAlii~iV, then tfsex pramu shaft 6rcattsr mall rsd t-sid, otherw,r they <br />>Atit taaa~ a fstB farce ~ r®ty be farecittad at tlse spread of the tad AS.S(X°IATI(Ni after fufwe for three taontht to make any ~' raid <br />paysaxats tar Fe tisrrst strxittes m ~trass. rn wd rttssstitiy payraeats, cs t^ tarp and wmpfy with the apeetrtents and coaditsom of said Band: <br />and tdaaggetr aeraea W hue a serztser appazmted forthsvttA Hs Nr~t tai:scism~st prooeedmgt. <br />H thane s rely ~ a of the rtsi nitre s®rmpgod Masers, ny rk ar vthecwir, than the eaune rtxa ipdebbadaess lemebgr <br />rated sAaB, at list apgie. of TMc Lgmtah+t B aed l~tut Arotasiort of Gant ldaad, NeMaska, betnme intmsdkstaly dae and payeMe teitJloat <br />fwtlset twtice, ad the atssorat ssrrYssttg dtsr reader and Road. and arty ether burs! fat any atiditaami sdvttut~ made tlrtatrdr, ~, [tttr tIM <br />date d exatc6r of aid +t~d~o~ brae earner r the rates irpl rate, sad tits mmtp~ may then be fondoasd m rtidy the maostat des oe rid <br />baad,twd aey aehex 8oed €at .editstral ads, togetftts s.itA ~ amts pond ey aid rhs F.gitttahk Bad and Lr~t Aara~an ~ eland tdr~, <br />PH~Ittasfts f« iruaraa, tutor and merasents, and sbactaaatg extenwsn charpn. writ interest tlrraon, frost data of payment at the tawc8mttttt <br />~>~ <br />Aa ptovstiM in the Band scettacd tsere6y , ,rbsie thn rts,rtspat temttmts to eR'ect the mort~gee may hereafter adnnee additional a»na to fire <br />mtkesa aatd fated. then arigns cv stecxesora m interest, whicJs dada br within tlx xctsify of this tnoragage the sattr u the fends oripmBy <br />tressed thneftry, rir fatal amouet[ of ptmropH debt not to exaxed as any trine tix aripnal amostsn of this . <br />f?wwQ rhea I3 ~` ~ April A. D., is 81 <br />~---- <br />SfKfS t~ t1B1>tA371CA, ~ ~ ~ tbs <br />r,~~y tiE ~~, 13th ~y ~ April t46I . fasdew ar, <br />Fhe t~, 3 `i riltity ptt(i~C in and fW said ~a{gFty, pa$y tart <br />~-! 3. ~b'Ct1~t, lYt7YS d¢i utaues~ri+:ad ttifti, ,,._ ;t wits i8 prawt~r ksnssit ro <br />' tws ae ps dr sdarttad paned tvhaae rdim! i$ :saixtsd to the abas~ie~etimrtet r giaripytx sad hQ <br />~d fta rid astsreaaE to ba 1118 .ataatry act sad deed. . r' <br />~f hand sad ~risriak tea du aftxesdd. ~` ~, <br />,. <br />_.. _, <br />G <br />ratwr ~~ __1 L ~;_t i ./~~ <br />