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YORTGAffi 8 I -- f) t)1$ 3 <br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L 2~ ~ 91 R At3d1, <br />KNQW ALL MEN BY THFSE PRESENiS~ That Phyl li S C. Sc.)rtlidt dild lCenlletll H. SC)midt, her Ylusbaltdr <br />Mortgttgm, whether tstu m errors, €n oauddeeatlon of tM tram ~ <br />RirF~on '7~xevraanrl atxl Na11QI~, CIOLLAR8 <br />icrtted to rr! r»ortgagtrr by The Equitabb Buihtittg and Lunn Auoe~Uon of Grand !Wand, Nebraska, Mtsrtgaesa, uptm 160 fteares of rt9sk of <br />nid ASSOCIATION, Certlfisate No. L 23,418 Addl..d~lxreby grant, convey and rttortgttge unto thin old ASSt1CiATtON tM ftegovoa~ <br />tlrl~sd real aatata, sitwted in 1{att County, Nebrtudta: <br />PAEr'1` OE` T'HE SOIlIfR7ZI.Y ONE HALF (S~) OF LOT TEN (10}, OF 'iHE CD[II9'TY SUBDIVISIQ3 OF THE SOtTIH <br />HALF OE' T4lE SO[TTHEA.4T Q[3ArZTER (SgtSE'ri} ~ SE~i'ION SIXTEEN (16), IN'ICIFflYSEIIP E'LENFfiI (11}, <br />NGI~i, itAAAa~ NINE {9), V,~ST OF THE SI7tI'H P«i., $t:"[NG hS.S2I: FARTICLII.AI2LY D~IHED AS EDISGWS: <br />FlF7GITIIdING AT THE ~tfTf~S'T t OF L7T TEN {10}, THENCE RUNNING NQRT4~rY ALONG THE WEST <br />LINE: (~ LOT TEN A DISI'AC~ OF FrYtT Sf FL•I:I' (40' }. T'Fil`VCE RCtsadL'vG 7A~STERLY ANA PpRprs~s. ~ TkIE <br />NC>t~THFRLY LINE OF LJT T~I3 {10} a DISTANt,~ OF FaFtTY FENT {40') Tt~ THE ACNAL POINT OF &E- <br />GI2Yd7A1G,THENCE RUNPIING t~3R'I1~i2R I.Y ANli PARi?,Id1T, ~ THE t~I1~RI.Y L~ OF It7P 'TEN (IO) A DI.~TANCE <br />OF SLY't7-FGLx"2 FEci (64') , `ifif2JCE Rt,'.II32NG s:ASTERLY r'3ND PARALLII. TC7 THE N~2TFIERLY LIIVE OF LOT <br />'TEN { 10) A DZSTA[+~ OF ONE H{~A'g2FT3 TS+IE'xdPY-SIX FF~I' { 126') TC3 `THE EAS"IrERLY LIZdE OF SAID LOT <br />'I'i:Itl {10}, YH13dCE RLHvTdING SClITHz'a2LY ALONG 1~ND [,'Ptk*7 TTiE; r~1STE12LY III3E OF LOT TEN (10} A DISTANCE <br />OF SSJCIY-r'TX~dt FEET {64') , TfiENf,..E ~'UNh1L*JG '~1E.'`"I'FRI.Y PAtZAld~ 1G Tf~: NiJd2Tf~2LY BOtINQAk2Y LIlHE <br />~' LOT Tg21 S 10) A DIST73NCL (~' CY~E fzT.L^IDRF~ T1JES1'Y-SZX t 126') FEET 'I'O THE POINT ~ Bk1;Ti~fl9ING <br />tortWhtr with a}b [hr ienententx. hs:edrtarrtentx and apptuterunxs tlurrunuz izrtungtng, rrt.ttulxttg attsJted Iltwr tvvtrtttgs, a!1 window screens, <br />areetdr~w thadrs, b€;n ds. storm wradaws. awrtrregs..hrat~. aar nndnwnuttt, and plumhtng arA weer squtpmeni and acaswties thereto.Pumpt.a:ovEa, <br />refrt~rtrssnn, and n:her (iztursa and eurupttxnt now <x Frresttsr stts:letd eo r+r used ui r:,nnectuzn wrth xa..i re:1 sera... <br />And whereas rite sad mortgagor has rtgfeed arW dots lssrcly ague t€ut the t:,nrtKagnr that! and wiU pay at€ taxes std ssaamamts ierkd rxr <br />arasmd trpae sod premtsas artd upon thw mart and tot Larui se.ured thereby htfcre the saint shag become delingiteat; to famish approved <br />itssntnset uptm the butWsryp an sad prerunres wtuttted to the sum .,f S 16, 000, 00 payabb to rare! ASSOCIATION and to deliver to said <br />A55()[lATI~t the ptsitrats for sad rn>zxrartce, srtd nos w curnnut ,=r prrrmt any warts <zn or about sasd prsrtusss; <br />in mat at defsuit m the ptrforsrtancr .zf any of ttxe terms auJ ccxtdnsuns of rhrs murtyxs or the fxind secured hereby, the mortgagee shall, <br />+tn dtmattd, bs snntkd to rtnmsdutr p•+ssespcrn ..; :he martg~sd prsrtutes and t#zx rxxznpagus furrby asxtgtts, transfers and sets aver to the <br />m~tgatlee aQ the rents. revenues and ,nct~rnr t.+ tx der;rrJ':om the rzM>rtaagrd p+cmrsrs ?an:.g suc!*. tome as the roartgage tndsbttdness shall rettmin <br />uawrJ; aai t4tt tnartaatsr cull bars ehs paws: E~ sgprutt soy aunt ~zr aunts a nay dryer fn the purooaa of xagarrtttg said gretttixa and rentvtg <br />the sarrae and cetka~ the ernes. rrvrnun aru! sr+c4>ms. and rt may pat out at sau€ raurmr a€€ expsnsas of rsQstrutg saw pttrnises and netxsnry <br />ixtmatrottuts and saprnsrs rn:.urred to rcntsng and :nanasrta the sane arti ~,! .n#k~ttxtg rrneats therefrom; the ba)ants rcrtninfng, d any, to be <br />tawa[d the 3aciu:gr .tr sard man~tr ;ndehttdnraa. ttxxe rvgtzts a# ?hr ntcrtgagrx rosy ht exer.:rssd a! my tune during the exisiena .ISUCir <br />ds?fsuh, trrsspecirre tit any terrtpu:at waver of ttu xantr <br />Thrar Prsstnts, ta.wtxe. a+r ,.ttkur ;iss t";+ry3st azn, slut <t the uxl *d..-,rtgags:r sl:a€:.cpay sand #oan :zn ur ysfare the roar urtty stf mid shares by <br />paymsr+t, pry mturtta#y to ssat .~.s''St]t'€ ATFtlV ~.+t rhr runt spertfxd rr, ens &uzd se,:ursd i:usby as rntsrrat and pnncipai an stud loan, on of before <br />ihs Tvrmtaeth Jay ut rah srnf even- month. untie ya±d 4uan sr tufty pard, pas a€i taxes artJ axsessrrtrnxs ttytrd against raid premtus and an this Mortgage <br />and the B.utd secured tnrrrb5 , t~rtcer .;rtur~usn.y, turruxh _~-om; satsuran~s up:m the htrudtngs tttstton m tbt xum vi ~J.6, iiilV . UU payable <br />m east A~Tfit7[`IATItri- repay t~ said AtiSiDt"tATICt!i ugen demand ,tit nx>ney by ,t pact far xu+.i taxes, asseasmtnta and insurance web interest at <br />the rttaxemvm {teal t acs ttxre.+n t'r-zm Oats ,..t pay terror ai€ .,t wtuch .rdattgagsrr hereby a•~rtss to pay, pettr.:F na warts on card premises; keep am: comply <br />with aN tt~ guserernts seed ~x•.S.twxts al ttu Bold tar 516, 000.00 errs day green by she sad Mr,rigagstr t.: end ASSOCIATION, and cumpty <br />w~ aB the saluertsex+t: of the t'unstrtutxsn sat By~taws of sa+! A'SEK €AiTON-. titre ttmx prsssrrts WsnB becalm nttD sad wd, othr~rise they <br />sktB teesaan ut ftsB ftutx and rosy bt turtekmtd at ih„ sptxzn of tree ra[d A,SStX'lA'i7Oti at"ter Caiture frn tltra tttoatha to make any of sad <br />ptrystamn ar leer three rrrtatttn m urtux m trsiltittg san4 mtmthiy paytnsnts, ur to keep and sraratply wish the agreemenu and condi[itxiss of said Band; <br />and Morsget-x agres's tr have a ractxaer xpprsntad t<trthwrth m such fursckesurs proceedings. <br />If there rs tray strange to ownersiup of the teat .start mortgaged herein, by sale or utherwtae, then the entire retrwnisg indebtedness hereby <br />securttl WsaN, at the optian of The Fytritabis Biniding seed I.rmrt Aseoeutirm of (;rand 1Wand, *iebnsitt, breams immediately dua and payable without <br />ftutlter nrrtice, a~ the arttrrwrt rrnnireing dot uetder sand iwnd, and any other bond tar any addttrorul sdvantxxs made thereunder. Wail, fmm the <br />dais of exercor of said aptxm, beu rnterest at the maximum kgo-t ;air, and this trrtutgage rrtay then be ftxeeclosed to mtisfy the atttouni due on said <br />bond, asd eery other bold for ad$itmtu! advanoea, togetixr with all soon pad by said The F:yuitabk Btttid€r~ and Lase Aasociatton of C.rand Ishtnd, <br />NebraWca frr msuanx. taxes and asaeeutfrasu, and aljstractmg sxtettsiuxt eharges, with intsress thereon, from date of payarcne at rtes nraxarturrr <br />6etid rata" <br />At ptevtdett m refs Band secured hentzy, whsle rhrs rncxtgage remuns m rffecs the rtwrtgagts may txreafter adverts sdditiotul stems to the <br />tmfsmts trf sari Bond, thsq aiatgrts oe sttcarawra us tmtsmt . +rhtch xurns stuld be wethm tltt ret.~uritY of this tnortpags the aar»s as the funds atigtttalty <br />atwred thstsby. the taut arnourt of ptvatpai debt rwt to txasd at any tine the ursg6ut amount at this mrrrtgage. <br />ORaed tltiu 13th- ~' ~ April A. D., t9 $1 <br />_ H. SK~inltit <br />3TATLr tlF NERP.ABICA. ~ ~ fln tlm 13th JaY of Agri 1 2 9 $1 . hefan me, <br />Ltx,~rlTV 11AU. ~ <br />flu ustdenr~ssd. a Notary Public m sad far ttdd Cowsty. t>iY casts <br />Pt1y11fS C.. .F. and l~€1liletli H. St~tntir3t, i'le>^ )1t1s1aStz3, '~ are PmIY known to <br />ass ~ 6e ~ idtrtts#aW pastraat ~ sboaa seems g cAI~. stfiaed to the Rlron tt:satt m mss send thta} ~~` X <br />~ tAe atad katsttatasat to be thCxit wmlwntttq act and dswd. <br />r° <br />ln[T!8~6 ~ foan4 mid lisAtuiat Sreai t~ dear dareaaid. <br />~~ ~ ~~ <br />irt~i..:_. _ <br />~, <br />1 ~_a _ - <br />As iT _f:~.C........~. _... d <br />t/itiaM l4 Mll~`'~s ~ ~ m,:........,...w..~.,-_: ._ - ..a~a~q;Y~..,....._ <br />