'ditis torte is retied in txentwe-
<br />r~+~r ~+v ~+ tion vrith maty~#;teu ituttted
<br />~~~ i `.Y~V'C+ uin~r the ones is frste~f~t~Iy
<br />prnYEaleaa of tZab Niflt~tl'
<br />HttBAet.
<br />THIS hfflR7'GAGE, made sad executed [his 20t)i day ~ Agri 2 .A ~.-
<br />t4 81 ,byaalbetwoer Say A. Herders, an utuaarriad perscan
<br />~ the ~aanty of Hall . a~ She of ~, pasty ~ tits [ pmts
<br />the A4t*itprgor, sad Mtartgage Pius Incorporated
<br />a cc+~mr~ioe orgaaiacs[ and asistf~ under rite laws o[ t[Za tlttitad States of Am~erice
<br />petty od the second put, Itorei~faer cal[ed the ~•
<br />Vd'I7TtisSSE'f'Fit That fho ss~ ~. fax sad in cats~eratia+d the sum of 'to+enty t3itte T'hottatatxi
<br />Six Hundred and 40j144ths---------------------Dolhrsf529cE40, 40 ),pttidtiythe{-gd[t:
<br />/• tlx_tee..tpt nd w3dch is hereby ackruswlydgrd, hu CuanEetl amd Sdd attd by rhea precepts does i3r'int,-Bit-
<br />gtua, Shc. Convey ate Carfare oats th¢ its st~oessots sad sssi~ts, forever, the fd[awrf~.#epuibtld-
<br />real estme, situated in the Cotraty of Hal
<br />~ Nehntska, to wit:
<br />Seventy
<br />.T~t ^.,^.e SIn.°zdre3 h7ir,2 tI'.9) , iri Btxenavista 5-,tbdivisi.on,
<br />an Addition to the :'its of ,rand Island, Hall t^ottnty,
<br />tJeiaraska.
<br />lilscs Known As:
<br />X31 East Ncbraslca
<br />aYII n[l iS tend, f7,X~` hH~~l.
<br />of the Sixth Principal ,4trrrdtan, ~crataining en .;A <-z t•~ r_,rnpcr. t y
<br />merit sstrve3.:
<br />acres acctudirtg as Ciavern-
<br />T() [islt [-; .4Nt7 T() tit?E Q thr premise. ttx,vc JeuriEred, wrth aii zhe appwustaaces tlzereuniu txlanging asst in:}udittg
<br />al} htatirtg, trlurrrbirtgaad ttdrtittg fixntres and cguepcttent ar,w crr Itereaf!et e!tyL-bed to c:r used in catar!et:tiun with said real estate
<br />utka thr 'atorttsgee. and to ire sencrssor.:uad assigrs_ €~cver The ~li~rtgag3. rtpre±~nts to, and covenants with. the Martga-
<br />films !rR. iu~t~~ t,~- ~ y 'i~,b9 E:; `..:# A.,~, .'~;#-.c? .s~2 c~ ~t~s i,`rai F~ti arz" fic~ Er~~~... .n. ~ ~. ~ .. •l•.~t -
<br />naotrdiegw arrll wacraat sad detead the name agarraxt ahs iawtul drums ,rf alI xrxons whvmstrevr;r; arw the said l4tar!gagar here-
<br />fsy re}itt~ussltes rJl rr~lsts of horse+tead.:usl all m.ritai rrglrta, e~thec ,n taw 1x m tuuiiY, and all ether contieuvam ietnr~:sa nt te.~.
<br />--.-F ,c, :' ~,.e-.~e€.~ prem!c., trz ,rrtrnt~c e+ecr~ !n convey hermi~y an abwtuie title, is foe sunpk. iachuf-
<br />irtg all ri~ta of hc>ratatead, rtrtd orhor rrglt!~ and m!ereats as nturcxaad.
<br />t~iti)t tiy£f3.it.~'AYS, and rises presents err ccecutrra mnd eklivcrcd upon the tat{Uwiag cwtditioas, to wit:
<br />The Rtot+.datpor agrees to pay to rite !Kortgaitfc, c?r urdcr, the pnrsc-ipal sum rrt 'i~renty Nuts: T4tausaty3 Sax
<br />dates 3rd c_;,3 't4jlt~tlts-----------jk?lisrst4 !v,=i0t7.0t j,wuhintereatfrom
<br />~ie refs of a~~o~r een , t'ef unctmt (I4 00 ~)f~ aaattm ~
<br />the unpaid bvaa~cuntii pard. xaut ~inctpai and mtcrcet shalt ho payeirk at tht aftfce oplortgiaga Plt1s Inct>tpLSratad
<br />in F;rtg2evood, ~ttloraslo ,nrntsrultotherp(aeaatathe#widtN€of
<br />tie Hate tq dosigrtate in writing, in manthly instaliatcnts at ""hreY Hun~3reti ?iffy artd 7(ijl40thg--_~-----
<br />- - ----_ _ _ _l)uilars tS , 5- . 6 I. cvmateading tm die titer day of
<br />3~a_____________ Ivi3i .a>t~enthehrstdayofeachmanththereaftesrtatilthoprioalttpdht-
<br />euest are [oily paid, except that she braes p.s}mear of psi®cipaf and intsre3t, if tsct sags psid« s1ssS{ }~ ;ems. y
<br />paya}~e set tht laser day r*f °tay ~UP`3I :all accsxdied t9 the term; of a cfrt~atp may:
<br />ssxp txrie taf even date herewith ext;:uted by the said Matgtr~tr.
<br />The htnrt~nr is cvd;tr rears-fully to protect zhe ?.tCnrity at this'llora~ge. agrees;
<br />! . That tee tYaU pay the indetxodtxss. as hereinbrfrue pravided. f rivi[ego is resotvec[ to psy Ehre 9elst is ehe+~ at iTt #tt
<br />aAttnttu crtual to wee ezt rttcrc !nonttdy payatents oq the prira:ipal :hat are Hero dune an the nose, cxt the titer day +et`anr rewrMh
<br />~itx !u tterity: t'Arvicfayt, hswevor, 't'hat writiett notice of an uzteution to excretes stnft ptiviie~t is gth!ea st ]sp#
<br />t#fys ptrar to gre:+a§me~.
<br />2. '~ lest, tcy~ther with, arzd in a+idith+n ta, zhe tnultt[dY tmYments of irtiaciit+el artd ieitstst #ay€ablo y~;$m.
<br />mate re.wed hereby, the mot will pey to the Mart, an tfte ft€st des of tarp tratttttz the ss~t t is.f
<br />=rt) r4ruu!rnt sufftEisrat to prrrrrritt the hvlc~r herccrt` with s'srrtds to pay the rr,pxf tnnrt~e insurance pretniwa tf this
<br />tr3szru£~ttten! sad zlae riots mscurod horxhy arx iratiutsd, <~t a ,•tattt.zly cfistge iirt ~iwt <:js nscrrer ~trat~tc°c
<br />~i S[ sic hrld bt the 5ectetxsy ,?± ~ 2nd t7rts:.>: l~aak~,mtrrt. a;' Howe
<br />£1# it saw .~ ie;ztg sy s~aui rsure „[ avRn dstte snst; thtc tttstrurrxnt arc instrzes~ .x aac o.z,,nsu;eS uru[rr the pru•
<br />«4x at tare 1',tattrmal tinur&ttyt A,:r, an ernacsunt sutticzsnt tr, ~;,~rrruaatr on t e ha.t:3s.,t tlsc fr,tldra ,q'tcc
<br />'~`T,1'Tt; t tF` titiHJtrlti6 A
<br />Y^ss~k"YNdYl ~d.a. tr:s ass <-kgss.~+r+ '- ~.. q 2 e t~~r 4 t a r r~
<br />