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81--~~i$i0 <br />f l) month prior to its due datr the snnual tttnr[gage insurance premmm in order to provide such holder <br />with funds to pay such premium to the Secretary of Ilnusing and Urban Development pursuant to the <br />IVatioua! Housing Act, as amended, and applicable tiegulations thereunder: a <br />(~ (II} If and so tong as said note of even date and this instrument are held by the Secretary of Housing and <br />Urban Geveivpment, a monthly charge /in lieu ry'a mortgage f»surance premium) which shat} be in an <br />amount equal ra one-twelfth {Iii 2) of erne-half (t ('-t per err=;um of the average entsianding balance <br />due alt the note computed without taking into account delinquencies or prepayments: <br />(Q} A sttm equal zo [he ground rents, it any. next due, plus the premiums that will next became due and payable nn <br />pofici€s of fee and other hacard irtsutarict ccrvrring the mortg~gtd property, plus taxes and asseastnenis next due <br />an the mortgaged pranerzy loll as tstimatel by .hr -McrnFUgee; iesx a!3 swra already paid therefor divided by the <br />number of months to elapse Lcefvre one month pour to the date when such ground rents, pretttiums, taxes and <br />assessments will became delinquent, such sums rv be htid by Mortgagee in trust to pay'satd gro,rtd rents, pre- <br />miums. lazes and specter{ assessments: and <br />(c1 A!l payments nrentioned in the two preceding subsecnons of this paragraph and all payments to be made under <br />the note secured hereby shall he added together. and the aggregate amount thereof shall he paid by the Mortgagor <br />each month itr a single payrnrnt to be applied by the Mortgagee to the fnlluwiag [tans in the order set torah: <br />{I) premium chargts under the : onvact of insurx;xe wnh the Secretary of Huusfng and Urban [)eveloptnent, <br />err monthly chargrlrn l;cu ~~} »titrtgage trtsurmrre pre»tiunrJ, as the case may be: <br />ill) ground trots, taxes, assessments, hre and ether hacard insurance premiums; <br />(ill) interest tin rtes nuts secured hereby. and <br />(IV1 amortuatwn of ihr pnnctpal of sold Wort. <br />dny deficiency tit the antuunt ,sf any such asrgrrxate tnurnhly payment shall, artless [Wade good by the Mort- <br />gagor prior to the. dot date of the next such paymrrr?. ~ut~suutte an event of default under 2hts mortgage. The <br />Mor2gagpt may crollet:t a "later charge" not to exceed ti,ur cents 14tt1 for cash dol}ar LS 1 1 of each payment mare <br />than fifteen (t $1 days io err#9s ro cover the exna expense ntvoived in hauxfling delinquent payments. <br />3. That if ihr, urtal ni the payments made by the 1lnrtgat;ar under r `:! nt paragraph :3 prnredin3t ::haft exceed <br />the amount of pss7nent:: actually made b} the tftrrtgaYee fur ~*round rent. [axe.- and a=~e-.~ment_~ err insuranc€ pte- <br />miuma. ere the cm.€ may be. -ueh excetis, if [ftc Ivan ti careen[. at the option of the ~brtgagor, shall lee credited by <br />the :tartg•agee an -ub.~equt=rtt pa:m€nt> to in' made It} th+• lkart;;arwe, ur refunded to the ~4trtgagor, Ef, however, the <br />mamiMs paymertt~ maalC t»• the t4ortKagar under „t pvagr:tlah _' prt•rcding <halt nut i>.e 4ufficient tv pay grand <br />rent, taxer and u;;.e~•mtmt~ err inaurantt• premium, a.- the ra-*• may he ,ahe•n the ~-ame -ha11 lreeamr due and pay- <br />able, th€n the ybrt{daltar .half pay to the y#uriKaKe+^ arty amtaunt nrco-.pan to make up the• d€iiciencv, on or irefam <br />•,;„;.;. sr of .ueh vmund :en~~- tavu~- a.~-a==ment< ur in-uranre zremium~ -haft be due. if ai any <br />tiro doers . p_.""°!..- _ f <br />fame the olonKagrrr -hxfl sender uy the lfattgaagee, in accanfwtrr whit the prnci-i„n> of Ih€ note ~erured hereeV, <br />full pavmtnl of the emire indebtedni>w- repr€~t=nu•d thnmfry• the tk[rttragee -hall. in computing the amount of =ueh <br />indebtea4raess, credit to the aeccxitta of tltr Mortgagee .rii pavmt.•rtr~ mralr under dtt {++uy:sitxzs c,f r<t; oaf paragtaph Z <br />htretaf which the ihrrtgagee ha.- oat btx•ome obligated to pay to tha• '•t•cretan oi_ Ilnu~inK 'sod t'rbtrn Drvclarpnten[ <br />and any haianre remaining in tha• Cund~ accumultvt€d unda•r the pn+yr-r+tn-~ i,~ ^ . «f paragraph _' hen€r,f. IC thtKe <br />~haif be a default under :uay .:f the prnyi.~ian- of this marrtt!aer rt•~uitinr in :+ pubii+ - le of the pmmic~e~ cavemd <br />hr-ribs, ur if fh« \kst±ee accptire~ the property ntherbt~~ =[ft+•r ,ie=fastli. !hr- Ak,rtKnevc ,hail apph. at the [line of <br />tha• romaaenrtment of much prneeedsigs, or at the time the propany ,- „eh+^rK i~+• ac+{urn-d, th+• balanc€ then eemxin- <br />ing in the fund. urcumulatcd under ,'+.i of par-agriaph ~ pn•c+dine..s- a rrt-dit :aaaut~t th+• smnunt of principal then <br />reeraininfz unpaid ttndrr maid note.:md -boil peep€r!y :tdiu-t :my pay meat- :c bleb ~-hall teary been m.ulr antler (rsj <br />of paragraph '?. <br />a That the hfarrgagur ant t+u+ Kn,und rertt. !,,,e. ..,,c,~mente. ~r<atet r,rtr~. .~nJ ,•thrr 4o, rrnmrtital <,r municipal <br />cfrantr+. ones. or impo,uiun, f.+r which prrr:-nion ha, nut been made hercuthrtnre..ued sn deLmft thereof the \furt~gee may <br />pay [hc ,:+me, end that the M1tun Kagor wdi prom ptl+ ciehvcr the •+t}tiro! rrc:rtph thrrch+r n+tbc ~f net KnKer. <br />t Itx \f ari~a>!+,r .a iL py ,ill t.tyr, uhtih near tie acv sc~d t:p;,n the *.4orlkegCe + ,nterr+! in +,rid real cskate :+nil impn>ve- <br />rnenn.:ind u~hxtt may hr try led ufxin the, mrv9K:+gr ~a the .irt•t te~urru t;rrrhy +hut e-•niy t:• ills c,tettt ;:rch i~. nut prohtbi!- <br />rd t+y !era and only t„ the talent that ~u..h .y til n.>t .make tht, i.•an !,~unvxt, •. !^ut rxcludmK :rn': +nr.sme tax. Mate or f=ederal. <br />impaardonr*lnrtgagrr.;.tw't+. ...-..-. ~ - -. ::r.,r,..a.a.«v= i-,Envroiauonnfthtsunder- <br />takingt. ur rf the ~1nrtKaKor tc i`r,•+t:ihneil t', .!n+ i::u .-tv+u •=r here:attrr r vi,nng tr„m {•.+4 u;K the »tuNr +n :sn} purtivn +,f ttte afore- <br />sad tsars. yr upon [tea rr ndennK .,f aa+ ,a,ur? dre rcr pn,h:htnng tttr pexmem by the ',f ortstagur r•t any -uth roar+- ur if ,ueh law <br />cx decree proyidr, that and s:rrnont ,.=;:tee.; k:t ihr :fc-rte:aF. , <ha;; hr ~rrdurd <±n ihr :rturt~;:.Kr =ieht. the yfnrtl.aKre ,hall hare <br />ihr raght to Kiyr m:rrty ilay, nitro ^ ,. ter ,=w ncr , . the mortgaged rrnu+ew. !eyutrinK the payment nt the m=;rt Gage <br />debt- if such notice t+e Keen, the =aril drt+i =hero hrco~nr dur.rpayabfe and dailectrhfe at the rxprran„n=ti .:oil ninety days. <br />t.- That s1uwW he fats to pay any •um .•t r"erp ::ny r-svrnant provided fr+r m tht, ~1amtKsge. then the S1onK:;Krr. at itti up- <br />nvm. ;tray pay ox perforeu the .ame.:+nd ail etpenditure...s msde ,hats he added t,-,the princtp,el .u:n „wmK on ihr atxsve Hate. <br />,tad}f he srrureal ht;rba ..;nd ,he?! ?ver :t..,. . __, the r ~:e ..•r tc,reh to the .:nu note. until p,od <br />'. Thal he hrreh± enstiKns. ?ran-fee _ ,nd ,et, „are to ihr 3for:Kuger, to he .,pphed t,+waru the pa. meter ,+f the note and all <br />;urns srcurtd hereby rn roar c,i a ilefau"st in the prrfurtnana:e tit an} of the terms and ~.,mdtn„n, ,--t tht, "tfortguKr c,r the +uid <br />fixate, all {hr renle. reyenut~ sod irtcume t+r tv v'enard fmm the mortKaKed premises dur~nK <rt~h nine :+, the mortKaKr mdet+ted- <br />ixss steal! remain unpatJ, oral ette MurtK::Krr -~hafi bale power to appvtm any sKCnt +~t ,Kent, it ma: dr,ne for the puaxsye tit <br />repaifttgt said Mtmtus grad of rentmK the ,ante .:ltd cvliecttnK [tee ants, revenues and tole:atr..ind .t ma} pay c,ut of stud m- <br />cexnes ail expemts of rrpainrig ,:tt+t prcmtx. end nec:es,ery a,+mmr~eton+ and rypenye=. mi:urreil rn rrnttntt amt m:+n..}tirttc the <br />satire :ard of colka:htaK, rental. therttrom: the halanrt remaining, if ar.y. to hr applied toward the drx~haryr -+f ,aid mnrtKrtKe <br />i tdebttdness. <br />g. That he will keep the impel*-etnent= nnK existing or hereafter rrrcteil on ihr rnorlKaKed property. insured a, may tx <br />rryuirtd from ttmt to amt by the tilonpagre agate+t I,+ by fire :ind other hatarJ.. ca,uaitirs zed .=mnrtKrncrcv to sorb <br />amasunis aid flee such petitds as may he rrquirtd by tht M1lartgaKre and wilt pay promptly. stern due. any premiums oat vuch <br />ttlsU.rauer prnvi4icut file pfymtnt of which iraa not teen mad[ hereinhefure -iii imurarnr .hail he earned in von[ p:inte.:+p- <br />prurtsf t*p" the Murtgatgrr umf ihr policrea and rrnewala there,!i .hall he held f;a t~ ~1 ortKager and ha,r au.+rbrd thereto lyre <br />traYaM~ cfau~s tit facile of m>3 in form mcrptabk to the MunKagrr. in event of k+as 7vtungeiarx wdI gar tinmedunr m,nCf t+y <br />arird tea the Mttrtgrgcr- who mny rnnkr prax+f of tus, i! met erode prompt3b by 4latrtKagur..tnd rash tn,uranar c,mrpony von <br />urneti w hereby au[Mxiztd std dtreeoed zu rnakr paymcnifor +ueh Itts~ dirert3y kt the Mcxttzattrc instrnd ctt a, rtes Martgat;vr <br />atW the Mnrtgay[te laHnily, and tax intRauam:r Macerds, or any parl thtrrut, ,na} t+r appirrd n} the glortK.tKcr at to option euhrr <br />- itt Fite reducifayn ail ifte itdebitdtitss htrti+y x~urid rx ter; ttte rr=.r »atx>r± cY repair „f rare nronrrFy cFamaa&i. f n error of fore h'- <br />.ure rf thix tt}ttrititi~E vx a=itf~ tramftr taf toll to tier mc,tt}L+gr.=tl prirpcrty in extttt3tttishment ,,;~ t}:r sm:rntrs+ne.c <c•attrrd htrrby. <br />,;il rtgbt. ttik arsd infertst cif ihr >lcarigaltax to grad to an} +tsstaranrr poii trs then to fcxa,r ,h:+ll pa.y t.. ihr par. hart cx Kt anirr <br />9 '{'fort _ag aatditiaanaf .xrnf eardiatcra7 yeeurity fau tht payment of tht note deccnhP,d, nti ail ,ams n+ breemr aloe uttdc.t this <br />nx,tYga~. yhie ~, hertsby assiltby to the Alcartec af! pr~tts. ?esrtacry, ray attics, rttthw atscJ t+v-nrfth :~icanunit to tier <br />'at'>G tit ~$y std tdf oil tared ~a,% tcaye•, can solo{ prrmase.~. write E#ar €tftttt r r_~t!cr ., rid rev: ripe for the s,amc anti ,tpnly <br />Ei1 era, saxsf iruittttcdnsas xv wr-f! tscf+Fre na of#rr ifef aulf fie- else c, „f thew n - i7tap~. „n:i tt~ 'attxt~~ eras v.a. ^r7nd, vu• <br />fear atFd aa~:'.a?Fefi :acts 4tKh f+aYrttenak whan due alai trt4aldt. t,tni sh8i1 ntn Ex r~~srsr r,i +....• ;1:-= `ht~ a+sef[r!!taCnt +. r„ to rn+rnate <br />aml+ytc€=:rr nut! atri rural ot++=n raieaa+-,+f ifaas matatpagr. <br />ail,!(,3 67i ~:iN iSi~: Sif <br />