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, .,,,.�,• . <br /> : ' ,y,,� ' .. ,.. :'i�:- <br /> _h. ii , . .r , N�i�.��. <br /> :i(if'tt3:e�_. <br /> . .. ,�rYrYlaiWa�au��...- ;n.t ._.. �.. ���ya._..� _ _ — - ---- -_ __ ... _ ^_ _ -� <br /> , , , _ , � <br /> ----�.....+. ��. ...�...�.. <br /> . . . ,. .. ----"� <br /> . - <br />. __,_.._. .�,- . ., -" —� .._ -_—..-'_....�_ n,.c.err�er.rc�c. <br /> ._t�,-c-�r <br /> • ...�� ✓o.."" ,.�..... - ` ' "_ .. . . --. <br /> • �• . .......... ..,. ..r----- ' _ — _ <br /> ....._.�-. � <br /> � .,c�w4itt .�. _ . .. .. . ._. . .. �• a., r. -.a�w�ns...o�nea K_..�. . .,_._ _.._._._._. . - . .._ <br /> . .. . .. .__ .. _.... '_ "'_'_"_'� .._..'"'_ "" . .. <br /> . ...�.� ' .+a�e.r - . <br /> .. . . <br /> :�� 9�� �,Oi21,n -- <br /> �.; . . <br /> • 18. �orrower'� Rlpht to lielnsia4e. If Bortowcr mool� ccrt�ln conditlons, Borrowcr uhnll hovo!ho rlpht to havn cntorccment ot th!a �; : <br /> Saciulty h�:,trumcnt diaconllnucd at nny l�mo prlar to iho carllcr ot• (n) S d�ya (or cuch othor pr_dod oa nppllc�blo Inw m�y apcci(y lar �' <br /> rclnctatcmcnt) bcioro onlo ol tho Propcity purcu�nt to nny powcr or or.lo contalncd In thla 9ccudty In�trumcnt: or (b) cntry oi n �ud�±mcnl <br /> cniorcinp thla 3ncurity Inntnu�n�t Thonn r.nnd!tlona aro thnt Dorrowcr: fnl pnVa Lcnder nll aums whlch�hcn would lio duo undcr Ihls 8ccudty �;;'�' <br /> ', - <br /> '�'`�'� InatrumeN and th� Noto had no accelaratlon occurred; (b) curea any doiault o1 any other covenpnt or nflroumento; (0) p9y8 0111 OxhE49803 . <br /> ' '{• Incurrod In enlorclnq ihl� 9ecurily Inetnmienl, Inciud�nq, but not Ilmlted to, rossonnblo uttomoyo' lees; nnd (d) tnkos auch nctlon ae l.ender - <br /> :.;� may roosonabty require ta �eeure lhat Ihe Ilen oi ihls 9ecudty Instrumen:, Londer'o righto In �ho Pmparty and florrowe►'a oblipatlon t� pWy �° <br /> tho nums oacurr�d by thls Securiry Inutru��ent ahell contlnua unahenged. Upan relnatatement 6y Dorrower, thla 8ecurily Instniment onci Iht+ <br /> obtlgatlans socure�9 hereby ehali remein fully eflecUvo ae II no acoete�ailon hnd ocwrrad. Howcvcr, llil� ri{�Id to rc.nalatu chc!I not nppPj In E_ <br />���� tho case of accoleratlon under parnpraph 17. <br /> ;�� 19. Salo of Not�; Change of Loan Servlcer. 7ne Noto �r a pertlal Interost In ine Nom (co�oihcr wua mis socur,ty w: <br /> ='�= Instrument) mey be eold one or more tlmes without pdor notice to Borrower. A salo may result In e chanfle In iho entity (kn�wn ns thfl ��- <br />;'}-,�� 'Loan Servicer')that col►ects monthy payments due under tho Noto and thls Securiry �natrument. Thero also may be ono ar moro cha:npes �` <br /> 01 the Loan Servicer unrelstod to a sato 01 tho Note. If there Is e chnnc�e of the Laan Servicor, Bonower will bo gNen wdttan n�tico ot thc� __ <br /> '-' u chenge In accordance with pnragreph 14 ahove and applicablo law. The notice w,l! state the namo end addross o1 tho now Lo�n Servicor ° <br />_�'3`. ond tho addresa to whlch payments ehould bo mude. Tho notico will also contaln any other In}ormatlon requtred by rippllcablo I�w. <br />,'...� 20. H�zS1IdoUS Substanees. Borrower ehsll not cause or permlt tho presence, uso,, storapo, or relflssa ot nny <br />���,�`� t{szardoue Substc+nces on or to the Property. Bortower s�all not do,nor ellow anyone else to do, anythinp afim�tlnp the Propm�ty th�t �s In <br /> �-=+�� violatlon o} any Envlronmantal Law. The preceding hvo sentences shaQ not epply to tho prasenco, uso, or atorepa on thfl Prop�rty o1 smail <br />�.���� quantit�s o7 Hazurdous Substances that Are ganeraily recognized to be approprlate to normal residential uses ond to me�lntnnne�co of tho <br />_.,;; <br /> Fropetty. <br />:!,S�' BaROwer shall promptly give Lnndor writtar+ nottce of eny investigntlon, ctalm, demand,iswsuit or other octi�n by nny yovt�mmtmtai or <br />_�:�s� re�ulatary agency or privato party InvoNing the Properiy nnd any Haznrdoua Substn�ce or Envlronmcntal Law ot which Borrnwor has racluAl <br />`;;�� knowledpe. II ponower leama, or Is naxiflod by any govemmantal or regulatory authority, that any removnl or othor romfldix:ian ot uny <br /> }, Hezardous �ubstance af(ecting the Properiy Is necessary. Borrower sh�ll prompily take all necess�ry remedlnl ectlono In aacn�c'.ana2 with <br />>:,� Envlronment<^II LAW. <br />� /!s used In this parepraph 20, 'Hazardous Sub3tpnces" sra those subatances defined �s toxio or hamrefaua euh:�znnaes by <br />—�— Environmontal Lew and thn fo!lowinti substances: pnsollne, keroseno, other tlammahle or tor,ic petroleum productF, taxie pesticldas end <br /> herblcides, volatile eolv�nts, materials contelning eobestos or fortnaldehyde, end radioaaiive mate�ls. Ao usod In thl, pe�ragraph 20, <br /> 'Environmentel Law` meana federel laws end laws o1 tho jurisdioqon where the Property Is laoatod lhat retatu to htt,i'rth, a�fety or <br /> _._._ c�rvlronmental protectimi. <br /> NON•UNIFORM C(.1VENANTS. Bortowor and Lender furthor covennnt and agree am Tollows: <br /> 21. AccstArstC4De�; Flemeaiea. Len�or anAii give ttviice io 8orrawer pric+r iv azcnieti�iu�do �iii�nir'iiiy <br /> Borrower's hrsr��Po oi any covennret �r agreement In thls Socurityr Instr�ts�oe�� �3��t ��t prlor to <br /> �ccelnratlan under paragraph 17 unlese appltcable law provides otherw(s��j. T'hs �n�37�c� ahaiC ��,ealfy: (�) <br /> th� daMwOR; (b) th� �ctlon raqulrod to cure tho dotault; (c) a dats, neR leae t�an �1S sdays from Mz�n t�ttte the <br /> notic� is givsn to Bprrowor, by whlch tho default must ba cured; and (d) th�t�ailuro to cter�tha e�ufaiult on <br /> or bofors th� dK� �p�cffl�d In th� notlae may reault In acaele�atlnn af ths sum� soauiv� by thls S�curity <br /> InsRrumsnt�nd ��lo of th�Propsrty. Tho n�otice shall furths� Inform Bor�owdr of thn rl�ht,t�a�elnstat� ait�r <br /> acc�l�ration and th� rl�ht to brin� a cour! �ctlon ta aasert th� non-sxlatenc0 of. a dnfault or any oth�r <br /> d�Mna� of Bor�ow�r to �ac�l�ratlon �nd sats. If th� dsfau{t le not cur�d on or t�afor� tho deto sp�cffi�d In <br /> th� ndics,L�nd�r at Its optlon may requlr� immedlat� paymsnt In full of dl sum� socur�d b�this S�cu�ity <br /> Instruma�t wlthout furth�r d��a�d �nd mey Invoka the power of ede �nd �ny oth�� oem�di�s permftt�d <br /> by appllcabl� In�►. Lend�r shstl b+s sntitlod to coll�ct NII exqaness Incuer�d In puruulnp th� r�medl�s <br /> provid�d In ihis paragrsph 21� inaluding, but not Ilmited tQ, rsasonabin attamsy�' t��s and cast� of titi� <br /> �vid�nae. <br /> if ths pow�r of s�l� Is Invoked. Trust�� ahail roo�e+rd � naNae uf daf�UEft @s� oach county in wlilch �ny <br /> part of the Prop�rty is locatsd �nd ahall mall Ca�xleb �f au�h notftts In tho cerm��rsr pnaarilHd by�ppllc�bis <br /> law to Borrower �nd to ths othwr parsaees grsse�'�bad by �Rp1lQabt� 1�. �Git�� tha tlret� nqulrsd i�y <br /> appllcsbl� I�vir, Yrustsct ahall glvs pultlta rr.rp4�to c� �als to tha p�raona art� aen th� mann�r pr�acrib�d by� <br /> �pp11c�W� I�w. Trutt��, without domanc� on Bc�rr��mmsr, shalt Qoll thn Fh+�cr�Sy a! �ub11c auw� to thr <br /> hiql»ri blddsr �t th�timo and �iuce an� und�r thm 'arma dn�lgnatet! in tft+� o�vtio�r ot sal• Iro �oa�+ nr more <br /> p�ra�la and In �ny ord�r Truu4QO datorcnlr�os. Trustee mny qoat�tano sals of a!t �or any par�ml of th� <br /> Praputy by publti: �nnouncemant at tho tiitito a�d placo af aou �rn�vlouely ach�du�e�i sale. L�nr3i+r er its <br /> d�sign� may pui•chase ths Praperty at any satu. <br /> Upon r�colpt of paymont o� tho prirso htd, Yoa�mine shall dslfver t� the purCha�or 'fnsaZm�'s dwd <br /> convsying th• Property. Tt�o �cltale In tho Tru�st�tr�°�s �oad shall ba �Sr3�r�a� iacte ovicE�naa of .�� 4ruth uf <br /> _ thr� stabm�nt� mada thor�in. T�uota�s eNail ap�fy titu procoeda of th� sal� 1n tho tail�rn+3�� ordsr: da) to�II <br /> coxta and axp�nea9 of �x�rcising tha pc�var of sats, and tho sml;v, Including th• pay�mm�t of th� Trustes's <br /> --, fees �ctualty lnc�+rred, not tu exaesd t�hroe 9'e af tho gr�ncip�l amount of the o�r,te at th� ttm� of <br /> -a._� th� dmc.l�ia�ation of dshutt, and reasonabte ettorney'd ine� as permit�ed l�sy Law; (b) to ell eUm� Q��xureal by • <br /> this S�wn°;ly Inatrum�M; and (a) any sxcoss to tho paraon or p�rsons IegaClyr enxitl�d to it. <br /> 22. Roconveyanca. Upon payment oi aA sums socurad by Ihis Secadty In�Wmmt, Lender shnY requost Trustou tu reconvoyr tho <br /> Property end shall surrender thls Sacudry Instrument and eA notas evidencing dobt �ecured by tAis Seeuriry Inst►ument to Tn�stoo. Tructoe <br /> � shuN reconvay the Property wfthout warten[y and without chargo to lho pereon or persons fegaity entitled to(t. Suoh person or p�rsonn shaN <br /> OMNI�IIM MY*O <br />.. �l ��.1���_.�_..__�._. <br /> --- — 23. SUbStitut0 Trustee. Lender, nt fts optlon, may hom Umo to tlmo removo Tiusteo nnd uppolnt n successor Uu�tee to any <br /> -- Trusteo ap{aolnted hereunder by an InsWment recorded In the counry in whlch thts Security Instrummt is rncorded. Without conveyence of -� <br /> the Property,successor trustee sh�ll succoed to all tho title,powEr end dutles conierr�d upon Trustee I�orefn end by appNcable law. - <br /> 24. Requtsst for Noticea. BoRO�ver requests that coples of the noUces of dePauti and�ale bo sent to BoROwar's nddress:vhl.h _ <br /> Is tho Propeyty Address. <br /> — 2b. RldYrs t0 this S�cu�ity Inetrumont. �t ono or moro dders ero oxecutad by Barrower and rocordod tog�Mher with thls _ <br /> _=;,;�,;� St�c�rity Instrument, tha covenanls and ngr�rmenta a} each such dde► shap Do Incor�orated Into and ahall nmend end supplement the _ <br /> —= covenant3 and agreemenis oi this Secudty tnstrummt as IT the dder(�)were e pert of thi9 Security InsWment. - <br /> � �or�„�o<a s� <br /> F4009.LM0(9/91) papa/of 5 - <br /> �.�tl 1 <br />,;�:.y,�, t rk <br /> . . 9522(1 ". <br /> �;. <br /> � <br />