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<br /> • Lcndcr mny, nt any 41mo, oolJect end hold Funds In an amount not to oxcoed tho mnximum amount a lendcr tor a Pcdc.volly rc!atcd mortpa{�o _
<br /> laan may rcqulro 1or t3onowr.r's ear.raw nncount undcr iho federol Rcal Estato Soillement Procodums Aot of 1074 ne anicndFld trom tlo�o ta
<br /> timo, 12 U.8.C. 2001 ot ocq. ('H�9FA'),unlesa enothr.r Ir.w that npplloa to lhn Funda oota n losacr nmount. II aa, Lc.ndcr mey, m nny tlmo, �__
<br /> rollect snd hnld Funds In an �mount not to axceed ihe loaser amount. Lcnder may astlmato tho amount of funda duo on tltia bacls �1 ,�,_
<br /> x�'
<br /> cu�rnnt datt�and rnasonabla estlmatos o1 expenanuros oi iuiure En��ow fter�� or alh�rsles!n^�G�r�Anco with applicab!n law. �__`'
<br /> The Fundv shnfl be Neld In en Inetltutlon whose depositn ero Insurod by a lederel Aqency, Inatrument�lity.or enl�ty (Includinp i.onder, 17 `�,._
<br /> I,pndNr If Btic�h,o-an Inatitutlun) or In eny Federsl Home Loan Dank. Lender ahall epply the Funds to pay the Esc�ow Items. Lc:nder m�y not �
<br /> r.hpi�a Flomm"t �Q�' hnldli�q and eppty�np the Funds, annuully annlyrzinp iha escrow account, or verity(nfl tho Escruw Items, unless Lender � `
<br /> pp,��4 t�a�tpwar Intereot an the Funds and appUcebta lew permite Lcnder to mako auc►�e cfiarge. I iowsrcr, Lcnder mny requlre Bnrrnwer to ,_
<br /> p n y a anE*time cf�nrge tor an Indepondent resl estate tex reporting service uoed by Lender In connecllan wlth thls loan,untess eppllcablo law
<br /> prav,titrs olhorw�se• Untese en �greemein la made or appllcnble law raqulres I�teres t ta ba pa l d, L e n d e r e hall not be ra qulrod to pey —_
<br /> Harrr,wts�t1y,tt�torost or eaminfls on iha Funds,Bortower and Lander mny agrea In wrfling, however,that Interest ahall ba pald on tha Funds,
<br /> La��dcr c�tp:��:'rn ta Borrower, without chargo, �+n annual acGOUnilnq of tho Funds, showlnp crodits end debita to the Fund:�and tho pumose -
<br /> iar svftkt��2nh.dhb►i to the Funde was meda. The Fund�are pledqed ae additlanal ss'fc�ry toq�sll L�der chall ac ouh't o�8a owertrlor thA �
<br /> 11 tt14+ FunAe held by Londor exceed thr� emounta pnmiirind to ba hA1d by app
<br /> aYau�a Funda in accordanae wlth the requlremonto of ep�llonbin Inw. If ihe amaunt ot th9 Funda held by Lender at c�ny tlma Is not suifiolent
<br /> in p�:y ih� Cscrow Items whon du�, Lr,nder mAy so notity Barrower iii�v�lUng, end, In suoh case 9oROwor ahall pay to L�,ndsr tha amaunt
<br /> nncess��u tc �rr+ako up tho deticlenay. Borrowar ahell mnkn up tNe dalicloncy In no moro than twolvo manthly payments, nt Lender's sole
<br /> discroticKt.
<br /> U�on m�yment In tull ot all suma seeured by this Security instrumznt, Londor ahall promptty retund fo Borrower any Funds held by
<br /> Lendet. if, under paragie.ph?t. Lcndcr shsll ace��ilro ar sell iho FropeHy, Lender, Prior to the acqulsltion or snle of the Property, shall appty
<br /> any Fui�oa h�ld by Lender at tl�e tlme of aaqulsRion or �alo as a credlt egainst the suma secured by thls Security Instrument.
<br /> 3. l�y.pii�c�tlon of Paymente. Unle�s epplicablo law providea otherwise. ali pnymonts received by Lender under pamgrephe 1 end
<br /> y
<br /> 2 sha!I :� appiied: flrat, to sny prepayment chnrgen due under the Note; secancl, to amounts payabla under parn�{mph 2; thlyd to Interes
<br /> due;fuurth,to pdnclpal dun;end last,to eny late charflos due under the Note.
<br /> $,� f�q�argps, LI6nl. Borrower ahau PaY aii iaxeu,unnr5o���t��►��chutg��,fince�nd lmpositlonn nttrihutebfe to tho Property which muy _
<br /> attaln Sa::ariry over thls l4ecudty Instrument, and lensehold payments ar �raund renis, It any. Horrower ahali pay these oDligatlona in the
<br /> menr�er provlded In paragreph 2, or It not pald in tfiat manncr, Barrower shaU pay them on tlmo dkecUy to the person owed payment.
<br /> Borrower shaN promptly tumish ta Lender ell notices o} amour�ts tn be peld under thls paragreph. If 8ortowef makes these payments
<br /> directly, Borrower shell prompty tumish to Lender receipta evidencing the payments.
<br /> I3orr�wer ohali promptty discherge any Ilen which lias prlority ova thts Soc�rity Instru ment'n�a0�s�9dealth the len bve or'datendseagsinat
<br /> paym�t c9 ihe obligatlon aecvred by the Uen�n o rtumnm a�c�bSa�a ia"•d�, (-) =-n.__..
<br /> antui�4nen4 at thu uen In,leg�l proceed{npo whlch In the I.endnr's opinlon operate to provont tho antarcement of tho I;en: ar(o)anuures iroa�
<br /> tlie hol�;07 iho Ilen an agreement satislactory to L�ndar subordlnatin� tha Ncn to thl:,Security Instrumenl�If�L� ��notice�ldentityk�q
<br /> part of tha�Proparty Is subjoct to a Ilen whtch may nttaln pdodty over thls Secudty Instrumant, Lender may g
<br /> the Nen. �orrower ehall e�tisty tha 116n or take one or moro oi the autlona eet torth ebova wkhin 10 dsya of the pfning of nottce.
<br /> 5. `}9a�ard or Prap�rty Insur�nc�. Bortower ahaA kRep the hnprovemmte now exlstfng or haeafter erected on th� ProputY
<br /> Insured agalnst loss by flre, haxarde included within the term 'cMended covenpe" end any other htwrda,including floods or iloadkig, tor
<br /> whtch Lnndar requkes tnsumnca. Thls tnaurenoa sha!1 be malnt�loed In the�mounts end tor tho pd9ods that Lender requlros. 7he Insurance
<br /> csrtior provldk�g the Innurnnce shatl be chosen by Bormwer subJect to Lender's appraval whlch shall not bo u�raesonxbry wRhheld. It
<br /> Bortower teils to mRY�taln coverage described �bove, Lvndor mey� Ql GMdL't�8 optlan, obt�6i covenga to proteat l.ondor's dghts In the
<br /> Propest}!!n accordence wRh pangroph 7.
<br /> All inaursnce aollcler>and renewels ehall be accopt�ble to Lender and shaN Include a nt�ndud mortpsEe ckuse. lender sha11 have the
<br /> �i�ht to hotd the poNciea end renewata. I}Lender requires.Boirower shall promptly glve to Lender uN recelpla ai pald premlume aad�ronewd
<br /> ' notices. In the r,vent nf toas, Borrowar shall gtve prompt notice to the insurance carrlar and L9nder. Lender inay make proa}ot.loss H not
<br /> rrwde prnmptry by 8orrower.
<br /> �SYI)Q96 Lan�er ensi Bonower othetwise ngree fn wriling� Insurance proaeeda shwll be npplled to restontbn ar reralr ot thn Property
<br /> d�magad, if tho �estorntlon or rcpoir la economlcalty teasiblo and lender's securfry Is not lesrmed. It the restorstlon or ropedr Is not
<br /> econorrtic�Ny te�sfble ar Lenders 3ecurity would be lessened� the In�urance proceed9 sheli be appfied to tho sums secured by thls 3ecurity
<br /> N�atn�ment, whnha or not then due,with any excese pald to Borrower. N Dorr�wer ab�ndone the PropErty, or does not an3wer w14hM 30
<br /> ckys a natice from Le�nder that the Maurance cartier haa ottered to setUe a c•ldm,then Lendes may coqect the Msurance proceed�. Lender
<br /> • m�y use the proceeds to repair or restore the Property or to pey sums aecured by thla Security Instrument, whether or not then due. The
<br /> 30-d�y��iod will begin when ihe notice Is gNen.
<br /> liqt&sa Lendor end DoROwer olhenvise egree In wrking, any appYcaUon o1 proceeds to principal shali not extend or paatpune the due
<br /> deta�1�the menthy paymonts refc�ed to in parngruPhs 1 and 2 ar ch�nge tho umouni o1 the paymente. It under p�rag�rph 21 the Property
<br /> is ecquked by L�+ndar. Borcower'a dght to Rny Insumnae pollcles end pruceeds rosulting hom demafle to tne Prope+ty prior ta the acqulskion
<br /> � sheR�flsa to lender to the extont of tho nums oecurad by thls Sxudry (nslrumont Immediatey pdor to tha scqule{?ton.
<br /> +&. ���upanay, Pr�sorvatix�e�, Maint�nanco and C��utectian ot ths Prop�rty; klorraw6r'a l.oaR Ryp;pilca�lon;
<br /> i�+tisdr;�Piwa� uGtf6L'JEt�hM!!occupy.sst_bN�h.�!Id l8p ihn Rro[fE�M q9 BOROWM's princ�pAl rosldonco wRhtn cbcty deys atter the execution
<br /> of thlg Seoudty Insttv►nent and shaY contAiue to oacupy tl�o Properiy as Borrownr'e prinraprl rnsidenca for at las!9na yeu after the d�te oi
<br /> occupancy,unlesa Lontler othcrwise agrees in wril►ng,whlch conse�t ehaA nut btt unreatonabty withhNd, or unless extonuatinq ckcumst�nces
<br /> cixln Hr`�fch ere ►��jon�Bortower'e control. Borcower sha9 not desVOy, damege ar knpolr tho Propaty, aUow tho Property to d�,terlorato,or
<br /> comrtw't tivaste on the 9roperty. 8oir�wer BhaH ba In detauft It eny tortelture action or proceedhg, wheth�r civ►I or criminal, Is bugun that(n
<br /> Lender'� pood tc►�h judgment couW re�uR In to�teiture ot the Propc�ty or otherwiso metalady impalr the Nen creatod b� ¢ht� Securily
<br /> ���.,....•..�e.,...,w�..:�a�* Rnrrnwer mav curo such e defauR and rek�state,as provldecl in parsgraph 18, by csusing the acilon
<br /> in$tiumm�.n .a........��.._...s_._"--- _ .
<br /> - or proceadinq to be dlamissed with a ruling theL In Lenderc good lafili determinatlon, preciudea torteitura of the Oorrower's tnterost in tne
<br /> Properiy or othor mrtterlal(mpelnnent o1 tl�o Iicn crested by thls G��curity Instrumont or La►der's security fnterost. BoRUwer shall atso be In
<br /> doiault it 8orrower, durfng the loan app4c�tlon proccss, gave materlalh► telso or Innccurete Intormatian or statements to Lender (or taVled to
<br /> _ provido Lender with uny mate►lal Inln�maUon)In connectlon with tho loan evi�fenced by tho Noto,fncluding,but not fmited to,representatlons
<br /> conceming Borrower's ocaupancy o� the Properry as a pdncipel resldence. !i thls 5ccuriiy InsUumeni Is on a leasehoid, Bnrrower shnll
<br />— compty with all tha provislo»s of the leA3o, if Bortower ecquires tee title to tho Vropttty, tho leasehold and tho teo tiUe shail not merge
<br /> uninss Lencler n(Kees to tho mer{�cr Ire writing.
<br /> Form 3020 O1�J0
<br /> F�009.�M0(9/91) Pcqa 2 0l 5
<br />-- �J9220
<br /> m._
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