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8~--~Q0g77'7 <br />6. In the event mid property is sold at a judicial foreclosure sate or pursuant [o the power of a sale hercinabove <br />granted, and the proceeds are not sufficient to pay the total indebtedness secured by this instrument and evidenc- <br />ed lty said promissory note, the mortgagee wilt be cntitied to a deficiency judgement for the amount of the <br />t6effctertcy withatt rt!gard to apprsisemerrt. <br />7. In thz event the mortgagor fails to pay any federal, state, or local tax assesmeni, ineome tax or other tax lien, <br />charge, fee ar other expense charged against Utz profterty the mortgagee is hereby authorized at its option to pay <br />the soma. Arty sutras so paid by thz mortgagee shall be added to and become a part of ehe principal amount of the <br />i.nd~t~ttess evidetteeit by said note, subject to the same terms and conditions. [f the mortgagor and <br />disehsrge tltz indebtedttcss evidenced by said promissory note, and shall pay such sums and shall disehargz-all <br />taatex aad_liens and the costs, fens, and expenses of making, enforcing, and executing this mortgage, then this <br />nxtrtgage shah be cancelled and surrenderzd. <br />g. "~ covetrants herein contttitted shall bind and the benefits and advantages shall inure to the respeenve successors <br />atHl assigns of the parties hereto. Whenzver used. Ehe singular number shalt include the plural, the plural. the <br />singular, and the rue of any gender shall include s31 genders. <br />`9. isFo wairer of any covenant herein or of the obligation secured hereby shall at any time thereafter bt hek9 to be a <br />waivee of the arms hereof or of the note secured hereby. <br />}t). A jutii.-ial decree, order. or tttdgemtmt hoidtng any provtstan or portion of this instrumem invalid or unenforce- <br />able shall not in any way impair or prectude the enforcement of the remaining provisions or portions of this <br />instntmznt. <br />11. Any written notice [a be ~ssucd to rite mortgagor pursuant to the praF-isions ctf this instrument shall be addressed <br />[o the mortgagor rat j?.004 W. slrtrta. Grs~nd Island, Nebraska 58801 <br />_ and any written notice to be issued to the mortgagee shall <br />ise addressed to the mortgagee at~4 W. Third St., P. Q. &ox 2006, Grand Zaiartd, NE 68802 <br />Itr Wtr~t£sS WHExEO~. rite mortgagor has executed this instrument and the mortgagee has accepted delivery of <br />[hts insttutncnt as of the day and ytar aforsat<i. <br />fiheariore *v. .;atason, Personal Representative <br />under _ehe Will ~L :dick JatttSOn, Deceased <br />..~.. ,,..1 4..d V ';, ..... .. cis. e.recn.~.-w f fe. c a , <br />-.»3...ti s., .~wr..d ~~ .... f.....,......~ S?. 1 . ._.._. .ram :l._..~..~~_. <br />t Odd Approprtate !~s-k nawk~~errt~.t} <br />!crs~ ~ !kl1~A~A ~ Here ra€, a ~t<tl `?otary Pu;tl~, pz ~+xt try appeared <br />LY3ltlYTY Q~' .~ , ~a'`~ _.._ { ~e f; ~_ k f <br />kttowd to me to be idettt persatt or persons who si$ttzd tote foregoing trument and acknowledged the execution <br />thereof to be .-..~._ soitwtary act and deed. <br />ttvitttas my hatad atxi '~totariai Seat an '~'~~~ ! :9~_ <br />do P ~}ic ---- - , <br />''dy CSian 1*x}•a=YS , ' l ` '~-.-• t $ ~_. <br />~TAi"f£ C?f' PYlE8RA5lU { f~forz try a qualifizd blotary Public, personally appeared - - ~_~ <br />SS. <br />4Y„?tfi+l~t°Y t2p _ } Presxfsttt of _ _ <br />a +~~ kt~tvn to ~ to bz thz Pttsst~nt attd ident~ca2 person who signed thz foregoing instrument. and <br />il~ ettt~ €h<rettf t€e ~ hls vahtEtary ast arui as such afficzr and the voluntary act and dezd of <br />a that its eot~ate seal was affixed thereto by its authority. <br />1~itae5'fmy ht~ atsE.ltlptaaial ~l art . 19 _~_.. <br />Notary Public <br />`atyt:° _ ' i"npitesr ,,_..nw-.._~_vw~~.._._~~.. i4,______: <br />