1Vi®RTGAGE ~~_-- 00~77~
<br />This mortgage made and enured into this __gth .. --- day of . A>aril ,
<br />iel_ $I__-, by and between Theodore N. Datasan, Personal Representative under the will of
<br />Nick Damson, t>eeeaset2
<br />lhrseinafter rrferrael to a: rzartgagar; and Cc'tnmrrcial National Bank and "c"rust Company
<br />(hereinafter referred to as
<br />mortgagee}. who maintains an office and place of business ai _ 424 w. Third street in Geand Island.
<br />Natl County, Nebraska.
<br />Wtl'NES~E'rH, that far the consideration hereinafter stated, receipt of which is hueby acknowledged, the mortgagor
<br />does lte~lsp mangage. srH, grant, assign, and convey unto the mortgagee, its successors and assigns, all of the fvl-
<br />tawirtg described property situated and being in the County of tIa21
<br />State of Nebraska.
<br />Lest Four {43 , Daasson Subdivision, is=. the City of Grand Island.. Hall
<br />County, 23ersraska
<br />tagt#trr wtth a!! the ttntmrnts and ~sttpurtenanc+"s thcreu? t?t!ongin€, atl the rent,, issues and praftts thereo£, and at1
<br />easetnrrtts, rights, r:tyatties, rnrttera!, sit and gas rights and profits, eater. +attr rights. and water stock, and including
<br />all hratintt, piunabinr;, rtt'rigtrartort. !rgltting, equipment and all arttures ref evrn• description belonging to the
<br />tnartgagot uou .:r htrtaftts atta~hrd thertta or used to antsr'tio^ wltb tht premises herein described and in addition
<br />theseta zht tafia.+t .e drserstreci , rv-par€;e-e ishtct; ar: sr~ shall =.^~ °Uresn..l tE t?t Itaturrs and a part of the realty, and
<br />are a j+tsrttcm ~tf'the s€surttr for tht ardrtxedntss ttertirt stated. ti= wont, slate "nanr''t :..,,,_
<br />Tcs trout and to hold the saint unto tl;c •k~rt+_agrr. as htrrrrs p,rcxidrd:
<br />Tire tnangagor is !awfully ;rued and ;wasesstd ot` and has tl:t right to sett and convey said property; that the
<br />saint is trtc i'ram sJ} rttettmbrancr+ rcarttt as ltereinahovr retired; and that '+f5rsgagor cavenanss to warrant and
<br />defend the title aforesaid thereto anal r+tr+ part therrot against the Ala+ms of alt persons whomsoever.
<br />Fltis sst:trumtnt is ei+rn to srcusr tltt payment of a pramissor~ Hatt dated , April 9, 198i____ _
<br />in tht psin;.i{~i susn of f_ ZO~st>'S•t~Q _,~..-------.___._. , Sigstrd by , Theodore N. Damson _-~_~~-
<br />in behalf cf ._..".eSa?._R..,~=-`"..s'~'°nLa~i13^a-3indeL__:31~_..`"it 7 of sti..__~.~~+?°.~,rt *~a as=Pd ,_____.._,____.
<br />l_,a, sE stscfi ante ar starter mar from ume zo time br madititd, rentwtd or extendal in writing.
<br />to the evrnf tht title to said rcat estate is zren~trrrtd, or cantracttd to be transferred, from the undersigned far any
<br />seasat; ar by any sr~hod whatsacvtr, the rnt:r^ principal sum and accrued intttr_st shall at ante became due and
<br />payable at the rtte:tion of ilse holder hrrtat, F atture to exercise this option berausr of transfer of title as above slated
<br />iss one irstattce shall ntst constitute a w:i+er of tht right to exercise the same in the event of any subsequent transfer.
<br />1. Tire sntuigagar ctF+re~n3rrzs and age as fallt~ s
<br />a. Ta peuettg+tl4 pay the indebtedness rvidettcced try said promisstsry note at the tirttes and in the manner
<br />ti+ercin prtzvidetl:
<br />6. Ta £twy all ia>ses, as'<tssmrn#s, wgter rates, and other gavtrnmentai t:r municipal :barges, fitter, or
<br />tmpct+ttiani, for which pests°isitxt has not t?ten rnyde hercinlXfore, and will prompt!!i clehtrr the ctffi.ial reie+pt,
<br />that(+as to tttc aatd mitrtE9$tt.
<br />~. (a pati }tech r~prrestc attd ire. s+ Wray t±e irnurtrd set ttrt prr?trcrton and tua~ntrnanct s~f yard {eraprrts.
<br />staa:t+edttty rttc t'oea r~i ttny atrtrtisty trrtDl+=vrd by the mortgagee for the colltattnn ..s anc :~r rii of the sssdrbsrdne+s
<br />t°:e€tbe.- svurc3, ~>~s C:~ac<3,zFsttt la+ =ttcKtk:ag~s`. sate, .~tttr= ~s*-ecdazt~;. s: ~a, as>~ .~,r?.e: ;+ie~atttsn , * ;_€:>~.CCdv;s.,
<br />