<br />'filed for record and entered in ~lunic:riral~ index~-
<br />orr_ _ _ at_ ____o'c.lnri ___M.,
<br />And recorded in Deed Record Page
<br />B~ ---- -- - --
<br />Caunty Clerk or Deputy Caunty Clerk ar ~ i ` ~ ~~~+~~
<br />Register of Deeds deputy Register of Deeds
<br />Ed ~ :lean Graham, Bruce and Annette Davis and
<br />Capt. Warren ~r~',yi Stappkotte ''c Carp= {nn ~cck ,Herein caked the grantor whether one or
<br />_._ ,---- ------(5405 00)
<br />nsore, in cansidera~zon af~our HundrP_.._~yE and OO/iOD------------
<br />received from grantee, does grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto
<br />Hail Go~nty
<br />herein called the grantee whether one or mare, the folloo-ring described real property in
<br />county, Nebraska-
<br />__ ~_______~iall_____~.-
<br />A tract of land situated along the east tine of the Southeast Quarter (SE~1, of
<br />Section One {1), Township Eleven {111 North, Range Nine {91 West of the bth P.M.
<br />in Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows:
<br />Beginning at the southeast corner of said Southeast Quarter {SE},1; thence
<br />running west along the south line of said Southeast Quarter {SE<1, a dist-
<br />ance of Forty 140.0} feet; thence r~.~nning north para7le? to and Forty {40,01
<br />feet west of the east line of said Southeast Quarter {SEa1, a distance of
<br />approximately One Thousand Twa Hundred Forty Two and Fifty Eight Hundredths
<br />{i,242.5&1 feet, to a paint on the southerly right-of-way line of U.S. High-
<br />way ;io. 30; thence running northeasterly along the southerly right-of-way
<br />line of U.S. Highway F9o. 30, a distance of approximately Forty Four and Forty
<br />:tine Hundredths (44.49; feet, to a point on the east tine of said Southeast
<br />Quarter {5E1; thence running south along the east tine of said Southeast
<br />Quarter (5E+;}, a distance of approximately One Thousand Twa Hundred Sixty Two
<br />and Six Hundredths {1,262.^61 feet, to the paint of beginning and containing
<br />1. i5 acres more ar less of which 0.96 acres more ar less is presently occupied
<br />^y public road right-of-way. 'let 0.19 acres more or less.
<br />TAT=i~~rrT ~1TTAC~itr
<br />i`+cFRRSKA OdCUt~iENTARY
<br />t=~=~ 0 9 i981
<br />;, , ~ ~~
<br />"..-:r=te.= av
<br />io naYe ant, to nr5la 'he aaove ~escr?bed ~rer7ise5 together arith all tenements, nereditaments
<br />any ~rp,rrf_enances thereto belarsrjinn_ !lntn ~)ju n,^~,ntp° gnu '..G grant@e~5 he7r5 and dS51tn5 'OreYer.
<br />'end the granto _9oes hereby ,ss aan to he r;rt,n~ee and with grantee`s heirs and assigns
<br />that ~ran_ar ~, law'ully set~ed u* i;r: re r2„ es: that they are free from enbumbrance.
<br />'hat ,7rantar has goad right and iawf~' authority to convey the same; and that grantor
<br />warrants ar`rd will ,defend the title to said r~nises against the 'sawful claims of ail
<br />pers+~ns whr>;r:;oever.
<br />-; _ - r
<br />r...~._ __~ ~-..
<br />5', ATF EiE -;EBP.ASt~A, s Cll,ETY OF ~-.'~ Y~, v _~ -
<br />t?efore rrv., a notary public gualifiPd far said County, Rersonaily tame
<br />,, --yl~ ~.;.,Rn to ;,te to ,e tzr+= iciexiticai person or persons who Signed the'
<br />~ '~~~` ,: wing instnament and acknaw?edged the F}xecutian thereGf to be his,
<br />`":~~ r~r their .olunt~a.ry art and deed.
<br />, :-
<br />~,z my hand and nr,tarial seal on rEf .~~! ~ ~
<br />. _:
<br />~~
<br />,~,~ ~.y =°nx~r:a ;irrri t,,;;ire5 ~ f ;n l'~
<br />