<br />1VI(~~t'TGA.G~ ~~. -.- ;~ti 175
<br />This mortgage ntat3e and entered rnto this 7th day of __._._~2'+83'~7
<br />t~ °~, b`fa..d bet.~:e::: ~~ld C, i~i~.ra ax?d uirml~a r.~ Aiers, husbart3 acid wife:
<br />each in his or her oast right arty as spouse of the- other
<br />(lrereirsafter teferied to as mortgagor) and Commereidt Natroraal Bank and Trust drompanv
<br />{haeit~fter t~tfergesiaa-as
<br />tnortg~~, ivt~n maintains sn offt~ and ptaer of busing at 4~4 N- Tt.;~a strtet fa Qra3>+t! IslatP,tt,
<br />Ha6S ~ottnty, Nelsrsska.
<br />1Vt'[r#r; that for. the consrderadtxt hereittatfer stated, receipt of wt>~h is hereby aeknowtedged, the mortgagor
<br />does hereby tnort~ge, sell, grant, assign, and convey tmto the mortgagee, its suea:essors and assigns, art o#' the fol-
<br />lowrrtg descrrtset# property s}rusted and being in the CotinEy of Hall
<br />State of Nebraska.
<br />Lot t3rie (lt, Cotttttaont+real~ Business Park Second Subdivision, and
<br />Addition to the City of Grand 2sland, Ha21 County, Nebraska
<br />to~ilur wish art the tetternrsa~, and appursenaners thereto E+elonging, aii she rents, issues and profits thereof, and atl
<br />tatasteents, rights, royakies, mirierat, art and gas rights and profits, water, water rights, and water stock, andir~ludtng
<br />ah t.caii~, r~;t;~irtg, r.friratian, lighting, ipmmes,€ anu art tr~itres err even description betanging to the
<br />timrtgagar now or Hereafter attac#sed thereto ar eases[ in connectiatn uitti the premises herein deserittetr and in addition
<br />thereto thr fattgrring described properties wHich are end =Halt rte deett+.ed [o be fixtures and a part of the reahy, and
<br />are a #~raion of t#ae srr-uritt tar the itxtebrrdnt:ss herein atater~. i#f nane..tate "naae''3 ?a^e
<br />To have and to hold ihr saute unto tht Mortgagee, as Heeein pras~idtd:
<br />The- irwrtgagor is lawfully sized snd possessear of and tins tt:e rigrrt to sett attd convey said prapeny: that the
<br />is free from art cttiumbratxes exctpt as Hereinarsave rectited: and that Mortgagor covenants to warrant and
<br />defend the tint aforesaid thrreta and every part thereat' against the claims e€ art persons whomsoever.
<br />Thb instrument is given to secure the paytitettt of a promissory note dated 1~pri1 6 198~_,.,__~ _
<br />in the priocipai sum of 3~52.SOO,.QQ,____ __., sigmd by . Don d C. D}ers artd yirainia L. Diers
<br />in bettaif of ~. _--_ ~~..~S~.tspeeec,lycy~g ------._~._ _~--
<br />at3e, ~ auctt-rtcrts or notes may from iita~ to time ix rrsaairied, renewsd ar extended in writing.
<br />it1pC a the rifts to said teat estate is transferred, ar contracted to t>< transferred, from the undersigixd for any
<br />rd~om or b}r anp method wttatscxwrr, the entire prineipat strait aixt accrutd interest shaft at ome become due and
<br />pry a# the etec'tiatt of ttte hcildtt herea€. Parlors to exer,.YSe this option ttecattse of transfer of title as above stated
<br />in ~ sitar tact carrstitute a >Fai+~er of the right to exercise the carne in the event of any subsegatent transfer.
<br />1• T~ eovenants arad agtrrs as fottovvs:
<br />a. t'ts ~t}r Fay t>~ i eviticnctst by said prattnissory note at the- tithes attd in the manner
<br />them.
<br />b• TY try ~xte, arrtcnrs, :vazr. raze;, an,i uttt2r 2twastttrtetatal or irrunisipar Cttitrgc4, fine:,, .ir
<br />fir, tsta svit fsset~sittti rtes n+cn item to tit!reirttitfort, attd Witt prvinptjt deriver the c'rffiriat r~eipt,
<br />ttrers~[ut to tree said rratrtgagee,
<br />c. 7sr i strt##a ~s and fet*s as ~y tTe itn:ttrred in the pratecti~xi attd inaintertsnc~ of sait# pra~txrty.
<br />- #bt f atf airy attirrne}• ett~largt~ btr tttt nt(IM't~ ftxt fibs ccxttectitin a:f tidy air tart of tits itidebtedner,s
<br />?cbp sostttrtrat. star {s,~ea:tcaxirre rrv ntcrrtpattec"s sale, crt ~c+at€t ptoc:c`edtngs, ar irr ane~ outer ittipation err tt*nccYtting
<br />atfi'tY+arY s,arSd g; STttCFt3
<br />