<br />81-001752
<br />This mortgage made and entered into this 8th day of Aprsl
<br />19.7,._, by arttf between Gene Church and- Lynne Church, husband and tvi€e, joint
<br />tenants with rights, of survivorship
<br />(hereitmfter referred to as mortgagor? and Commetrial tdationa( Hank and Trust Corttpany _
<br />(heteittafter ctfernd to as
<br />mortgagee), who maintains an office and peace of business at 424 W. Third stmt in.Grand lam=
<br />Hall Cottn[y, itisbraska.
<br />WtTt~SET4t, that for the consideration hereinafter stated, receipt of which is hereby ackntrwtettged, the attxtgagor-- - ~~
<br />does hereby mortgage. seR, great, assign. and convey tmto the mortgagee, its successors and assigns, all. a[ tree fat-
<br />lowittg described prt>~r€y situate! ate being in the County of Hall
<br />State of Nebraska.
<br />Lot Eighteen tIBI of Geer Sttbdivisian of Lots Six t6), Seven (7}
<br />and Eight t8) of Garrett's 3ubdivisian of part .of the Fast Half
<br />t£4} of Section Nine t9) in Township Eleven (I1} North o€ Range
<br />Nine (9) hest of the 5th P.lt. in Grand Island. Ha1Y County, Nehzaatta,
<br />except street of land !sere particularly described in tdarranty Deed-
<br />recorded in Book 134 Paqe 468
<br />together with all the tettettrents and appurtenances thereto ixioaging. al! the cents, issues and profits thereof, and all
<br />essattestts, rights, royalties, tstirreral, ~i and gas rights and pratts, water, water rights, and water stoat, and ?!!eluding
<br />a4 hearitrg, plumbing, refngaation, (ightittg, equipment and ail t`txtures of esrry dtscriptton belonging to the
<br />mortgagor now or hereafter attached thereto or used in cannecction with the premises herein described and in addition
<br />tixreto tht foliowing descrihe~± properttes whi+'.h are and shut be deemed to be (?ztures and a part at' the realty, and
<br />ue a portion of the security far the indebtedness iternn stated, tit Horn, state "none-") bone
<br />To have and to bald the same unto t»r 'vifrrtgagee, a> lsa crii r~i.iu'
<br />The mortgagor is lawfully seized and passass2d of and has the righ# eo slit and convey said property: that the
<br />same is free from all tncumtxatices except as trereinabove recited; and that ifiottgagor covenants to warrant and
<br />defend the title aforesaid ehereta and esen part thereof against the claims of all persons whomsoever.
<br />This instrtuttent is given to secure the payment of a promissory Hate dated Aor. it e. 1981
<br />in the ptiactpal sum of 5 ~2t3. QQp~ n0 ,signed by Gene Church and Lynne Church
<br />in behalf o[ T themselves i_`
<br />also, as such tuNe or nosss tmty from time to rime be snadifitd, renewed or ex:ended in writing.
<br />In the rent the title to said rta3 estate is transferred, or cotttracted to be transferred, t'rtrm the undersigned for any
<br />rgstrR at by say msihod whatsoever, the entire principal start and accrued interest shall at once become due and
<br />park at the election of the holder hrtreof. failure to exercise this option becauu of transfer of title as above stated
<br />in tree iastszsEx strati rim constitute a waiver of the right to exercise the same in the event of any subsequent transfer.
<br />1. Tt~ n3t.Ytga~c.s+ cove ttnd agrees as falterws:
<br />a~ Tit p€#y pay dce itrdetxedness tn'i~cncsad by said protntsserry note at the times and in titer manner
<br />thttveia pravidat.
<br />b. To pry all tastes, assessretents, water rates, and other governmental or municipa( charges, tines. or
<br />ittrpositinmt, fee ~rhieh prcw(sion hex net bees made hertKnbeforc, attd will promptly deliver the otfieial receipts
<br />therefor •,..*~ fasd morraagec.
<br />c, ?o pav sut;h trpen*,rs and Ices as rrttay be incttttett in the protection and maintenance at said parperty.
<br />tr~htdi~ the fees of am attorney etnykrYmd by the ntofrtgagee Far the collection of any ur ah of the indet+tedness
<br />tteretry x¢°ttreyl, at t:xalt4sttre by ms3r€gx&ec`s sale. or c:nurt prz~c-eedsnge. c:r in .-#ni other ?,tixatii?n c=-r pnx-ec~f~nv
<br />aftss"ten~ said prxxa+rrtr
<br />