<br />
<br />THAT Y, or WE, Hal J. Maggiore and Jubi~;~-nie S. P3a~giore i~xabaha
<br />and wife, of Hall County and State of Nebraska, in c~nsideiration of
<br />the sum of One Hundred Fifty Thousand and No0100 Dollars {~15p_SOpp:~)
<br />in hand paid, do hereby sell and convey unto Carl H. Maggiore
<br />Betty K. Maggiore, husband and wife, as joint tenants and not as
<br />tenants in cortmon, of Jefferson County, and State of Colorado, the
<br />following described premises situated in Hall Canty and State of
<br />Nebraska, to~-wit:
<br />Lots One {i) and Two (2) in Block Fourteen {14), H. G.
<br />Clark's Addition to the City of Grand Zsland, Ha11 County,
<br />Nebraska.
<br />The intentinr. being to convey hereby an absolute title in fee simple.
<br />TO HA6'E AND TO HOLD the premises above described, with all the
<br />appurtenances thereunto belonging unto the said mortgagees and to his,
<br />htr ar their heirs and assigns, forever, provided always, and these
<br />presents are upon the express condition that if the said mortgagor
<br />or martgal;ors, hi her or their heirs, personal representatives, or
<br />a-signs shad pav ;~r cause to be paid to the said mortgagee or mort-
<br />gagees anti to his, her or their hE;irs, personal representatives, and
<br />assigns, the sum c; ~?ne Hundred Pift~~ "ihousand Dollars (Si 50,000.00)
<br />payable as fc~Ilows, Co-wit:
<br />in srr~nth?.°~ ~ia;~-;~:nts aver a perit?: ~?i ~~~ent;' { ~'U) ~earS
<br />•ith i-nt~:rest .ray?: r~Ug~.tst ~-4si1, ~o include payments
<br />of principal. anc'. .nt€:rest,yt5a«rtcynts tc' :.:;?mmencc SePtcrnber
<br />1, 1vt31,
<br />aceurding t~ tine tenor anti E~f~~t•*. .,t ,nr• i.nstallment promissory note
<br />., 4aid !~#or+.:gagors, wring ~~-err ..iat~~ .ai ~h the s~ presents, and shall
<br />pu°>• all taxes anc arty int=~r~st •r;, ar t::rin~; instalimenCS of prin-
<br />cipal, :due an atfy pri.,r ^*e>r*.~,a£r- .,nci :isss~ss^ients _`vi.ed open said
<br />real estate atfid ai •}ii-herta:~t~~, , _~~as~:•4 <arx: asss'ssments Levied upon
<br />this mortgage ~~r .:its ne~te •• Uzi Lh tizi , nr~ ~ag.a ; _, gi..en ~u secure,
<br />bef=_re the sart'~ ~>c„~.;;es. .ietxn;kt.c~rts «n~ ~ce~=p th~c%xsildings on said
<br />prcyanl.ses insures i ~r the suss >i $ r r ?
<br />.;,3J.JUU.ilD oss; i ~ ?nu, r8y_L'1:
<br />c~:~ such lust. ~,rtgagt~.•~: :tr rhi~ - :.-...a., or ix3t`t, then these
<br />pre;serrts be vcti~-i, ;~therwis€= ~ an.i re~tt6in in suit force.
<br />1T 1S F'tiRtHFR :~tti.'E:3 ! + ~°hat :. th:~ said mortgagor shall fail
<br />tt? pay such taxes anti such ,.nte°re" t :3n, •.tr maturing installments of
<br />principal, duF~ on env t?ri:~r :~urtgag~'urt~ procure such insurance, then
<br />this mortgagee ra~• pay such :axes and such interest on, or maturing
<br />installments -r principali., .::;ue atz such prior mortgage and procure
<br />such insurance; and the auto so advanced wz.th interest at the maximum
<br />rate allowabiV xy taw shalt. i~ isair, b., sale mortgages, acid this
<br />rtr,~rtgage shall stan~= as sr•e_ur±tv ier the same. {~) That a failure
<br />to pay axty _>f said rte: ~ittter principal ar interest on this or
<br />any prior mortgage, when the same becomes cs`ue or a failure to comply
<br />with any of the foregoing agreements, shall cause the whole sum of
<br />?tcmey ??erein ~=scored tc, `~ce~e due and collectable at once at the
<br />option.c~f Ctrs mortgagee.
<br />In the wvent the property herein described, ar any part thereof,
<br />sh~++aid ?~ old ?r cc+ntraFtyd to bt; sold, ox• r~therwise disposed of,
<br />either ut~luntarily car by judfcial sale, or otherwise, mortgagees
<br />