<br />$1--~0173+~
<br />Lesxler's written agreement or applicable law. Borrower shall pay the amount of all mortgagetnsurantt premiums in the
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hetwf.
<br />Any amours#s disbursed by L,rndar pursuant to this paragraph 7, with intet+est thereon, shall become addiNona!
<br />indebtedness of Borrower secured by this MoRgage. Unless Borrower and Lender ague to other temrs of paytmnt, such
<br />atnottnrs shall be payal~ upon notic°s fronts Lender to Harrower mgaesting payment thermf. and shall tsar interest from the
<br />dale of vis3tt, 't ~ tl~ ra t,.Ya'~''w° fra^: tiro='-o titter `-'n outatand3ng arincipal unt~r the lt3ott unless paytttent of
<br />iatrrc& ru such rate would be coattary to applicable law, in which event such amounts shag beu interest at the highest rate
<br />p~rttie uruier applicable taw. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shah regoirs Lsnt#e< to incur any ezpetss as tie
<br />any action hcrarnder.
<br />t tender may make ar cause to be-made reasonable entries upon and itnpectiorrs of the Property, provided
<br />shat Corselet shag give Borrower notice prior to any such inspection specifying reasonable cau~ therefor related to Lender's
<br />interett in the Ptss~rty.
<br />4, C,~eatst>~ns. The proceeds of any award or c{aim far damages. direct or cottsequentiai, in~ ctmttection with any
<br />condemnation or steer rating of the Property. or part thereof. or far conveyance in lieu of condemnation. are hereby assigned
<br />and shaft be paid to Lender.
<br />In the event of a toW taking of the Property. the proceeds shall be applied to the sutras secured by this Mortgage,
<br />with the ezcsss, if any, paid to 1~lonowtr. In the event of a partial taking of the Property. voles Harrower and Lender
<br />otitersvise agree in writing. there shsil be applied to the cams suuttd by this Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds
<br />as is equal to that proportion which the amount of the rums secured try this Mortgage itttmediafely prior to the date of
<br />taking hears to the fair market vsitre of the Property immediately prier to the date at taking. with the balance of the proceeds
<br />pe3d to Borrosrsr.
<br />If the Property is abandortsd by Borrower. ar {f. after ttatitt by Lender to Barrawer that the candtmnor offers to make
<br />an award ar settle a claim far damages. Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 da}'s afar fhe date such notitx is
<br />retailed. Lender ix atsharfaed to colisct acrd apg{y the pr«-eeds. at l~rider s option. either to restoration OF repair of the
<br />Frapertv ar to the suem secured by this Mortgage.
<br />Lrnleu Lender and Borrower athsrwist agree in writing. any such app{icatian of prate-ds [o principal shag trot extend
<br />ar postpone the due date of the tnonrhty icmal{ments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof ar change the amount of
<br />such ittstallrnettb.
<br />2Q, limrerwa Not Reksaetl. Extension of the t.me foe payment ar madiflrtion of amortization of the sums secured
<br />by this Mortgage granted by Lender to any successor in {nterest of Borrower shall not aperaie to release. in any manner,
<br />the li2ts{litp of the original $arrawer attd Borrower's successors m interest [xndet shall not rte required to commence
<br />proceedenga agairest retch successor or rcfttse to eztmd time for payment or tHherwisc modify amortiZetian of the sums
<br />secured Is?d this Mortgage by reason of arty demand made 6y thx <.r{gina{ Borrower and Harrowers successor in interest.
<br />!i. Faetierrrree y Ltteier Net a %'trMer. ,1ny forearance by Lender in cxercisrng env right or retteedY hereunder, or
<br />athetwise afforded by app[icabft taw, shad rat he a wa;cer c:-` ~-~* ;:rceSu:ie the erect{se of any such tight or remedy.
<br />The procuseatertt of iztsursrttx ar the pa}nrteni at tales ~r ether {lens m. chrrges by Lender shall not !x a waiver of LentlCr's
<br />right is aceelciat2 t ~ °tst_•rit.: of the indchtedness secured by this Martgage•.
<br />12. s2ea~a Cai:c_. All remedies prrn~cdsd +n this Mortgage are distinct and iurnulat~ c t.^. env ^tltcr right or
<br />remedy artier th{s Mortgage at afforded t+v {aw or .yuity, and mac he curr.+sed concurrently. independently or xuccessively.
<br />#3. 5r.rnssars sad Aseigna 9otws~ joraet sea ?se.etai Lialt>~ty: Capes. ?~ ernenants and agrttntenta herein
<br />cantaitted steal! bitsd, and tlx nigh#s hereurxisr sha{i inure ro, the respscteve tuccss~c rs and assigns of L_et:dcr attd BorTOwer,
<br />svbjert m the provisions of paragraph {7 hereof- Atl covenants and -agresrrxnts of Borrower shall be joint and several.
<br />The captions atxd headings of the paragraphs of this ?~fartgagr are for,.:.°+nr-enrrnce only ~nS ate twt to he usW to
<br />{merptet ar dsfieK the promtsiom ftereaf.
<br />2G. \leelea Except far my notice required under applicable law rn k+e given m another rnanreer, tat any notice to
<br />Eorrvwer provided for in this Mortgage shall tse given by mailing such nonce br certified mail addressed to Borrower at
<br />the Fraperty Address or a# s.:ch other address as Borrower rosy dssignate by ratite to Ixnttsr as proridt~ herein, and
<br />(Ff) any notice to Lender shalF tx given by csrtifse~ mail, mum rt:ctspt .*egtxsted. to Lender's address stated herein or to
<br />such arbor address as Lender may designate t*v notice to Borrower as provided heroin. Any nat{ce provided far in this
<br />Mortgage xha{i be deemsd to have been given to t3armwer ar lxnder woes ~+ven in the manner designated herein.
<br />I3. L'tsNer' Meelgagr. t:averttdog F_asr; ~aerahi$ty. The` farm =ef mortgage rnmbirtps uniform covenants for national
<br />u~ and Arun#atttt revenants with {trotted varialians by jurisdiction tc- conatitvte a uniform stcuntY iutrument covering
<br />real groperty. lTtis Mortgage strati be goverrxd by the Raw nE the jutisdictian in which the Property is located. In the
<br />event that any pravisi©n ar cisusr of ihh .*hsrtgag~ ar tf~ 'Kntc canNicts with app{icabie taw. suett Catfliet shall Hai slicer
<br />attter pravrsia-•ns ~ this Mtrtgsge ar the Nate which can tat given elect without ties conflicting provision. and to this
<br />ib. Oeeeossee°e CST. Burrower shall be furn,shtd'a canfersned cop~lof the Nate and of this M:~rtgage at the tins
<br />of esecutian or alter recaraation ieerasrf.
<br />i7. Strsastw et fire traf®sa,; if all or any gart of she Property ar an interest therein is soW or transferred
<br />by Betrawer without Lender's error written eottsent, exc{tiding ta- the creation of a {ten or encumbrance subordinate to
<br />this ldottgsgs, fb- the creatitm of a purchase trtartey security interest far household appiiatem, tc) a transfer by devise,
<br />deacetti or by opetstton of Iaw upon the death of a point tenant or Rdt the grant of any leasehold imerest of three years or less
<br />not cotaeiehtg an option w purchase. lender may. as Lender's apttat. declare all rtes sums secured by this Mortgage to be
<br />eesmedeaish due and payable. I_ettder xftall bare watv~t$ such option ro atxelerate if, prior to the sale or transfer. Lender
<br />attd the peraoee to wham the Proputy is to be sold or transferred reach agreetrtent in writing shat the cr~ii of such person
<br />is satFsfyrtory to Leader sad that the irrierrst payable an ttte suttss secured by this Mortgage shall be at setefe rate as Letttkr
<br />tiaB tettrrest. if L,eadet has wtrived iht aptton to accrierate pravidtd in this paragraph il. and if Borrower's successor in
<br />ir~Eat has esacuted a writrsn awioa agnemxrtt aecsptad in writing by Lender, l:.ender shalt release Harrower from all
<br />otoas txaxter tons Moesy>tga sad ctrl: Nom.
<br />[f Leaser asarcisaxs std option to aerekrate, itnsier shalt mat{ Harrower nditt of acceleration in asarrdattce with
<br />ptareMrspit li lteteaf. Sttdt notice rhalfi pr!av a period of rat {ess than 3{} days from :he Bats the ttatiyress mailed within
<br />w l~rrw~ easy pay the sasttffi declared di,e. if Borrower talk to pay sash stems p,-iar to t:z >ozpirtion of such period.
<br />teatkr muutr, wiMfesM ftsrMrer notice ~ demand on Bnrroarsr, invoke soy rcnxdies permitted by paragraph 1 g hereof.
<br />Ldtrs-Lltsstratass C~rsatanTS. FotrSrrer sad Leader tnrttter ~rsenant and agree an #atkrerte-
<br />.3 ~ ~ s gtssvllai ie pangaR6 !7 ~i. was tirr+swere tteaaei a[ .q cevesuta! ar
<br />try e0 lrsaa~..w lea ~ Mxe~ge. tie cavearaea ~ trf whssr ~ any #~. taeeassi by tltie Mloregage,
<br />i ilk b '~ eae$ tae~kxa be Aassssxar a gr+s.+:W is gatrapami! t1 blase[ > U1 ~e hntseht
<br />t$ else asikee srrgimi b era Heir iYesrtait (3) a tieee, tit Mire Mrs ~ tlws Esau Mtn titsie tie •aMoe k roiled b Don~xvs:r.
<br />tell strict amt ieaetelt ®t ie s tt®i !q ~ fa~rr ba ewe sssei irsarh w w hdeee tYe OYs is the rtaMce
<br />aet~ saarli lr aaalrzbd~ of Ater statese ttttstratt by Mds , lanrlaeaee iy {atiefM Pmt ttri sale of Mre Ihsge*ty
<br />.... lire rtreilPS 4iaH 1!"aE~ ~aessseer ~ rite td;kt to ee9seeitr triFle sscsieradaa trolls Mee siW b seen/ ~ MK fseselasae+e
<br />le ~ es~ Rata n~edtW its !te aetlrs, i areasrl osier M l.eaaeds ~traeclste ag~tauu atavrewt hr
<br />N~l~Metg~r flits Iarae rtes +~ PR+M~ wfThatN BnMrer tlnrsa/ ltd wi fe+seefeae iy tasttMr
<br />~ aail;~tl tr csi/eat 3ttatede ~ trtl espaasa si tarxiesies. t+~. ~ sot Nrdfed te, s sf dac~tary
<br />esiatpntrssilbsert sai.MAts,
<br />~, lratpasnMrs ~y is Nescr,~Mtrtaadiirtg Lsadar'x uceierata+n of the stints secured by this Mortgage.
<br />pays rtes rl){~ its here nay prautrairt~e bsErtn by tanbrr to en#txce shin Martgsgr discaatittt~d at any term
<br />