<br />~. ~~aata.vrtre.~ttaa~a~re~es..~nwt ~1- £~~.~'725
<br />~ tsa ttrilt Pcnrsptit;;._tse idaheet~.. avidanaed itf ~ taste ~ tiro tine. ated ire t;m.
<br />~>~
<br />--~- ~-~-
<br />,.
<br />b. I6a m39 s~ ;tt.~t.r a.aewes~. w~ r.tes, sad other e~ pa) ~• itrtar, or
<br />~relt€sn,fat~ trldt6 prseLiae tde tae~ltemrtssde ~, sad wig pt:atr sb. s
<br />~tt~ ~.; ifie ae~ .:
<br />c, He will pay each espetssey and fees as may be iueatted in the ptoteet~ sad mainteaatace of said
<br />propterty,,ipeiudieyP ebe fexa of any attorney employed by the mortgageae for the eoifeetioa of nay or all of
<br />tie ' ~erehy eeeure~, ar for, {+sreciware by mote's sk:, or tbatt proeaeednajgt, or is any other
<br />s - ur praae~fsg affecting acid premietat. Attoratye' fees reasonably ietearred in sny colter `iar aheH`be
<br />msrtgttggr-
<br />eL l?br het6er security mf the+it~tadttess hereby aoena+ael, ups ~ tegaeet of the iteane
<br />wee a: air, he-dtellene;,rree rd deiiveea sttpplemeami mzn~ee +~ eos~it~ ae~:a.-.
<br />hrtptor~eais:: ar bettatwtea6s taadc to the preparty hereisabove dewribed : wd ell p:opertf aetpieed by
<br />fs'sf~rt~ datrhaeed fal! in feetrt artisfaetary to ta~-. F+mrtltertesnr. sbauhl taert~toe fail to cote-
<br />. -Drag deft is tlte: payaaese"ef a prior ttr infector ntsmrlxattae on eho p ~ecribed 6g tkie istrameeat.
<br />rnaetgdt~rr hetelts ststeer to pe€msit meM~taetae to enre sneh defanlt, but marepaprae is not obligated to tla w;
<br />a~ such advaaeea shall became part of the indtktadnes+ attured by this itutrttment, snbjcct to the saette
<br />taetas asd enaditiaets.
<br />e. The righU created by thin conveyance ahali remain in Full force and eNect during any pe»tpoaement
<br />or rxtamiae of the time of garment of the indebirdrteas evideneev) by acid promirory oats nr any part thereof
<br />tepC9red hereby.
<br />(. !le will coatinuostsly mainta~ haaard inwraae:, of such tyre or types and in ouch amoaats w the
<br />aaortRaiteat may from time to limn require on the improvements rsaew or hereafter oa said property, sad
<br />vtl3 pay peeaptly erbtal die say pr~ieaoa tbenefar. All iaentasae shall be eaez~d is oeedpaais aaegtsble
<br />is a~ the per4r.iaa and renerrab tbeeeef sltail he held bt mort~eo sad lta~e attaelasd tthea+ern
<br />iert psga$k clattees is favor of sad :ff"form aaxptsble to the m~tgagee. la evaai ~ leas, aaettgagar will 6i+e
<br />stains entice is veiling to rsartgagee, asd mertgaigee tray make proof of leas if tmt made ptsi•ptfy by
<br />asaetp sad each iesarmae eaet~ty aosmerttad-ia hereby atetbaria~ sad diteated to at:lte paytamt for aadt
<br />~ edreatiy to >e of to and jointly, aqd the itaatraaea prsesoeda, or arty
<br />peat tba+eaf, cosy be applimd try wee ~ its esNbar to the ndaetioa of the ia~tetbaee. botchy
<br />.setteetl ar ts. flat netseetttieaa ar ~e of-the pteaperey daaerpd ttr daattsyad. ~ ewamt of foreciewrs ~ this
<br />t.at, or-ocher tt « title to eamd psepetetg in d tlta t .scared hem, a8
<br />~ tkia. std iataat of the martgttgor is and to my iasuraaee urea is force ebaU part to the
<br />puree or ttatrtgegec or, at the optsaa a! the taaetgttf}ec, mar be surrtadera} for a refund
<br />~ l~ will keep all builsiiaga and other improre.itta ~ aabl property itt good repair and aenditiaa:
<br />will penei4 coatatlt, os auger rw vents, impairment, deurioratiaa ei said property or oar part thereof:
<br />is the errst of failure of rite mort;aa_ar to keep the buildiees on said orcmises and thane erected rtn acid.
<br />pntmta~aa, ar itnpraretnenta ihereeut, in Faod zepsir. the martA:gee may mske atzeh repairs as is its discretion it
<br />tiMy dteaa msaeassry far the prapav ptrxrratian thrrextf: and t'ae fail amount of rack sad every suit paytttent
<br />shall ~ i^-~ 'dine a pnrrdda a~ tali bs eecur'd '~ the lien of tbi, mart+Caite.
<br />A. sic wile twt voltmtarily arcata srr ptrarit to be ~•reated astaimt the property subject to this mortgage
<br />aegl~-Kea or liens ~fasitts-ar sepereor to the lien of this tuwtgeRc withont the written canarnt of the mort-
<br />i¢apts<: sad further, he viii keep alai a:siastds the aa~ fees ftoea the slat of all persons wppdyintt lobar ar
<br />eaater€als far earutrustian of any and al9 bnildinp ar impraccmeasta now 6eine created or to be etacied ao
<br />said
<br />i, lie will tro6 tent or aasiln any pazt of the rest of said mort{ta5ed property ar de:moliah, or hove,
<br />ally ahrr any f~ild~ ,.i.t.«,.e the ;: ituts en-.sFrss of alts ssortisaitea-
<br />j. A~' atsards ~ d its aeemegtinet iritb arty evsndein•~-•-,-- fair public uar of ar iajttry to nay of then
<br />~~.°eo the itroetptte~ti ate ltd ~pPaed tsvd s§aH' 6e p~ ~ ntetttreges, wbe ~T*+~lbl'" the
<br />•taat=ef t#te . tmrmid peter, asd etmrE~s-~-1 aseb+riissdt•ha lfie
<br />Hass eaf the mertga~e, to a:aea~ sad dasiare~r slid acgattaaan tltarraf sad to appeal tram swy w+tb a+rard.
<br />tt.•'Ntts airy haea the riliiu~ the mart~psd peatpttea at .arty e~r~se~S ~rRS-- .
<br />`>r' ~`'+~"~ €fee r'aer~tts ae• tanditiaasaf tiefr sit ar of the note ar loan ~rcemdat aeevrvxl
<br />,areplthte potatvsion, s enjo:atent ,d the propany. at the aptisn of the
<br />~+ tit R apiea~d that fhs ~r shall hoar ouch right until dnfarthi. tipaw nay ta!tis
<br />Ipi~i, rite ~ alwdl- beea~esr the asrasr o{ all of tfee reatta atad probta aetrtrina after dcfsuh as aeeurits
<br />~9! tea _ iatre~i..aeitb-the risht to antes'-tapan acid property [ar the pttrpaea,af evalleetisg.. atreit
<br />~w aart peetfte. 7`hitr t apaaibaaaa,r.a~jttiale+ttt~kgT renatab oa acid prapesty is that satwsi.
<br />~_i
<br />