<br />UNSFpRM CavE[.avrs. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br />1. Ts~asetg esf rrlacfigal assd irsterat. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the
<br />it~lsxltxss tuidenced by the Noie. prepayment and late charges as provided m the Note, and the principal of and interest
<br />(m anY Funure AdVa[iees StxWed by this !~tangage.
<br />Z 1Feada (dr '!'asp sad 5ubjeet to applicable law or to a written waiver 6y Linder, Borrower shall pay
<br />to teentkr an Lhe day maaihly installments of principal and interest are paxabFe tinder the Note, until the ?note is paid in full,
<br />a ~.. (h^~_.n "Funds") qua! tc err-twtlffh at tftr s„a:#y ,axe: and ass~,stt:tntx which may attain priority over this
<br />~artgagt, and grained tents on the Property. if any, phis one-tavtlfih of yearly premium installtrrtnts for hazard insurance.
<br />phYS ixx-twelfth of yearly pretaium installments far moRgage imtirance, s[ say, all as reasonably estimated initially and from
<br />tiara to tune by Lendtr on the bash of assessments and bills and reasnnabie estimates thereof.
<br />Tire Fonds ahaEl !x in an institution the depttsitc er arc-ousts of whKh are inwrtd or guaranttuf by a Ft~erat or
<br />state agency iitrciuding Lender if Lender is such an institution t. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments,
<br />rrt•z gitfttiutits and grotuul rents. Lendtr gray nai charge tas so !tolding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account,
<br />or verifying acrd wmpiling said assessments and F,iiks, unless E.tnder pays Harrower ;merest on the Funds and applicable law
<br />pssrmitt Lender to make stKh a cfiarge. Borrower and Linder mss agree m waling at the time of execution of this
<br />Mtattga~ drat inttxext urt the Funds shall be paid to Barrawer, ami unless such agreement is made or applicable taw
<br />requires such r'nttres[ to bt paid, Lender shah not he requital to pay Harrower any snxrest or earnings on the Funds. Lender
<br />chats Give m Borrower, without charge. an annual accrnintsng of the Funds ahv,wing credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br />purge far whic3r cork dehtt t. the Funds was made Ilya Funds ,tae pledged as addiuana! security for the sums secured
<br />by thrs Mortgage.
<br />If tEx arr,.suai cf t:~ Funds held by Len:,`-r. t.zg<sher Wirth she future mantM1tti .nsfallrnents of Fxtnds payable print to
<br />the tits rtntet of taxes, asstssmtitts. irsurance pmrnsums atsd around tints, shalt excttd the: aawunt required [o pay said texts.
<br />aaaessnrtars. iasurastce premiums and ground rents as they tai! due. such excess shall be. at Borrower's option, either
<br />prampilr repaid to Borrowrr or credutd ro &,rrnwer c?n monthly installments of Funds. If the amount of the Fund
<br />ixald by Lender she!! sot be sufftcreai to pav taxes, assexsments. snsurance premiums and ground rents as they fall dut.
<br />Banatrer shaft ~y to i_endtr any amount «aessan t<• mate up the dctictency within iQ daus from the date notice is mailed
<br />by i.i~uler to Barsower rcqueating pnxment thereM,r
<br />Lrp::ai pnvratnt m lull of a!i sums securtd hs :fu+ M~,rtgage. Lender shalt promptly refund to Borrower any Funds
<br />hdd by ixsrdtr. Et under paragraph Iii hemrt she Proprrea :s std or the Property is aihern-ise acquired by Lendtr, Lendtr
<br />sbali apply- na ±attr than rmtntdiaeels poor u~ she .Ile ~•i =he Properly rxr ,rs acquisition by [xder, any Funds htld by
<br />t.tetdtr ar tics vine r_t applia:alion as a ctetltt ~garnu the arlms xcurcd by thss ltangage-
<br />J. A~Ifeatiea d lsytaeala. Inless apptrcahlc law pn+vtdes otherwise, aif payments received by Lendtr under the
<br />.'alert and paragnphs l sad ~ hereof shall bt applied by finder fiat in payment ~?f amnunts payuhle *.o Lender by Borrower
<br />urndez paragraph ~ hcmof, then ;o snterest pacnblr ;an stir ticur. then *.,> nc~ prirtc;ipai of the ',fate- and titers to interest and
<br />prtrscipa! oa anx Future Advaacex.
<br />S. I.jesr. Bonawet ,hat! pay alt t .its. a<usvmenis and =rther .:h:srgcs. fitxx and :mptnitt.xss anssbutaiile tso
<br />the Property which tiny attain a proriry crvtr thn Nongagr, and ieasei:i>td payments .,r gr~+und rents. if any, m the manner
<br />provttfed undo paragraph 2 hereof ar. ~f nos paid :n even manner ny &,rrnwe: m::ksng payment, whin due. dirtcNy to the
<br />payts ' :teat, Borrower she!! promptly furnish to Lendtr ail noiscrc „! amauntx ~.fue ursdtr tors paragnph, and in the event
<br />.°.r.:n*wer allot! make pay-men[ ditto.;+.v. B,rr=+,g~rr .hall rnpti+ ., -.• i entity ~ecespts ekrdtneing sucfi Paymtnis
<br />Bar7nwer shall promptly dtschargc an}• i;tn •ahuh ffas .:r., ssrtx .:-: c.- •hrcnMr,rtga(se_ aravrded, that Borrower chaff not be
<br />rtgitired ra discrsarge any such Nett ,cs long as Clcc:rtc;utt +h:aa! sgrrc .e, +„i:r,Q s:~ .tx pa.astrsi .:t thr .+bl+gaticrn srct:rcd by
<br />such flan to a maatrtr gcep[nbit en t-e[tckr. <xr :ha!€ ,n ;.~r~.i rasth ::+rtrss ,,:~h ircn ~. cis .lefenel erat~rernttm ..f such lien m,
<br />=gal ~tngs ~hteh aptsafr icy ptrvrnt the cnf.nccmtnt ..[ tt;t :era •,r ent~t:art :rt ilia Proptrtx .x ;tin pan thercof-
<br />3. ldatatd latsarafce. &smawxr ;hat! tarp rt;t :mi.r.:+emer:[c n.•w ra.usng .-r :,ereat[er erected ,rn the Property snsrsred
<br />a;turts; toss by fire, hazards Included wuhrn the :crrn cxtusdrt+. _.>+rr.tgt =nd uxh other hazards as !-ender may require
<br />sad in stz:h armeuma std for such perisuis aR i.ertdrr =nas requ;.z. i t:,,.des. shat ixnuer .hat! nor rcgiure that she amount of
<br />sus~l ::nterage exceed that aertaur.: „t _r,+cr age rtyu=sad c,+ tar tiu +:;ms +tsurrd t+s rtr:a Mortgage
<br />Ilse rtauratxe cattily prrivtding t1x snsura,~tct ;.hail l*e Tft~*x-r: 4v 13azro-+:er uehtut tt+ approve! icy Lender, provided,
<br />that saxh approval shall sot be unrcas.+nanl wtehhekt .3ri prrmtuma .vr srsliranct peticsts :halt be paid m the manner
<br />pravidtd utxkr paragraph :herent or. ;t not paid rn s3ch manner, by Borrower making payment. when due. dsrcutty to the
<br />sttswance tuner.
<br />S#1 iatura'~ p>a#icies sad renewals eftrrr.-e ,_ - i ,r cn ?errs ., - -eptahe to i.ertster tHi ;ball :nchsde a standard rnnngage
<br />clause in fn::.x :d a; .r. faun ucxptabie :,; i.c:,cttr t_cadcr ~.nx::.`.a.r the right t., bald iht pollees and renewals thereof.
<br />assd Botrouvar shall promptly furassft icy Lcadtz ail renewal riatsccs and ail rtcapts of paid premiums. In the evem of loss,
<br />Barrrwer she!! gtvt prompt rtoticc t.> tfic imurancc .arncr end ! rndrr, i.tndtr rnax matt proof of loss sf not made promptly
<br />t~rrlew Lendtr and Barrawtr xherwsu agrtr :n .,along. inwrance lxrxceds shall he applied to restoration car repair of
<br />tirt Propene damaged, ptovttkd .u..h ststanuxin in repast .s cct±n.amicatly tcasshle and the xcuniy of thrs Mongsge is
<br />nest thertsby impaired, [f such resweauan ur report a m:t ,-c>~rtamtcsll5 ice<thk ar .t the secunty of shre !.iartgagt would
<br />be iaspaitnd. she tasuranct procttds ;hall *t appkttd s,> the sums ,r-;:rt:;t by :Psis Mangage. with the esceu, if any, paid
<br />to Barrorer. if she Ptxtpeny ss at*arxlaned ns Etarruwes, ,., ;, Harrower ?aria to rtspand to Lendtr wrdim 3Q days tram the
<br />date ixsticc a maaSed by Lendtr to Borrower ;hat the :nsuranct ~arricr ntferx sn xrttt a claim far insurance henefits, Lender
<br />:s assthariud to collect and apply the msurasicr proceetrs at t.ectder-z option artily to restoration or repair of the Property
<br />OF to tNC aiRaS SLC4Itti try" ttir$ ttaftgi~.
<br />Valets Lender grid Barrowrr othesw tsc agrrx sn u~rrtmg. any such appiitahon of proceeds [a principal sliatl not extend
<br />ar postpone tic dix date of t!x itsersthly sastailmtnis rrftrrcd ro sn paragraphs i and ~ hereof or change the amount of
<br />such iastattrrxatt. If under paaagraplt i S hereof iht Property <s =c-s}atrtd by [,ender, aN r;ght, title and cataract of Barrowtr
<br />in asui to am ttrsurauct pakiota and rn and to the prtx:Exds thtteot resuiung from damage to the Protxny prior to fix ,ale
<br />err ac~rtisirion shall pass to ltaa>~ to the z,itent of the sums secured by thu ~iartgagt ~mmtdiately pear to stKh sie{e nr
<br />6. Prtatn'a~aa tsar ?Name at Prri~erty: [.eaaseMdtis* Ceobria~ Ptssssaed Dais ~ Borrower
<br />stladi its rtx Prop<Rtq is goad repau aed shin's act canunir waste ar permit tmparrment or daermnuon of tilt PropeRy
<br />apd sbaB eomp3y w~Yb tart provisietns of any tease :f ;tits Mortgage rs an a leasehaid. If this Mortgage is on a umt in a
<br />ciuat ~ a planned turn dexrioprtttat, Btsrrewtr sisal! per€csrm alt of Borrower's nb{igauons under the declaration
<br />rM ~+taants cstatiag ct gnv~rax~ rht ~t?ttdomtnsum or pianrcd ,;nst deutiopmenL the by-laws and rcgulaitom of the
<br />c - ar pir~tasd irtAn dtvtiopr~n[, and consriraent documents !f a cundamisaum ar piantied srnEt development
<br />risiea es taacxrted bf Ba~rrorer sad resrortied tngttlttr wuh this !llottgsgt. the covenants and agretments of stttlt riattr
<br />+ lie _ iron a~.t s8ait amtrtd attd suppkntrast the sxvenants sad agrtxmtnta cf thrs MaRgage as of the rider
<br />+~-a pelt heruaf.
<br />?. !tlM e/ fa"a 9'• if Bottower tads io ptrtrsrm the txivenaats and agtetmen€s cantaiiu.,d rn thrs
<br />~, ~ d a~# Pharr ar Ong is csrrssd +tr#.ch irtarernliy amts Lera~r's rtstarest in the Proptrn,
<br />~, but riot hmeted to, cmiatm eltxnain, Ittas'tluettcy, lode enfatterntat- or arrangctatms air proceedings iavalvittg a
<br />>t Or` deetdWlri. tiit(1 Lttndar aY t.euder's opt,Un= upSN1 iHHEt~ let Barrnwer, may make 5uCh appearntrces, disbumt stKh
<br />tiulaNl sad talt~ assail asYx'm ns is titteaaaty trs prttte~t Ltrat~r'a ritttrttt, satiurfiag, but rim limited ta. dfdsttrstmt+tt of
<br />rSAMala aitCrA@y`~7 b~ atsd rxrtry ttpasn toe Ptssisetty to malts rtpaits. ff Ltr~ rc4uirt€t. raortgagt insxuanet as a
<br />tai t t s+~ by this flstrrgage, Bexrr'amrer shalt pay rite ptrmttutta req[utrd to maintain stack
<br />+t-sa 3w k:.'t viral! 7>EA is as eke cegtau'trtst+.n for 3s zttswart~. icxrittnates in actordana'e wzris &trmwer's and
<br />