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{} }month prior to its due date the annual mortgage insurance premium in order to provide such ho}der <br />with fumta fn pay such premium to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development pursuant to the <br />Wationa! Housing Rct, as arr~ndcd, and app}icab}t Regulations thereunder; or <br />~ {llj If and so fang as said note of :yen dart and this instrument are held by the Secretary of Housing and <br />*°i urban Development, a tttanthiy charge (Mlftu of a mortgage rnsamrtct prettxfttmJ which shalt be in an <br />~" amount equal to txte-ttveiftk (1112) of one~italf {}/21 par aentum of the average outstand}ng balance <br />~ due on the note computed withrntt taking into acetxtrtt delinquences or prepayments; <br />~ fb) A sum ¢auat to the gtrtatnd rents, if any, next due, plus the premiums *itat will next become due and payable an <br />~ palia:i¢~ of fire and other hazard insurance coveting the tnartgagtd property, plus taxes and ass¢ssntants next due <br />t an the martgagsd property : all ¢s estimated hr the ,i4 sn¢ageel less all sums a}ready paid therefor divided by the <br />i number of months to elapse before one mcsnth prior to the date whtn such ground rents, premiums, taxes and <br />a""~ amts wi}} tm~ delinquent, such sstt~s to be held by Mar?gagte }n trust to-pay said gsttuttd rertts, ptt- <br />mitrrtta, reacts and specie asstastrtertxs: and <br />{rl All payrttrrts mtnttarted in the two preceding sutssections of this paragratah and alt payrtaants trs bt made under <br />the Wort secured hereby shall be added together. and the aggregate amount thtreaf shall be paid by the Mortgagor <br />each month in a sittgit payment ter br appled h}° tltc Martiragee ?a the fallowing access in the order set forth: <br />(1} prttnitnrt th~gts under the :-!street z,i mstuance with the Se~rgtaty of Huustng and urban Dovelaptttent, <br />or ttwnihlp charge ; fn liar -sf mctrtgagt ittsurwu'e prentttrm,i, as the case may ht; <br />tll} ground teats, [axes, asstssrntnts. tlrc and ~>ther ltatard tttsurance grtmiums, <br />€lEl) tntttrs=, uta iht saris secu~d hrrehy: aed <br />{lY} artaorttzattan :~t the pttnctpal :-t recd Feat.` <br />Any defukttcy in the attxtunt of any sua:h aggrtgatr nttmthi} gaynstnt shall, un}ess made gtxtd by the Mort- <br />ftagc?r prior to die due date of rite trzxt sash j>a~:::e:~t. _,:r,stttutt an :=rrn; •;±f defau3t under this mortgage. The <br />itfartgsgee tray t~tect a "}air charge"' sat to rxce€d s-=u: ,ants f~¢} fete each dal}ar f3l i o(each payment matt <br />than fiftrxn f }g; days ur arras to cos>er 'he €xt:a cxrmn~• +.=:t,,,trc; is 1?artdlane :leiinqutnt pztitntnta_ <br />3. Than if the natal of the payerent.~ made by the ~iort~aeor under '-- nt paragraph '! precr*dine ,hall exceed <br />the amnutst of pa}n+sat.. actuallt mssit= ha th«• 4krrtt:t;ta•.• fat arrwatd rxrnt-. taxew and a.•rr=r==:went.. at insurattx:e prn- <br />atitr~. a: the rear mac tact, wek rxce~4. if the lerart i4 t3rrrrns, az the crprirxt ref tEtr 4kttti;.tgor. stroll be enacfitrJd by <br />the ttet^tgaPee tsn wts-f•eiur°rtt gayas€ttt-~ for 'a= macfr h~ the` !}tsnga~n3r, ur refunded trs the' :krrtgagor- If_ however, the <br />traanthly pavtnc^nt~ try by the Ncntgagm utu#•r , %, ;tf p;ira{trxph : prc~~ttitatg Sft;li twr l~ sufficient ec: pal grauttd <br />rent. cast- sat+l atxe~=tae*~rt,w ur in~urtns:t+ prat-:urn}. a_:, the r :tom+~ anx: he wh+'n th«• -=amr• -hall !>E•romr• tine and pav- <br />e. tiu•p the 1M.ryaatgar ,;hyi} pay to the Nrrn ar•a• nett atnaunt nr•r„--an to mnlce up tht° deficlrttce, nn ar befom <br />the date often pactrramt of aua'h ,tavrund nyntw. taxe». a~-P4~mettt- ar tn~uranrr pmmium~ Khali be due. fi at any <br />tieaP trirk° Mc,-isgt:~.r ~`.a}.:~•wa>r t:: eke tkrrs,ra^ma_ rn ir•c,srdance with thw pns~ti<a;rn- of thc> nutF ~ec'ured hrrt,ht. <br />fn'lI€~p!a"~tyreetrt of thee~tmt'sn• indebtrdne-- n•prv~osnted ttrtm•hs. the 11»rt~ayec• ~isall. in camputint! the atnrrunt of~e~,{t,ch <br />ttacprFrtt~59, is echt tv &itC Af iSHtni of tt?e ~ur'e~iQe~ •I ILS. Rif':tS :tr.~e nr!<.`scr r}l~ }a.i..itS,`~' Vf ',-., t~ p'=rUv~"t l <br />hatrt•etf >whic-h SFtr 1~,e>e ha-= aeut he>t'u~r nizisgatesf us pay err tfsr ~t•r€tar :tf }I«su~mft artd f ~rban Devrlttprtte"tn"t <br />and ang ba}attrt• rs~rsaining in tits fared- ora usnutats,sf unJr-r thr• prnsr-urn% xrf of parser-aph kerwrf. If thrrte <br />+hafl he a default under att'< of thr• pears-a+rn> <r1 the- rexrrt~:atti:+ rr=-ultrnit in a puitlis -ale- ,rf thee premi,e~ [orated <br />hex.~tn, rxr if rhs* if~etgatvrr arrgtrrn~ rite prcrpr=rte .ith+-tar-.• :after dcfruit. th.• ittin~:ts?r•«• --se?I appit, at the time ref <br />4:-e•t~,.~.t arf -~t!=n pr..+c-,-.irrtr-, +.>r _ri tn[• itnsem`~ pr*si»=r;t i- or}t+•=,,;-c• a['ytatn>+i. efea• hx'saitrr i}te`n remain- <br />inir to th+• funds ar-rumulau+f tmderr of para;raph : ptt•rr•dini<, a- :+ trr•dit s¢a:n-t the= xmuuni of prinrtpal titan <br />tr~arnrag unpasd ixtrft=r -urri n;rtr=. ass} ~.rii tsts=pr•r!s ,ufju-t am patmr=nt~ s+hie~h -hall hate bc•r•n made under,ii <br />arf paragraph -?. <br />3. Tits== rhr St. t~,.ts='r »st t,-3 t;..,~ •r__._ .s+r, _ -. .,- ...-t-- -., ir.-. e.thcr g:na-rrertirnta: c,r inunieipa? <br />attarge,. lzre-.. ,x ;rnp. ,:tsan,. t;•r olio 3t ;rr - . r,=,n ?ta .- .+ t'trr .. .sue 'tc; esR'Srr,.:rrsnd in •lrf.,a:r thrretrl ilia \t.rti gisgee mat <br />t'aF tl3e vrmr..ttrsi th;s± the Sts,rt+~,~eeu ~,ai ^t~--, --;+t?=- :ie'?- . -t!r .:rd=,-,.:r,ri _-ri;- - tM~t_.`::r t- ?fsr ~{ortt;,;iger <br />~lfte Flcrrtftag,u ~ „ n.te .rSa tN u•t ~+!t,. ,. = e,r ~rt ts~ -,t. r_ the S{_ t ~ rte. - macrest in-~,rd ,e.d r,tate and F^tprns t~ <br />;fts at731 >v~R h ma- ,t-•.ite: •r~,t, ,rs . -r - . +~~ •,rYt ,. rr. r`rrrrh.- ttnzt ,--n.- , the ritetii th:st .uch r. sat prcvhihit- <br />td nv tats aced arnlg ;.: the r<te.'.t rh-,..:~?r gat ~r k i#;,, "s•~ r }wr!t.::.s t+a:t rzt?udsn~ .,ns rncrmc est. tract t,r l=ederai. <br />tm}rnsPd rtn'LStartt¢r. an.f xri; ee3e ~rrr t.,-. -..erns .rc•tFrrr~,v...r,a, .,r. .,, ..... .. ..'.~ .r r,;. ....d.. r. <br />rtit- ar a€ ~~ '> .r a+ ;•, ~=hirrttt: erg c ~ +~ n.~u „r i?crr.rtter : kr,trrg Fr=rm paar;ig Fht utir:at t,r ant ^ot'tistR of the afarr- <br />sasd text,, crr upon lht rrnucrutg o} aaa <iwrt .jr;: tr pr+.,hti*inn~: €he •,+-a s mint b+- i}te 1d,rritt;i~t~•r :tr ass ,urt+ [.,ar,. ,rr if ,u.h iaa <br /><» dtcrtc ptcavidts that art :emrtuatt +.t;xs,U ~g t,`re t.}.srttt.tatssr .n:til nr . reditrd .tea alit morifeagr drht. the \irxtg:tger shall hu.e <br />the rigEtt ti? tare nines}~ czar,' uratten nr>tici; to the ,,;ante :,f t}tr rt„rt?~;Ked ~ remi,r+ tryutnrg the pa:mcnt ,rf the mottg:sge <br />a}titt Ef such aurttcr bt ytvtn. the .aid deft ,ttz?! i?rtumr airs` t°a..r+`:e .inn .: tle.u!*:e .it the : tprrstt..rn ,if card ninth: dart r <br />fi. That r'iacruid fx fad Fo put ariF .um =ir keep .+tss ~:,_: rri„r:± rr<=+iraea ,',rr ;n !ht, 41,rrtY,agr. ttxn the ~#nr.gagte, at its ap- <br />tiirat. rtar pap sx p~rf{srm alit +acnr, anet a3i;;>tstnejrrat¢. v= ne.aair ,*a?t t±r ~3drtl to trFe prrocsp;:! +um „urng =,n the :thsr<e rtotr, <br />l ktG saaurd itereky- ~? ikiul Diu :nttr,est a€ t#rt roar ,tr '<af r?; :n ttrc Ito r<=tr reattl peed <br />' Thad 19e iKr>±Isy aasrgtrs, transfers ante ,etc :>><et is: :tie ~iartttatrr. ts= tx ,ipplred asruand the payment of the: note atxi aH <br />Burns c¢cttr¢d hrrt#t> :n c;.=r or a daf,uh in tree ;'sett,,.-r:nan;r „( °rt. ;rf ;he term, acd -,,ru:inc-n, <}f rhi. >iuttga{tr ,:r t}re ,sad <br />trot[. afl th€ rtnl'.. rtsentrtc ora} tnic~rm te= t'€ dented fn,m ;hr nsauta;;rKtu sects,€, donna ,tr:h atsnr :~ the m.,rlg;.sXe indrhted- <br />tvesti shSd1 rrtnain ttnpawi: rand ?fir 'Ne?ri}tagse ;ha#I hxttr ; .,+acr t.> .rpp.tent ,n. went „r .ytrnt• :t mat ar.rre fnr the pur{r,r.e of <br />'-i'"$3t3Titiix 5al'f~ prCrftt4i+F ~lrptt fat rCflttit~ 1~ ><sma anti .Uiirttrrt~ ii¢c cxai,, fc. s~i.;~ ..:,w . ;..r.^.r .. ....._ _ ~_,Vr. n( .ak1 irt- <br />rxttars sit expenses :tf rtpa.~rttg raid prtrnts,€t artd ttrCt^4sars cxxnrnrca»rtrs and expenu, rtxurrtd^n r€ntmg :atu} tnanaging flit <br />: saf cadk:.tsa'~ ttrrtal4 ttti-rrfrutn; tfet ttaAan:.^t >emarrutztt.. if ass. tr, }>r ?~.~ix+i tr+>x~:arai the <tr.utz4rar ~ seed martyr <br />its- <br />g. Tfruth¢ ttti€€ Ils~'p the itnpluvtnttnts nr=w :-,.rrttnYt :x hrrrafttr erected :tr, the msirzil:sd+ed pzerptrtt. msut rd ra rn_t_ he <br />rt-~uhrxl ferret litter to stmt hp t}ra at;;:;izu ~c-.= tt•. tvr aaJ =.t#F isv~rst-..asesa3trr anal ,.~snnt€ert: te+ >Ft ~,u~h <br />~tu~'s anA for +i€tfh perictdx as rosy fie rrrttimsf ht rhr '•st,rnRapra aFtd a dl n.rt prempth . ++htn dot :rna prrmsum, ,rn ,u+:h <br />~=Pre*t~tietf Mr ~yopertt ref n:Fsich ~n nca hcen m~lz !rtrriat-rfexe fit ens ~ratr~€ .h«i?? ?+r ,.:urrr-J :n .r,mpamer aF- <br />prtsv-ttl ba the Mttrtg~¢z a~ 4k¢ palxics :end rtt;twal. thcrtrrf .tq;i '+r treld t+s the *t, rrtttsgtr :zrsrt ha,r attiK }std tftetttc, iiy.. <br />fa#~t CSast*.~ i4t f;trt#- ~ .xgvi in twin accettratrJe ts, tlr,!• tfottga;{#e€. In €: ant .rf f.'„ St.ut;,rc ~,a.ti qtr _mrrterfi~-tt :t~uk a its <br />± totfeE . vr#~= msy :rtrkr prurf .,# kxns rf exec snadt t?resrrprig by licrrtitattc,r, asst rx~it insurxn:r t,hngant :.rcn- <br />c i. htermmtry a~tfttvri anc directed err make gktytatttt for +trctr &?x~ dirtctts to the ':frrrt~g~r +rts.ttad :af t€r z?tt Ms+!tor <br />tier zr_ ptntttty < arad the ittsurame prtrcteJs, or and part thtrtnf, met rte applied ht the titrxtttxpet at ai, ,,pt~±n earlier <br />tC` ti1P iC7dtr~tTA9 s'tf [Ae Snf~¢ttr~4r11W1 ~>rytf}• x~tt<"ttrCSl cr ta1 ilia ttctaratteat i:y tr't`.8M ref tfw` ~:r€r{wtit ~tFtucs.,i iw urns .st t.:, rv~l:<- <br />i:zrt• ~ ?2aia t~> drt t.4her ttssderttf tt(~ tli ttsc maNtgriged txsrp¢rty in ~xtttlgttiYittntnt arf the trtdthtrdms, ,reared hrrrf=s <br />air rr>titt, errs i-StiCregf of t3ye Stit?rt~ytaur m and rr=ant rsyrrranct pofiritc tfitn ten fr r:t =.trai! -,yttaa 4i the ,:.ora ha.t: ,u gt.rntrr <br />`Y: as ea~l4aitral *tsurstr fcv t~ pmt meter csf iht runt dt4a nt+rd. anal zt. surtta zn +ert~t?mc afar unafts ~ err. <br />±tnu't. t'~€ #f~rr htraby aasittrtt, rr• the 'V.xt~itgrt arf profs[, rrvtnttrt. rtxairtes. ^gistt anu i,rsstt>t, .:; trutna to rhr <br />xt+"q'i3r"Fr~ ~rnc5rr art} sett a}f rtil arfJ gas fra=+ta ;trt zetsd ptttnisrs-_ with r}~ right raw retrtsr and resrtpt l.,r efrr same .rtnf appft <br />ttEY~r Nk +--.~rf +nrSc3~, ¢ysc~5. K r:~¢e1 tv~,~rt a~ bfftr e#mratt ire tkr Cf?tte}tfurtsi rsf flits Yt:,ttSt~r..u+i; ifit ~titrttc na, a3ertr.end. ctx <br />Erse $ r€^trtt~t rirtr~ suc:# }tar}mrnr> wftrttt Jae etxf ps}giir}t, knit shalt tort tit r,usrs ± : ~.. f h:£ .r.sttthmttet xs t„ ternnnatr <br />Ott tras.#4:'RC } ss'~ rtpr~n rrltasc ,># ! liter msxt. <br />atxs-Detour r~-rat <br />